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1 SIGKDD Brief Report Usama Fayyad Chairman, SIGKDD Executive Committee Presented on Behalf of SIGKDD EC by: Ankur Teredesai, Information.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SIGKDD Brief Report Usama Fayyad Chairman, SIGKDD Executive Committee Presented on Behalf of SIGKDD EC by: Ankur Teredesai, Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SIGKDD Brief Report Usama Fayyad Chairman, SIGKDD Executive Committee Presented on Behalf of SIGKDD EC by: Ankur Teredesai, Information Officer Samy Uthurusamy, Awards Chair

2 Financial Goals Grow fund balance consistently (maintain > $600K) –Current balance: over $1M consistent for 3 years –Industry contributions to conferences were dropping slowly, but hit a new record high in 2012 –NSF support for student travel awards consistent –Historically, KDD conferences increased our surplus balance Support students and outreach –Increased student travel support to KDD conferences –Consistently supported the Bay Area SIGKDD chapter events – including annual Data Mining Camp since 2010 –Increased visibility and amount of Distinguished Dissertation Award –Increased visibility and amount of best student papers awards: research & applications

3 Membership Benefits Conferences –Several co-sponsored conferences – major discount to KDD conferences Awards –Best papers awards, best student papers, distinguished dissertation, Best applications, Innovation, Service awards Outreach –Support for students travel, special discounts for students on memberships and on conferences Publications –SIGKDD Explorations newsletter in addition to conferences –Access to DL Stabilized membership –Current membership of 1,234 5% drop from 2011, All time high 1600+ in 2002 –Student memberships declining – down to 67 – looking for ways to incentivize students to join.

4 Goal #1: Highest Quality of Research & Application Building an intellectual community and recognizing excellence within that community – both research and applied Publications –SIGKDD Explorations 2 regular issues per year, all substantial with 100+ pages and typically each has a theme/special topic Always recruit guest editors as a policy Looking at enhancing the regular sections –New membership option: Newsletter only –Even though not peer reviewed, it is among top referenced publications! Outreach –Enhanced student travel – supported SIGKDD student camp each year –KDD Summer School – standing room only in 2012 and 2011 – designed to catch students and newcomers to state of research in field – top faculty in world teaching –Increased number and visibility of awards –KDD Cup – recognized as a top competition in the industry Awards: recognized as top awards in field for service and innovation in research and applications

5 Goal #2: Successful KDD Conferences maintain KDD as the highest quality reference conference in the field: –2012 record attendance of over 1200 people –KDD-2011 – 840, KDD-2010 – 790 –At height of Internet bubble in Boston KDD-2000 hit 1000 attendees sponsorship –WSDM: ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining –ICUC: International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication In cooperation: 6 conferences Created the Industry Practice Expo: invited talks from top practitioners with high impact applications Healthy set of workshops 10-15 at each conference, attracting 60 to 300+ attendees each (some are mini-conferences now) Fully sponsored KDD Cup competition – gets lots of media attention –Over 900 teams participated this year!!

6 Goal #3: Engage Practitioners and Public SIGKDD: primarily a research-supporting organization Applications are a necessity in our field: –Elevate recognition for applications: Industry/Government Applications track (fully peer reviewed papers) IPE Track - Industry Practice Expo (first of its kind invite only forum at an academic conference) KDD Cup competition: press visibility Recruit students for sustainability –Working on several engagement programs and special benefits: adding job-listings, adding research directory, adding dissertations listings Dedicated professional PR management: paid contractor to drive PR and work with ACM Revamp web presence –New social media –Much improved KDD conference websites –Revamped SIGKDD web site

7 Appendix

8 SIGKDD: Future Plans and Investments Some Plans: New Website Data Repository Plans and Towards a Benchmark Collection Grow the Summer School on Data Mining/BigData Some Proposals Enhanced SIGKDD Member Benefits Computational Infrastructure for Big Data

9 SIGKDD Memberships ProfessionalStudentAffiliateTotal 19992137695384 20005352264721233 20015462605881394 20026502067731631 20037331932301157 20048071644201391 20058381492861274 20068471222621231 20078831162431242 2008892902311213 2009855912291175 20108551072911253 2011876963231295 2012859673081234 1234 members – A drop from 2011 high, lower than 2004 We had 1234 members by June 2012 This is 5% drop from 2011 Student memberships dropping dramatically! We have additional 15 subscribers for newsletter only.

10 10 KDD-2013 19 th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Chicago, IL, USA August 11-14, 2013 General Conference Co-Chairs: Robert Grossman – University of Chicago Ramasamy (Samy) Uthurusamy – Program Committee Co-Chairs: Inderjit Dhillon– University of Tyexas at Austin Yehuda Koren – Google / Yahoo! Research

11 11 KDD-2012 18 th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Beijing, China August 12 -16, 2012 General Conference Chair: Qiang Yang – Hong Kong University of Sci & Tech/ Huawei Program Committee Co-Chairs: Deepak Agarwal – LinkedIn Jian Pei– Simon Fraser University

12 SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter Editor-in-Chief: – Bart Goethals, University of Antwerp Associate Editors: – Charu Aggarwal, IBM Watson – Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Ohio State U – Ankur Teredesai, U Washington Tacoma

13 SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter June 2011 – Privacy in Mobility Data Mining December 2011 – Educational Data Mining – KDD in China June 2012 – Data Mining for Healthcare Call for contributions – Opinions, Position papers – News – Reports on related conferences – Surveys – Success stories (or failures) – Newsworthy technical contributions – Systems, software –... KDD Workshop reports appear in online version only

14 Data Repository Effort to be lead by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro: Those interested in helping should join the Data Repository Effort Goals Collect Large Data sets Design data generators and standard synthetic data for variety of problems Define set of problems Capture past KDD Cup data sets, goals, benchmarks and make available Develop initial proposal for Benchmark problems and metrics Some Ideas Under Consideration: Benchmark standards? Run algorithms in standardized environment over standardized data?

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