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_________________ IEEE-USA Dr. Russell Lefevre IEEE-USA President 2008 (310) 378-5983

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Presentation on theme: "_________________ IEEE-USA Dr. Russell Lefevre IEEE-USA President 2008 (310) 378-5983"— Presentation transcript:

1 _________________ IEEE-USA Dr. Russell Lefevre IEEE-USA President 2008 (310) 378-5983

2 WHATS HAPPENING _________________ New Congress New Leaders New Agenda Priorities –Innovation and Competitiveness –Immigration –Energy –Intellectual Property

3 Global Challenges: Rising Above Gathering Storm _________________ In 2004 and 2005 several reports & books sounded the alarm on U.S. competitiveness: National Academy of Engineering Rising Above the Gathering Storm" Report The National Innovation Initiative Final Report: Innovate America: Thriving in a World of Challenge and Change Thomas L. Friedman Book The World is Flat

4 Global Challenges: Rising Above Gathering Storm _________________ Rising Above the Gathering Storm Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Congressmen Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) and Bart Gordon (D-TN) Requested that the National Academies Conduct a Study Outlining Recommendations for Saving US Science and Technology Leadership The National Academies Convened a Prestigious Panel of Industry and Academic Leaders Chaired by Retired Lockheed Martin CEO Norm Augustine, a Fellow of the IEEE. The Result was a 512-page Report outlining 20 Specific Recommendations: Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future

5 Innovation and Competitiveness Issue History _________________ Rising Above the Gathering Storm "It is the unanimous view of our committee that America today faces a serious and intensifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living. Norm Augustine

6 Global Challenges: Rising Above Gathering Storm _________________ National Academies Study Findings America today faces a serious and intensifying challenge to its future competitiveness and standard of living. U.S. can lose quality jobs; companies will not invest in U.S. Citizens will not have purchasing power to support our standard of living. Tax revenues will not be generated to provide for national security, health care.

7 Global Challenges: Rising Above Gathering Storm _________________ Rising Above the Gathering Storm Recommendations: Increase America's talent pool by vastly improving K-12 mathematics and science education; Sustain and strengthen the nation's commitment to long-term basic research; Develop, recruit, and retain top students, scientists, and engineers from both the U.S. and abroad; and Ensure that the United States is the premier place in the world for innovation.

8 CURRENT SITUATION Legislation passed both Houses and went to a Conference Committee. The Senate passed it on a voice vote The House passed it overwhelming The President signed it into law We are now working on the Appropriators

9 PANEL INTRODUCTION Dr. Cliff Lau- –Vice President Technology Policy Activities- IEEE-USA Mr. Paul Kostek –Vice President Career Activities-IEEE-USA

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