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Collection Level Description. Constituency Archives Libraries Museums Government Commerce Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection Level Description. Constituency Archives Libraries Museums Government Commerce Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collection Level Description

2 Constituency Archives Libraries Museums Government Commerce Media

3 Questions Can DC be useful in Collection Level Description (CLD)? Whats being done in this area now? September D-Lib Is there sufficient common ground? Do we want a dc-collections WG? How far down do we go? What the **** is a collection anyway?

4 What is a collection? An aggregation of resources created/accumulated by an agent with purpose…

5 What is a collection? An aggregation of stuff!

6 dc-collections: Purpose Agreed a need for dc-collections WG. Purpose? To develop consensus on a model syntax and semantics that will enable the description and discovery of collections across domains.

7 dc-collections: Programme Establish dc-collections mailing list Andy draft mission, for discussion What do we mean by collection ? Develop enumerated list of collection types Build on RSLP and others Develop a model of collections Build on RSLP and others

8 dc-collections: Programme Based upon the model, enumerate a set of elements/ attributes An application profile Liaise with dc-type, dc-agent and the domain groups Relationship to richer CLD schemas Define how far down a DC collection goes When does EAD/whatever take over?

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