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English Language Secondary 3. Assessment for Learning Student Assessment Provides teachers with resources and data to improve student progress towards.

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1 English Language Secondary 3

2 Assessment for Learning Student Assessment Provides teachers with resources and data to improve student progress towards learning objectives Territory-wide System Assessment Provides the Government and schools with valuable data for the improvement of learning & teaching as well as provision of support services

3 Percentage of Students Achieving English Language Basic Competency Yr Yr Level Level2004200520062007 P.375.9%78.8%79.4%79.5% P.6--70.5%71.3%71.3% S.3----68.6%69.2%

4 Relationship to the English Curriculum English Language Education: Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide Primary 1 – Secondary 3, CDC, 2002 CDC Syllabuses for Secondary Schools, English Language, Secondary 1 – 5, 1999 Second Version of Basic Competency (BC) at the end of KS3, Secondary 3, 2003

5 Basic Competency (BC) Basic Competency descriptors - Curriculum Development Institute (CDI) Three Interrelated Strands Interpersonal Strand (IS) to establish and maintain relationships to establish and maintain relationships to exchange ideas and information to exchange ideas and information to get things done to get things done Knowledge Strand (KS) to provide or find out, interpret and use information to provide or find out, interpret and use information to explore, express and apply ideas to explore, express and apply ideas to solve problems to solve problems Experience Strand (ES) to respond and give expression to real and imaginative experience to respond and give expression to real and imaginative experience To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

6 Design and Development : Territory-wide System Assessment Moderation Group Tertiary staff members Tertiary staff members CDI staff members CDI staff members Serving teachers (including NET teachers) Serving teachers (including NET teachers) Examination and Assessments staff members Examination and Assessments staff members Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) Ensure coverage across different contexts, text & item types Ensure coverage across different contexts, text & item types Endorse items Endorse items Administer research test Administer research test Analyze research test results Analyze research test results Redesign inapplicable items Redesign inapplicable items Administer the Territory-wide System Assessment Administer the Territory-wide System Assessment

7 S.3 Students (BC) Strengths S.3 Students (BC) Strengths ReadingListeningWriting  locate and extract specific information from more than one text  recognize key words in a sentence  combine listening and reading skills to complete simple tasks (filling in forms, charts)  extract specific information  write letters, narratives and descriptive passages  use familiar vocabulary and simple language patterns  develop paragraphs with supporting details Students could …

8 S.3 Students (BC) Difficulties ReadingListeningWriting  understanding unfamiliar expressions  inferring simple information  with reference skills  understanding meaning from contextual clues (but, next, also, etc…)  identifying main ideas from supporting details  using varied language patterns  with grammar and spelling mistakes that affect meaning  paragraphing

9 S.3 Best Performances (BC) ReadingListening Writing  infer ideas from longer texts  predict future developments  distinguish fact from opinion  deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions  identify pairs of rhymes in poems  interpret and evaluate information –inference  identify details to support the main idea  deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions  integrate/combine listening and reading skills to complete simple tasks  express ideas effectively and clearly (relevant content)  develop paragraphs with supporting details  use a good range of vocabulary and language patterns Students could …

10 S. 3 (BC) Speaking Strengths S. 3 (BC) Speaking Strengths Students could … Individual Presentations  speak clearly and audibly (some errors in pronunciation)  express ideas relevant to the topic when prompted (written or oral) and provide some elaboration  express ideas coherently and provide supporting details  display an awareness of their audience (eye contact with oral assessors)

11 S3 (BC) Speaking Difficulties Individual Presentations and Group Interaction  extending ideas further - giving short, simple responses to questions  expressing ideas - lacking sufficient vocabulary – using awkward wording that makes understanding unclear  expressing ideas - limited/disjointed

12 limited ideas – lacks details limited range of vocabulary errors in grammar simple connectives used S.3 Student Writing (B.C.)

13 Paragraphs – developed based on prompts Simple connectives/sequencers Spelling/Punctuation/Capitalization errors Grammar mistakes – may not affect meaning familiar range of vocabulary

14 School Report

15 School Report – Paper: Skill or Dimension

16 (specific info) (contextual clues) (theme) Item Analysis – (Sorted by Sub-papers)

17 題號選項 得分 / 等 級 學校百分 率 全港百分 率 Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide % P2 Q02 A* A*25.0%62.9% B12.5%16.0% C50.0%13.6% D12.5%6.3% U# U# 0.0%1.2% 題號選項 得分 / 等 級 學校百 分 率 全港百分率 Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide % P2 Q08 A 25.0%21.7% B* B* 25.0%45.0% C 37.5%16.5% D 12.5%16.0% U# U# 0.0%0.8% 題號選項 得分 / 等 級 學校百 分 率 全港百分率 Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide % P2 Q04 A 0.0%8.8% B 37.5%16.4% C 25.0%28.2% D* D* 37.5%45.7% U# U# 0.0%0.9% Item Analysis – Sorted by Sub paper

18 Item Analysis – (Sorted by Sub-papers) (inference/contextual clues) (main idea)

19 題號選項 得分 / 等 級 學校百分 率 全港百分 率 Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide % P1 Q01 A* A*62.5%85.7% B12.5%6.4% C25.0%4.6% D0.0%2.4% U# U# 0.0%0.9%題號選項 得分 / 等 級 學校百分 率 全港百分 率 Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide % P1 Q03 A 37.5%26.6% B* B* 25.0%43.8% C 25.0%17.9% D 12.5%10.6% U# U# 0.0%1.1% Item Analysis – (Sorted by Sub-papers) ‘A Busy Day’

20 Devised after Pretests

21 Report 2007 - Interpreting Data Writing (9EW2)

22 Report 2007 - Interpreting Data Sub-paper 9EW2 Writing

23 Writing (9EW3) Report 2007 - Interpreting Data

24 Sub-paper 9EW3 Writing

25 Item Analysis – (Sorted by Basic Competency) Listening task 9EL2, Part 1 A conversation between Mrs. Chan, her daughter, Judy and son, Peter. Judy wanted a credit card and was afraid to ask her mother for one. So she asks Peter to help convince their mother to let her have a credit card. (contextual clues/inference) (details supporting main idea) (intonation)

26 Item Analysis – (Sorted by Basic Competency) SkillBasicSubpaper Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide Competency percentage ListeningL5-L-2-S3BC9EL2 P1 Q04 A* 41.7%68.7% Using an increasing range of strategies to understand the meaning of simple texts on familiar and less familiar topics which are delivered clearly and in generally familiar accents (IS, KS, ES) B 20.8%10.0% C 29.2%13.3% D 8.3%6.7% U# 0.0%1.3%

27 Item Analysis – (Sorted by Basic Competency) SkillBasicSubpaper Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide Competency percentage ListeningL5-L-2-S3BC9EL2 P1 Q09 A* A* 29.2%55.6% Using an increasing range of strategies to understand the meaning of simple texts on familiar and less familiar topics which are delivered clearly and in generally familiar accents (IS, KS, ES) B 37.5%24.9% C 20.8%8.1% D 12.5%9.9% U# U# 0.0%1.4%

28 Item Analysis – (Sorted by Basic Competency) SkillBasicSubpaper Item no. OptionScore School % Territory wide Competency percentage ListeningL5-L-1-S3BC9EL2 P1 Q10 A 12.5%5.8% Understanding the use of a range of language features in simple literary / imaginative spoken texts (ES) B 20.8%8.5% C 33.3%5.6% D* D* 33.3%78.6% U# U# 0.0%1.4%

29 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Education Assessment Services Division Tel: 3628 8833 3628 8108 3628 8108

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