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Welcome to CIS 083 ! Events CIS 068.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CIS 083 ! Events CIS 068."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CIS 083 ! Events CIS 068

2 Overview Subjects: Structured Programming vs. Event Driven Programming(EDP) Events Events in JAVA GUIs as Example for EDP CIS 068

3 An Example The task: write a program,showing a menu 2 circles
2 buttons Menu Reset Exit ON / OFF ON / OFF CIS 068

4 An Example Show both circles Exit Program The circles
Buttons toggle circles Menu Reset Exit ON / OFF ON / OFF CIS 068

5 Do you really want to do that ?
An Example Menu Reset Exit Do you really want to do that ? YES NO ON / OFF ON / OFF Confirm command by dialog CIS 068

6 All commands must be executable at every time
An Example Required: All commands must be executable at every time CIS 068

7 Sequential Approach A first approach could be: Check Menu Show Window
Check Button 1 Check Button 2 Check Button Y Check Button N Exit or Loop CIS 068

8 Sequential Approach Of course this approach doesn’t fulfill the requirements ! (If button 1 is activated, button 2 and the menu are disabled) CIS 068

9 Sequential Approach 2 Show Dialog A Check Menu Set dialogA = true
Check Button 1 Check Button 2 Show Dialog B If dialogA Set dialogB = true Check Button Y / N If dialogB Check Button Y / N Loop CIS 068

10 Sequential Approach 2 Does this approach meet the requirements ?
What does the program, i.e. the processor, do most of the time ? What about more complicated structures (nested command structures,…) ? CIS 068

11 Event Driven Approach What about this approach: Process Menu
Menu activated Process Button 1 Button 2 activated Button 1 activated Process Button 2 Button Y activated Process Button Y Button N activated Process Button N CIS 068

12 Example: Discussion And again:
Does this approach meet the requirements ? What does the program, i.e. the processor, do most of the time ? What about more complicated structures (nested command structures,…) ? Who is in control of the program’s flow ? CIS 068

13 Sequential vs. Event-driven Programming
Comparison between Sequential And Event Driven Programming CIS 068

14 Sequential Programming
In sequential programs, the program is under control The user is required to synchronize with the program: Program tells user it’s ready for more input User enters more input and it is processed While … if then… structures highly define the user’s path through the program Program is predefined with respect to time Handling of sequentially independent commands requires enormous amount of work CIS 068

15 Sequential Programming
Flow of a typical sequential program Prompt the user Read input from the keyboard Parse the input (determine user action) Evaluate the result Generate output Repeat Shouldn’t the program be required to synchronize with the user? CIS 068

16 Sequential Programming
Advantages Architecture is iterative (one step at a time) Easy to model (flowcharts, state machines) Easy to build Limitations Can’t implement complex interactions Only a small number of features possible Interaction must proceed according to a pre-defined sequence To the rescue… Event-driven programming CIS 068

17 Event Driven Programming
Instead of a user synchronizing with the program, the program synchronizes with, or reacts to, the user All communication from user to computer occurs via EVENTS and the code that handles the events An event is an action that happens in the system A mouse button pressed or released A keyboard key is hit A window is moved, resized, closed, etc. CIS 068

18 Event Driven Programming
Typically two different classes of events User-initiated events Events that result directly from a user action e.g., mouse click, move mouse, button press System-initiated events Events created by the system, as it responds to a user action e.g., scrolling text, re-drawing a window CIS 068

19 Event Driven Programming
There’s no top-down flow of control, i.e. no ‘Main’-program defining the sequential flow Code fragments are associated with events and invoked when events occur Order of execution is decoupled Don’t have to deal with order of events This is especially helpful, when the order is unknown ! CIS 068

20 Typical Applications GUIs
Modern GUIs are event driven. Event occurs when the user does something: Move the mouse Press a button Activate a menu Resize Window CIS 068

21 Typical Applications Other Examples: Event driven I/O LEGO Mindstorms
Especially networking, where I/O is very slow Events occur, when Connection is made When ready to send When data arrives LEGO Mindstorms Sensors report changes in environment CIS 068

22 Event Driven Programming
How does it work or where’s the ‘MAIN’ ? CIS 068

23 Participants in an OO - Event Driven System
Event Source objects that generate events, e.g. buttons Event represent occurences, changes of state or requests which a program might need to handle store all event-specific information (e.g. mouseEvent: x/y coordinates) Handler (Listener) objects that respond to events Provide the code needed to handle the event CIS 068

24 Participants in an OO - Event Driven System
Source (e.g. mouse) Listener Event Public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e){ } CIS 068

25 Registering Listeners
The listener must be known to the event source, such that the event can be sent Listener is REGISTERED Listeners specify what kind of events they are interested in, i.e. specify the event sources Typically done by addXXXListener(Listener) CIS 068

26 Registering Listeners
Source (eg. Button) Listener 3 Listener 4 REGISTER (‘please inform me’) CIS 068

27 Registering Listeners: JAVA example
here ! CIS 068

28 Where’s the ‘MAIN’ ? The Operating System (or JAVA) manages an event-queue The event-queue contains information about event-sources and their registered listeners As events occur, they are placed in the queue to be dispatched by the event - loop The OS (or JAVA) loops through the event-queue, passing the command to the specified listeners The MAIN – control is passed to the OS (or JAVA), the program is in idle state until activated by events The MAIN is replaced by the event-loop CIS 068

29 The advantage: Where’s the ‘MAIN’ ?
The OS (or JAVA) can optimize the processing time for managing the loop very efficiently The OS provides the management, the programmer only writes (and registers) listeners CIS 068

30 Events in JAVA: Sources
Event Sources: Mouse Keyboard GUI – Objects (AWT / Swing) Button ChoiceBox etc. CIS 068

31 Events in JAVA: Events Note: this diagram is not complete. It just shows the most common event classes EventObject AWTEvent ActionEvent ComponentEvent InputEvent WindowEvent MouseEvent KeyEvent CIS 068

32 Events in JAVA: Listeners
Classes implementing the ‘Listener’ – interfaces (package java.awt.event) CIS 068

33 Events in JAVA: the example revisited
ButtonDemo is able to receive ActionEvents Creates the event source Adds button to frame but does NOT register ButtonDemo ! Registers THIS instance of ButtonDemo to theButton If theButton is pressed, an ActionEvent is sent to the Method actionPerformed(..), i.e. the method is invoked with the event as argument. CIS 068

34 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
Implementation of the first example (without Menu and Dialog) CIS 068

35 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
JFrame CIS 068

36 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
AREA 1 AREA 2 JFrame layout: GridLayout(1,2) Provides 1 x 2 Grid. Each area of grid can contain a new GUI – component. CIS 068

37 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
CENTER SOUTH Each area contains a JPanel. JPanel – layout: BorderLayout() Used are only the CENTER and SOUTH areas. CIS 068

38 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
The CENTER contains a JComponent JComponent can be used for custom – drawing using the paint() method The SOUTH area contains a JButton CIS 068

39 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
The Main - Window: JFrame Layout Add JPanels CIS 068

40 JAVA-Events: GUI – Example
The JPanel, containing the circle and the button: Layout Create JComponent And Button Register JComponent to Button ! Add JComponent and Button CIS 068

41 GUI – Example Constructor This method is invoked by JButton !
The JComponent, responsible for drawing the circle: Constructor This method is invoked by JButton ! Paint green background and, if required, red circle CIS 068

42 Outlook Next time: GUI – Elements ! CIS 068

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