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SIGWEB Viability Report 2009 Ethan Munson SIGWEB Chair.

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1 SIGWEB Viability Report 2009 Ethan Munson SIGWEB Chair

2 Membership & Volunteers Membership rising since 2006 – Now about 700 – Growth probably helped by free memberships for Hypertext and DocEng attendees – Some reduction in first-year retention Volunteers are sufficient at this time – No trouble filling Exec Comm or staffing conferences 2/10/2014

3 Conferences EventAttendanceSponsorship % Hypertext150100 DocEng~60100 JCDL~27033 CIKM634 (350)50 WSDM24025 2/10/2014

4 Financials Fund Balance: $473,000 (Oct. 2009) Discretionary: $322,000 (June 2009) Discretionary/member: $461 Operations budgeted for $30K surplus Conferences have been consistently profitable We are beginning to consider new programs in light of the positive financial situation 2/10/2014

5 Member Benefits Conference discounts Access to SIGWEB materials in DL E-mail list and Web site – Dissertation repository Quarterly newsletter (unofficial benefit) – Full text on Web site – One-sheet, color paper copy mailed to all members 2/10/2014

6 Past Challenges & Responses Declining membership through 2005 – Free membership at 100% conferences – New conference sponsorships HT conference deteriorating through 2006 – SIG Treasurer initiated reorganization Serious volunteer problems in 2001-2002 – Broader SIG scope via new conferences 2/10/2014

7 Current Initiatives Review of SIG title and mission SIGWEB Advisory Board – Officers, Conference Reps, Students – Other active volunteers Developing new conference sponsorships – WWW, Web Science, WikiSym Student Travel Awards New SIG Awards 2/10/2014

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