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Internet Basics. Objectives What is the Internet? What is the Web? How does the Internet work? What do I need to surf the Net? What will I find on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Basics. Objectives What is the Internet? What is the Web? How does the Internet work? What do I need to surf the Net? What will I find on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Basics

2 Objectives What is the Internet? What is the Web? How does the Internet work? What do I need to surf the Net? What will I find on the WWW?

3 What is the Internet? World Wide Web Electronic Mail Real-time Chat Bulletin boards File transfer File downloading A world-wide computer network that allows users to share information resources and software applications.

4 What is the Web? (www) A part of the Internet consisting of documents called web pages which may contain text, audio, video, and/or animation. Some web pages include hyperlinks to other parts of the web. Links usually look like this blue underlined text but can also appear as icons or other graphics.

5 How does the Internet work? ISP: Internet Service Providers TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Telephone lines or cables: used to transmit data between computers URL: Uniform Resources Locator Web Browser: Software used to interpret HTML

6 What do I need to surf the Net? Computer Modem & Telephone line ISP or a Library Web Browser HPL Power Card


8 What will I find on the WWW? Information on people, places, things, & ideas News, weather, & traffic Companies & organizations Goods & services Research & technology HPL

9 Internet Search Engines Yahoo! Google Ask Jeeves Alta Vista HotBot Excite

10 More Internet Exercises Where can I find Chocolate Cake recipes? What is todays high temperature in Bronx, New York? What is the latest news about the NYSE? Who are the current members of Houstons City Council? What are Stone Temple Pilots?

11 Public Training Classes Free demonstrations are given at Central Library and select branches! Pick up the Houston Public Librarys Calendar of Events. For more information Call (832) 393- 1313, or visit

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