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Modellers meeting WP9 Introduction Paul Veenendaal.

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Presentation on theme: "Modellers meeting WP9 Introduction Paul Veenendaal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modellers meeting WP9 Introduction Paul Veenendaal

2 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis WP 9 Policy Assessments General objective: exploit new modelling opportunities that come available with the WIOD dataset in policy assessments for the EC with the in-house models (GEM-E3, Nemesis, PACE and WorldScan) Specific tasks: 9.1 feedback from modelers to database assembly 9.2 model adaptations 9.3 policy analyses 9.4 model delivery to the EC Note: PACE is only involved in 9.3 and 9.4 Seville, May 27 2011 Modeller's meeting intro

3 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis Todays objectives Present feedback on the WIOD from a modelling perspectives Show where we want to adapt our models to meet ­the general objective of exploiting new opportunities arising from WIOD ­the specific policy analyses of the different teams These were GEM-E3: Climate change and Lisbon agenda Nemesis: Lisbon policy objectives in the field of R&D, training and education Pace: Induced innovation and the EU energy package WorldScan: Impacts on EU (policies) of rising human capital formation in China Report where we are in adaptation Redetermine the policy fields that we can address Seville, May 27 2011 Modeller's meeting intro

4 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis Todays programme 09.30-10.15WIOD and WorldScan (Paul Veenendaal, CPB) 10.15-11.00WIOD and GEM-E3 (Leonidas Paroussos, E3M-Lab) 11.00-11.15 Coffee Break 11.15-12.00 WIOD and Nemesis (Arnaud Fougeyrollas, Erasme) 12.00-12.45 Policy impact assessments with PACE (Simon Koesler, ZEW) 12.45- ??General discussion on - policy applications - other issues Seville, May 27 2011 Modeller's meeting intro

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