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God’s new community – Acts 2:42-47

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1 God’s new community – Acts 2:42-47
A learning Church a. Our teacher – Jesus, by his Spirit b. Our textbook – The Bible - the Holy Spirit guided the prophets-2Pet.1:20,21 - He guided the apostles – John 16:13 We need the whole Bible -2 Tim.3:15-17; Eph.2:20 c. Our class – the local church d. Our learning takes place in all of life

2 2. A loving Church Christian fellowship is about:-
What we share in common – 1John 1:3; 2Cor. 13:14; Acts 4:32 What we share out with each other – 2:44,45; 4:32-37 - enjoying being together as a church - part of a small group - doing things together

3 3. A worshipping Church The Lord’s Supper/Communion We remember:-
1. Who has saved us – 1Cor.11:26; 1Pet.2:24 2. Why he saved us - To rescue us - To bring us to himself - To transform us - To commission us – John 20:21

4 b. Prayer The “Lord’s Prayer” – Mt.6:9-13 The person we come to
Our Father is Lord – God’s reputation - God’s rule - God’s plans 3. Our Father is Saviour – Our needs - Our sin - Our walk of faith

5 4. An evangelising Church –v.47
It is Jesus who saves Salvation brings people into the church Evangelism is part of our daily life & work Salvation is an event and a journey

6 What about Argyle? Do you want to be part of God’s new community?
How devoted are you to:- - Engaging with God - Engaging with fellow christians - Engaging with the world

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