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________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ THE JOB INTERVIEW Part I - Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ THE JOB INTERVIEW Part I - Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ THE JOB INTERVIEW Part I - Preparation

2 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Seminar Overview Interview types Preparation

3 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Interview Types Structured vs. unstructured Job skills vs. personality traits Interview formats –One-on-One interview –Group interview –Technical seminar

4 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Interview Preparation Interviews by instance Self assessment Preparation of instances One-Minute Professional Autobiography Company & Salary Research

5 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Self Assessment What can you do? What do you like to do? What are your core values? What type of person are you? In what kind of work environment are you at your best?

6 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Preparation Gather Important Experiences Convert Experiences into Stories –A situation with a problem, and the potential for conflict of some type –The actions taken by the main character (you) to solve the problem –The resolution –Append a moral, or a lesson learned

7 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Negative Questions Requests for negative information Some negative questions are not legitimate –If the interviewer advances some strange theory, and then asks for your opinion –If the interviewer poses a difficult hypothetical question –Illegal questions

8 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Negative Questions - Coping Restate the question in your own words, and ask if your interpretation is correct Tactfully disagree OR admit to the flaw Highlight a compensating strength Show how you learned from the experience Try to show the good side of weakness Distinguish between personality trait and behavior Back it up with an instance, if you can

9 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Illegal Questions Answer the question? Dont answer the questions? Get a lawyer?

10 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Company Research The Industry as a whole –Stock Points ( The company –Yahoo financial ( –Wall Street Journal Research Net ( –Companies online ( –Hoovers ( –Biz Web ( The specific position

11 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Salary Comparisons What are you worth? How much do you need? IEEE-USA Salary Calculator

12 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Miscellaneous Make a practice trip to the interview site The interviewers preparation is usually very casual

13 ________________ Employment & Career Services Committee ________________ Sources Get Hired! by Paul Green - Bard Books, Inc. ISBN 1-885167-14-8 Engineers Guide to Lifelong Employability - IEEE Press ISBN 0-87942-314-5 What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles - Ten Speed Press ISBN 0-89815-633-5 Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer - Fawcett Books ISBN 0449207862

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