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E-Recruiting Revolutionizing the Hiring Process Jim Hammock, CEO, IEEE-USA 20000 Careers Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Recruiting Revolutionizing the Hiring Process Jim Hammock, CEO, IEEE-USA 20000 Careers Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Recruiting Revolutionizing the Hiring Process Jim Hammock, CEO, IEEE-USA 20000 Careers Conference

2 Current State of Recruiting Drowning in Resumes Starving for Real Candidates

3 Top 10 Reasons Why There is a Recruiting Revolution

4 Companies are engaged in a talent war. 10

5 The biggest accomplishments Ive had is to find great people. An army of them. They are all better than most CEOs. They are big hitters, and they seem to thrive here. - John F. Welch, Jr., Chairman & CEO of General Electric, June 8, 1998 E.piphany Vignette CNET, Inc. Vitessa Ingram Micro Roger Siboni, CEO Greg Peters, CEO Halsey Minor, CEO David Mullan, CEO Jerre Stead, CEO People CompanyExecutive Biggest Competitive Differentiator The Experts Speak

6 The Internet will be the weapon of choice. 9

7 83 Million adults (40% of the US population) use the Internet According to IntelliQuest survey 21% of those looking to change jobs in the next year are using the Internet to look for work According to JWT survey of career plans More than three-quarters (77%) of overall HR professionals are using the Internet for recruiting methods According to ERC Dataplus survey Internet as a Recruiting Tool

8 Grew Internet recruiting from 12% of hires to 35% of hires in 1999forecast 55% in 2000 Successfully used their website to source management/professional and occupational jobs Made offers to more than 50% of their IQA candidates

9 Companies with the best private talent pool will win the war. 8

10 Leader in electronic and online games Has a stated goal to have every gamer in the world registered in their own private talent pool In 18 months they have captured 25,000 candidates –18,000 of 60,000 gamers

11 In todays environment– the best candidates are not looking, and they have no resume. 7

12 People Not Paper These are candidates that have resumes Customers, competitors, investors and other website visitors that are already coming to your website but wont leave a resume Passive Active

13 Live for only 4 months and already have hired more than 100 management / professional employees from their site Consistent feedback from hiring managers has been improved candidate quality More than 60% of their talent pool of 30,000+is anonymous opting to not leave a resume Time to fill has reduced from 47 days to 21 days

14 The Internet is the ideal vehicle to get connected to your communities, e.g. the IEEE community. 6

15 IEEE - Powered by Your Most Important Internet Career Site

16 CANDIDATES Profile COMPANIES Post jobs CaptureMatchQualify Deliver IQA BENEFITS 1. Confidentiality 2. Control 3. Great jobs find you BENEFITS 1. Access to high quality Talent Pool 2. Automatic matching and notification 3. Pre-screening

17 One of the largest users of and other job boards Continue to use job boards using to filter candidates before distribution Linking candidates directly to their own corporate website Have found an increasing number of candidates especially passivedirectly on their own website

18 The ideal vehicle for connecting candidates and opportunities is a simple but powerful profiling system. 5

19 Centralized recruiting for their entire operation Supporting 30,000 hires per year with 30 person staffing organization Moved to to cast a wider net and improve recruiter productivity with automated matching, qualification and delivery

20 4 Marketing and recruitment branding is the underlying fundamental for relationship recruiting.

21 Leveraged very effective corporate branding campaign to include people Make their website the primary vehicle for capturing candidate information Hire more than 20% of their new hires from their website

22 3 Continuous sourcing of IQAs is the only solution to todays resu-mess.

23 Large nationally distributed workforce Have built a candidate pool of > 100,000 interested candidates in 15 months Maintain ongoing relationship with candidates by sending information about company and upcoming opportunities Rely on capabilities of matching and notification of open positions to deliver IQAs to recruiters and hiring managers

24 2 Speed hiring of top talent is the goal of winning recruiting solutions.

25 Cable and telecommunications equipment manufacturer Hire very specialized engineers and technicians Now source more than 50% of their new hires from their website Reduced time to hire from 65 days to less than 30 days Broadband

26 1 Winning the talent war includes closing the back door. If you are not recruiting your own people, you are the only company not doing so.

27 High growth software company in SV Have created a very open and effective corporate culture Instituted a very aggressive internal transfer process based around All jobs are available to internal candidates for 2 weeks prior to external posting

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