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11/02/20001 The WIZOCRACY Leadership Brand and/or a Process for Attracting, Motivating, & Retaining Knowledge Workers Pete Sorenson, Holt Sorenson & Colleagues.

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Presentation on theme: "11/02/20001 The WIZOCRACY Leadership Brand and/or a Process for Attracting, Motivating, & Retaining Knowledge Workers Pete Sorenson, Holt Sorenson & Colleagues."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/02/20001 The WIZOCRACY Leadership Brand and/or a Process for Attracting, Motivating, & Retaining Knowledge Workers Pete Sorenson, Holt Sorenson & Colleagues (GINKGO Enterprises & Counterpane Internet Security) IEEE-USA 11 th Biennial Careers Conference Utilizing & Retaining Technical Professionals in Todays Marketplace San Jose, California 2 & 3 November 2000

2 11/02/20002 THE SITUATION More Work than Workers More Conflict than Collaboration More Turnover than Stability More Problems, Issues, & Concerns than Solutions & Resolutions

3 11/02/20003 THINKING ABOUT THINKING My World View My Noise My Thinking Processes Action & Consequences Reflection

4 11/02/20004 ROLES for KNOWLEDGE workers Seeking to Achieve SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Role #1: Acquiring Knowledge Role #2: Applying Knowledge Role #3: Creating Knowledge Role #4: Sharing Knowledge Role #5: Leveraging Knowledge FIVE DISTINCT BUT INTERDEPENDENT ROLES from Bristow, Nigel, The Future of Knowledge Management: Making Knowledge Management Everybodys Job, March, 2000, Targeted Learning, Provo, Utah, 2000 [801.235.9414] Role #6: Challenging Knowledge

5 11/02/20005 Leadership = Attributes X Results Ulrich, Zenger, Smallwood, Results-Based Leadership, HBS Press, 1999

6 11/02/20006 ASSESSMENT SELECTION & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS ASSESSSELECTHIREORIENT Set Climate ------ Lead ------ Coach ------ Mentor ------ Develop Set Climate ------ Lead ------ Coach ------ Mentor ------ Develop ASSESS

7 11/02/20007 SUCCESS MODEL Trust, Faith, & Fairness Discretionar y Effort & Initiative Core Competencies & Capabilities Sustainable Competitive Advantage

8 11/02/20008 There are several underlying premises upon which this panel is being convened The technical content of work has increased dramatically in the last three decades (both raw amount and proportion) In order for organizations to compete in the marketplace today there will be a significant portion of resources allocated to technical tasks and technical people. If the organizations products and services are technical in nature or driven by technology the portion of resources allocated to technical tasks and technical people will be even greater. In order to compete effectively organizations must tap into the discretionary effort and initiative of members of the organization. Technical people think differently than regular people. If you want to tap into the discretionary effort and initiative of technical people you have to know: How they think, What they value, How they work, How they like to be treated. This is a complex issue. People and situations differ. Therefore how you handle people and situations must differ. Hopefully, some underlying principles can be identified to guide leader action.

9 11/02/20009 Here are some questions to consider What are some characteristics of: Organizational environments you enjoy working in? Leaders you enjoy working for? Senior leaders you enjoy working under? Colleagues you enjoy working with? Work you like to do? How can you be motivated to offer Discretionary Effort & Initiative? How do you like to be treated? What motivates you to work at maximum output over a short period of time? What motivates you to work at maximum output over a long period of time? What de-motivates you? What attracts you to an organization? What keeps you at an organization? What trends do you see around: How leaders behave? How organizations work? How people respond? How people decide whether or not to contribute? How people decide to stay or leave?

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