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Expansion of Common Services Presentation to the UNDG Management Group 17 December 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion of Common Services Presentation to the UNDG Management Group 17 December 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion of Common Services Presentation to the UNDG Management Group 17 December 2003

2 Background Common Services expansion strategy What we need from the MG Overview

3 Rationale – why common services? It makes sense ! Called for by the General Assembly (donor & programme countries) Mandated in SGs UN Reform Operations and admin budgets are diminishing To keep UNs comparative advantage! Common services is happening! We need to facilitate UNCTs in doing it! efficiency effectiveness coordination impact of UN programmes

4 Lessons Learned Pilot Programme - Benefits CS Pilot Programme: Increased number and quality of services Enhanced inter-agency cooperation, trust and broader participation Increased visibility and priority to CS Modernization of management tools But on the other hand … The Pilot identified key constraints & challenges

5 Lessons Learned Improvements Required There is a need for: Senior level support for inter-agency partnerships Incentives (rewards and sanctions) Clear accountability & governance framework Performance measurement system (tracking results) Knowledge support and capacity building: Guidelines, sample documents and prototypes Awareness of CS guidance and support, good practices

6 Common Services Expansion Strategy 1.Identified goals/targets 2.CS toolkit 3.Regional implementation approach 4.Policy changes and support from HQ 5.Rewards and incentives 6.Communication and advocacy

7 Goals and targets: Going global ! Tools, and support will be offered to all country offices Minimum 10 countries per year with 3 new common services each; 50 countries by 2006. 10% budgetary savings from existing admin budgets per agency per year Mainstreaming common services in UN country offices

8 Common Services Toolkit Guidelines on process, management and governance/accountability Performance management system Web-based knowledge network support Capacity building and training Financial support/seed money

9 Tool 1 Guidelines & Process Approach Revise CS Guidelines to include: 1.Enhanced CS governance definitions/ roles, management and processes 2.Tangible examples of performance measurement indicators 3.Real country examples and links to CS model documents (action plans, options reports) 4.Process approach integrated (tighter, applicable to all)

10 Tool 2: Performance Measurement system A CS performance measurement tracking system will be developed and established by HQ that: Measures both efficiencies & cost-savings Simple to use by all countries Web-based and online Results-oriented Provides user-friendly performance charts and management reports

11 Tools 3-5: Knowledge Support, Capacity Building and Seed Money Enhanced CS website with virtual support –Technical roster on CS expertise –Database on CS country experiences –Sample documents and templates –Networking (country to country, inter-regional) –Distance learning and mentoring –Referrals – Help Desk Develop national and international staff capacities for sustainability of CS Continue Seed Money grants for new CS initiatives

12 Six Common Services Regions: –Asia/Pacific –Eastern/Southern Africa –West Africa –Arab States/North Africa –Latin America/Caribbean –Eastern Europe/CIS Two full-time Common Services Expert (CSE) functions for Africa Other regions to have 5 part-time CSEs with designated Team Leader Regional Approach

13 Regional Common Services Experts (CSEs) 4 part-time Regional CSEs 2 full-time Regional CSEs Each supported by 4 part-time CSEs

14 Regional Focal Point Request from Country Office Regionalization Approach CS Expert Pool of Technical Experts: Procurement, Logistics, Radio Com, etc HQ Website

15 Role of HQs Policy, Coordination and Support Coordinate regional Common Services Experts (CSEs) Orient/train Team Leaders, CSEs and national staff Support/facilitate regional networking venues Provide support for seed money and training Maintain knowledge support database and technical rosters Pursue inter-agency policy change (incentives, performance measurement, governance framework and capacity building) Develop and implement a CS communication and advocacy strategy

16 Rewards and Incentives Mandate CS as an organizational priority Enable redeployment of cost savings within COs budgets Include CS in annual mgmt. planning exercises of COs Build CS in RC/HoA and Ops Staff job descriptions and performance reviews Involve both international and national staff Learning opportunities, mentoring and training Establish recognition channels and awards for CS

17 Communication & Advocacy Communicate/publicize main CS message Build upon existing information channels –Headquarters and Field –Regional and Country Level Bring UN partners onboard –Donors, Specialized Agencies & IFIs (HQs, CO level) –Inter-agency bodies (HLCM,CEB) –Regional Entities Publicize organizational & country efforts –Internet, Newsletters and journals, publications, ARs

18 What we need from the MG Endorse and support the new CS expansion strategy, including: –Fund the cost-sharing arrangement for CS –Incorporate CS in job descriptions and workplans of UNCTs and OMTs –Agree to issue a joint letter by ExCom Heads to COs to support CS initiatives –Make CS an agenda item in CEB and HLCM

19 Budget Summary A.CS Missions $ 265,000 B.Capacity Building 180,000 C.CS Tools 255,000 D.Seed Money Grants 200,000 E.Reviews & Awards 132,000 F.Regional CSE functions 600,000 Grand Total $ 1,632,000

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