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SIGMETRICS Viability Review Albert Greenberg SIGMETRICS Chair October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGMETRICS Viability Review Albert Greenberg SIGMETRICS Chair October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGMETRICS Viability Review Albert Greenberg SIGMETRICS Chair October 2006

2 Financials 2006 fund balance approximately $356K –Up from $323K in 2002 –$51K now required vs. $26K in 2002 Fund raising –Industrial sponsors: SIGMETRICS 06 – France Telecom, HP, IBM, Microsoft, VMWARE –SIGMETRICS 07 (at FCRC) – Google, working on others

3 Membership Relatively stable membership –2006: >70% one year retention –Current membership about 500 Decline from 546 in 2002 Looking to broaden in SIGMETRICS areas of interest –Broader PC covering high performance computing, networking, databases, fault tolerance, performance analysis, tools, mathematical foundations –Advertising in wider range of venues (30 user groups, very diverse) –Broaden numbers of papers accepted and areas of papers accepted Initiatives under discussion for annual conference –Student pre-interviews –Funding centric workshops –Educational tutorials

4 Conferences and Workshops 50-100% sponsorship –WOSP, SelfManage, MAMA, SysML, ICQT, Job Scheduling Official home of MAMA -- strong successful workshop with SIGMETRICS for 9 years –Alternate years our conference is joint with IFIP W.G. 7.3 on Performance 10-50% sponsorship –SENSYS Recently, large fraction of (analytical or network measurement) networking papers –In SIGMETRICS 07 we are reaching out to the computing communities Highly recognizable names from: Architecture, High Performance Computing, Databases, CS Theory, Operations Research, … PR push – posters, mailing lists

5 Publications SIGMETRICS Newsletter –4 issues, typically devoted to special topics Tools for Computer Architecture Research E-commerce Performance and Verification Large Scale Network Inference Design Implementation and Performance of Storage Systems Advances in Scheduling –One issue every year devoted to MAMA –Proceedings of SIGMETRICS SIGMETRICS bulletin board

6 SIGMETRICS Community Benefits Awards sponsored: –Annual Achievement Award –Ken Sevcik Best Paper Award –Rising Star award being developed – exceptional contribution from a member ~ 7 to 10 years post graduation Ideas for the future –Industry and academic pre-interviews at conferences –Increased industrial contacts and interactions

7 Backup

8 Incentives to Increase Membership Discussing incentives to increase membership –Industry interactions and pre-interviews for students –Similar for academia –Provides volunteer development opportunities Funding-centric workshops to better align researchers and NSF program managers –Increasing NSF funding for SIGMETRICS members –In allied disciplines (e.g., High Performance Computing), what are the opportunities A Future Direction: Educational tutorials –Geared towards industry – e.g., intense performance modeling, optimization classes for industry

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