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Ed Board Activities. Eydie Lawson, Ed Board Member.

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Presentation on theme: "Ed Board Activities. Eydie Lawson, Ed Board Member."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ed Board Activities

2 Eydie Lawson, Ed Board Member

3 NCAA Issue For students first entering NCAA institutions on or after August 1, 2005, computer science courses cannot be used to meet initial-eligibility requirements. Letter to NCAA Work collaboratively to identify problems and develop solutions

4 Modernizing the Education Board Responsible for leadership and oversight of ACM educational activities Membership and future leadership –Add younger members –Modify structure to widen participation Include other constituencies Education Council

5 Curriculum Initiatives Curriculum guidelines –Volume revisions more frequent –IT new addition –CS, IS, MSIS, CE TYCEC SE transfer curriculum guidelines –SE track in 2-year CS –Promote articulation agreements Overview volume (SE, IS, CS, CE, IT)

6 Curriculum Ontology project –Ed Board supports non-US members Java Task Force (Eric Roberts) –Materials for first-year computing students –Final report due June 2005 Great Principles of Computing project –Committee of 20 –Define computing field beyond programming

7 Build International Relationships British Computing Society Expand membership to other international organizations Joint meeting with BCS Conference presentations

8 Other Issues Accreditation Certification –(ICCP) Institute for Certification Computing Professionals

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