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The mechanics Or the political science of education policy.

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1 The mechanics Or the political science of education policy

2 Who does what and why About ½ the states have constitutions which mention education – thus it is the responsibility of the state. In the others states the power is local. Why – in the US constitution the Tenth Amendment says if a power isnt explicitly stated it is reserved for the states.

3 Then how did the Federal government get involved?? 14 th amendment …nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws Historically – Land grant colleges – 1865. Northwest Ordinance (1787) reserving land for schools World War I – not being able to read well enough to work on machines. (voc ed) Civil Rights – Case law – Brown vs Board of Ed

4 History of Federal involvement – part 2 ESEA –to change the reality the in equable distribution of funding for basic education HEA – increased access to college US Department of Education – prohibited federal impact on curriculum Nation at Risk – beyond equity & access to include quality

5 History of Federal Involvement – part 3 National Governors Association – national goals – and – accountability Congressional action that created – Eisenhower Math/Science programs; Comprehensive School Reform; Reading Excellence & Reading First NCLB – accountability for schools who arent receiving federal aid – contract law

6 What do states do? State standards/curriculum/assessments State certification requirements Separate authorities for: Pre-K K-12 Higher Ed Voc Ed Community Colleges Manage federal funds Review district plans Technical assistance Monitoring for compliance Funding for schools

7 State Players Governors Chiefs State School Boards State Education Agencies Legislators Chairs Appropriators

8 Non-formal Press Political Education TV/Radio/Press/Internet Associations Teachers/Administrators Advocacy groups

9 Legislative Process Issue question idea Legislative Process Sponsor Assigned to a committee Yes No

10 From Committee to Floor Committee Work: Hearing Amendment Vote Chamber: Amendment Vote

11 Next steps Get money from it – Appropriations Once it is signed the SEA Issues rules Guidance Definitions Evaluates

12 The process never stops Every action leads to a new step…. There are always new opportunities Things change

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