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The harmonized Programming Process. The harmonized Country Programming Process CCA Agree on the key development challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "The harmonized Programming Process. The harmonized Country Programming Process CCA Agree on the key development challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 The harmonized Programming Process

2 The harmonized Country Programming Process CCA Agree on the key development challenges

3 The harmonized Country Programming Process CCA UNDAF Results Matrix Agree on common expected results and division of labour

4 The harmonized Country Programming Process JSM CCA UNDAF Results Matrix Agree with Government on main programme strategies

5 The harmonized Country Programming Process CPD CCA UNDAF Results Matrix JSM Secure resources for the proposed country programmes

6 The harmonized Country Programming Process CPAP CCA UNDAF Results Matrix JSMCPD Prepare and sign the agreement on the new country programme with government

7 The harmonized Country Programming Process AWPs CCA UNDAF Results Matrix JSMCPD CPAP Support implementation through Annual Work Plans with Implementing Partners

8 The harmonized Country Programming Process Annual Review AWPs CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSMCPD CPAP Review, adjust and plan for next year

9 The harmonized Country Programming Process Questions?

10 The harmonized Country Programming Process CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSMCPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

11 Common Country Assessment Conduct Macro Assessment Summarize Findings in CCA CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

12 Results Matrix Results-Based Programming Focus on results: outcomes and outputs (not inputs) Formulate results that can be achieved with UN system contributions Concentrate resources on few outcomes and partners (and AWPs) CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

13 CPAP – what it is Agreement with Government on: – Broad content and results of cooperation – Operational modalities and procedures Replaces all other agreements with Government Other agreements (MoUs, PCAs) with other partners will exist, and contain similar operational clauses CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

14 CPAP – what it needs to contain The findings of the macro assessment All partners subject to micro assessments, to identify best modalities and procedures AWPs as basis for quarterly disbursements Use of FACE Principles and scope of assurance activities Agreement to be audited CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

15 CPAP – what it needs to contain Procedures used may change according to assurance findings Cash Transfer Clauses should be the same for all participating UN agencies With further harmonization of procedures, operational clauses of CPAPs for all agencies in one country should be the same CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

16 Annual Work Plan - Preparation No Work Plan, No Cash! Signed AWP is commitment to undertake activities and to make funds available Amended by mutual consent only Activity description must be good enough for budgeting Format of AWP and FACE must be consistent CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

17 AWP – Getting it right The quality of the AWP determines the quality of the disbursements Pitch your AWP right: – Too many AWPs – too many FACEs – Too broad AWP – too many unspecific disbursements CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

18 Annual Work Plan - Monitoring Review implementation of AWP More emphasis on programme monitoring! Did activities take place as planned? Good quality? Output as expected? CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

19 Annual Review Review effectiveness of applied procedures (e.g. timely implementation, timely reporting, accurateness of reporting) Inform preparation of next AWP CCA AWPsUNDAF Results Matrix JSM CPD CPAP Annual Review AWPs

20 The harmonized cash transfer resources in the programming process Questions?

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