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Is this reality or just someone’s imagination of reality?

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Presentation on theme: "Is this reality or just someone’s imagination of reality?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is this reality or just someone’s imagination of reality?

2  The awareness of internal and external stimuli  Also includes:  Awareness of self as unique  Awareness of experiences

3  William James---stream of consciousness  Freud believed that stream had depth (unconscious)  Conscious and unconscious are levels of consciousness

4  Consciousness is not centered in one structure  EEG is the best measurement  Records brain waves  4 principle waves: beta, alpha, theta, and delta

5  Biological rhythms: periodic fluctuations in physiological functioning  Circadian rhythms: 24 hour biological cycles found in humans and many other species

6  Quality of sleep  Crossing time zones causes jet lag  Going to bed a couple of hours later affects rhythm


8  Use EEG  Electromyograph (EMG): records muscular activity and tension  Electrooculograph (EOG): records eye movements

9  1: lasts 1-7 minutes; drowsiness; breathing and heart rate decrease; muscle activity declines  Hypnic jerks: brief muscular contractions  Primarily theta waves

10  10-25 minutes  Sleep spindles: higher-frequency brain waves  Brain waves become higher in amplitude and slower in frequency

11  Lasts c. 30 minutes  Slow-wave sleep: high amp, low frequency delta waves prominent  After: cycle reverses  Before reaching stage one again, ….

12  5 th stage  Irregular breathing and pulse  Virtually paralyzed  Beta waves  High-frequency, low amp brain waves, and vivid dreaming  Non-REM (nREM): stages 1-4

13  Usually repeat c. 4 times  REM periods get longer; peak at 40-60 min.  NREM periods get shorter  Young adults: 60% in light sleep (1 and 2); 20% in slow wave sleep (3 and 4); 20% in REM

14  Infants: 6-8 times in 24 hrs; 16+ hrs total  50% in REM  As age increases, deep sleep decreases in amt  Total sleep increases w/age

15  Co-sleeping: children and parents sleep together  Discouraged in western societies  Napping is cultural; siesta cultures

16  Reticular Formation important in sleep and wakefulness  Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS): afferent fibers running through the RF that influence physiological arousal

17  Pons assoc. with REM sleep  Areas in medulla, thalamus, hypothalamus, and limbic system assoc. with control of sleep and waking  NT’s involved: ACh, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and GABA

18  Conserve energy  Reduce exposure to predators  Helps to restore energy and other bodily resources  Which do you believe?

19  Complete deprivation negatively effects mood, cognitive and perceptual-motor tasks  Difficult to go past 3 or 4 days w/o sleep  Partial deprivation: losing substantially less sleep over a period of time; very common

20  Selective deprivation  Repeated disruption of sleep  Experiments show rebound effect: making up time in stages where sleep was interrupted

21  Insomnia: chronic problems in getting adequate sleep  3 main types 1: difficulty in falling asleep 2: difficulty maintaining sleep 3: persistent early-morning waking --assoc. w/ daytime fatigue, impaired functioning, reduced productivity, increased health problems

22  Sleep state misperception: pseudoinsomnia  Causes: anxiety, stress, depression, various health problems  Treatment: sedatives for short term solution

23  Narcolepsy: sudden onset of sleep during normal waking periods  Sleep apnea: frequent, reflexive gasping for air that disrupts sleep  Nightmares: anxiety-arousing dreams that lead to awakening, usually from REM  Night terrors: abrupt awakenings from NREM sleep accompanied w/intense autonomic arousal and feelings of panic  Sleepwalking: walking around while asleep

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