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IH project: Field work- Microclimate Study Andrew Lee- Leader Marcus Lai- Device Handler James Mah- Rowell Tan- Observer/ Recorder Ong Wei Sern- Photographer.

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Presentation on theme: "IH project: Field work- Microclimate Study Andrew Lee- Leader Marcus Lai- Device Handler James Mah- Rowell Tan- Observer/ Recorder Ong Wei Sern- Photographer."— Presentation transcript:

1 IH project: Field work- Microclimate Study Andrew Lee- Leader Marcus Lai- Device Handler James Mah- Rowell Tan- Observer/ Recorder Ong Wei Sern- Photographer Yu Hao- Device Handler

2 Overview On the 24 th of January, at 11 45 am… Our group of 5, led by Andrew left class to begin our journey around the campus. We were going to 7 different locations around the school to measure the temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. We had no more than 45 minutes to complete this task…

3 Our original rating for temperature HottestCoolest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CarparkTerracesTrackFieldGarden Fountain Globe

4 Reasoning - One, the carpark  The carpark was open air  The carpark had a concrete ground, and was surrounded by cars. Both radiated heat.

5 Reasoning - Two, The Terraces  The terraces also had concrete stairs. Concrete radiates heat!  The shape of stairs means a larger surface area of concrete. More concrete, more heat radiated. Trees only sheltered a small part of the terraces.

6 Reasoning - Three, The Track  The track was directly under the sun.  The track was made of a rubbery material, which would have also radiated heat.  There were no trees or shelters near most of the track

7 Reasoning - Four, The field  The field would not have been as hot as the track, even though they were at the exact same place.  The field had grass. Grass does not radiate as much heat as rubber or concrete.

8 Reasoning - Five, the Garden  There is lots of grass and vegetation. Though it is open air, it is fairly well sheltered from the heat of the sun, and relatively windy.

9 Reasoning - Six, the fountain  The fountain is a cool place surrounded by water  We expected it to be the most humid, but also expected the water in the air to keep the temperature low.

10 Reasoning - Seven, The Globe  The globe is indoors and sheltered.

11 Our Hypothesis Places with concrete ground tend to have a higher temperature than places with non concrete ground.

12 Actual readings, and our mini expedition

13 LET’S GO!

14 The carpark Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 30.930.5645.2

15 The Garden Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 30.129.966.98.5

16 The Globe Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 29.830.166.59

17 Terraces Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 30.730.366.46

18 Field Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 3231.761.34.8

19 Running Track Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 32.33234.56

20 Fountain Temp : 15cm above ground Temp: 1.5m above ground Relative Humidity Wind speed 30.130.365.71.7

21 Temperatures HottestCoolest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TrackFieldCarparkTerracesFountainGardenGlobe

22 Graph

23 Grounds: Concrete GroundNon- Concrete Ground Multistorey CarparkGarden FountainThe Globe TerracesField Running Track

24 Hypothesis checking!

25 Hypothesis? No, it is NOT true.

26 The track and field had the highest recorded temperature. Both had no concrete within about two meters’ range of them, and hence places with concrete ground do not necessarily have higher temperatures than places with non concrete ground.

27 Hypothesis? The average temperatures of places with non concrete grounds was 30.9 degrees, higher temperatures than places with concrete grounds (30.4 degrees)

28 Thank You

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