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Strategic Planning Training Workshop NY, 13-14 November.

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1 Strategic Planning Training Workshop NY, 13-14 November

2 Lebanon context: Crisis countries (neither war nor peace): Relief recovery development Peace keeping peace building Middle income Weak Gvt capacity (coordination) Presence of actors other than the UN agencies: DPKO (SC resolution 1701 – strengthened UNIFIL / 2006) OCHA (phased-out by the end of 2006) DPA (Special Coordinator for Lebanon / 2007) Huge funding needs…but funding opportunities too Semi- integrated mission

3 3 Programming Exercise after the July 06 war UN Recovery Strategy (UNRS) UN Recovery Strategy (UNRS) CCA / UNDAF GoL Economic Reform Programme (ERP) GoL Economic Reform Programme (ERP) UNRS ERP CCA UNDAF 2009-2013 (2010-14) 2007-2011 2007 / 2008 1 3 2 Frameworks May 07 NBC crisis May 08 clashes

4 Managing the planning process: Build consensus amongst UN actors (UNCT, DPKO, DPA): semi-integrated mission model Ensure integrated approach through all stages of the planning process (when applicable) Ensure Gvts buy-in and participation: Reform programme Keep recovery muted Draft ToR: Establish a work plan & monitor progress Brief regularly the RC and the UNCT (and the integrated management structure when applicable)

5 Managing the planning process: Liaise with UN HQs: DOCO, DPKO and DPA Train UN colleagues: RBM Transition Strategies IMPP UN agencies (about UN Secretariat Departments) UN Secretariat Departments (about UN agencies) Identify capacity gaps: assess RCO / UNCT capacity to deliver M&E Donor coordination Others Resource mobilization

6 Role of the Strategic Planner Provide advise and support to the RC and UNCT on: Planning timeline: (when to start planning) After a conflict (Georgia 09) After a natural disaster (Haiti 09) After the end of the regular programme cycle (Lebanon) What tool to be used Post-conflict needs assessments (Sudan) Post-disaster needs assessment (Haiti) Transition Strategy (Burundi) UNDAF (Lebanon) Integrated mission planning processes (when applicable) IMPP IMTF Alignment with national planning process: Avoid having separate frameworks (development VS peace-consolidation VS government VS WB) Build consensus amongst all UN actors around ideally one framework (Xumoni 2006)

7 Role of the Strategic Planner: Provide advise and support to the RC and UNCT on: Identify capacity gaps: assess RCO / UN capacity to deliver M&E Donor coordination Others Special funding mechanisms: Donor conference (Haiti 2006) MDTF (Lebanon 2006) PBF (Burundi 2007) Joint Programming opportunities: DDR (Cote dIvoire) Refugees (Lebanon) Donor relationships: Round table country Contact Group country Other

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