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A school-based Childrens Health Insurance Program/Childrens Medicaid Outreach Model The 100% Campaign Health Action 2010 January 28, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "A school-based Childrens Health Insurance Program/Childrens Medicaid Outreach Model The 100% Campaign Health Action 2010 January 28, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 A school-based Childrens Health Insurance Program/Childrens Medicaid Outreach Model The 100% Campaign Health Action 2010 January 28, 2010

2 Why Texas? 1.5 million children are uninsured ~230,000 undocumented ~500,000 live in families above 200%FPL. 750,000 are eligible for but not enrolled in CHIP or Childrens Medicaid..

3 Why school-based outreach? 22% of Texas children are uninsured Texas eligibility system has challenges Confidentiality laws (i.e. HIPPA) Uninsured children are 25% more likely to miss school Schools can more easily track data on their students

4 History The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (MSDF) insure a kid ® (iak) grants in 2002. Rio Grande Valley project has been ongoing. The project re-launched as the 100% Campaign in 2007. Of the 40 grantees, CDF-Texas is one of the few that has sustained the initiative.

5 100% Campaign A partnership with Texas school districts to systematically identify and link eligible uninsured children with the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Childrens Medicaid. * Two implementation models in 20 districts.

6 Commitment Childrens Defense Fund would: Offer a rubric for implementation. Provide training and ongoing technical assistance to appropriate staff. The school district would: Add the health insurance question to the school enrollment form. Gain the buy-in of key administrators and the school board Work with CDF to develop an implementation and sustainability plan. Designate appropriate staff to implement the Campaign. Track data to evaluate progress.

7 Ask the Question What type of medical insurance do you carry for this child? CHIP Medicaid Private None What type of medical insurance do you carry for this child? CHIP Medicaid Private None

8 Enter the Data HISD Region2007-082008-09 North2,3914,528 Central258 (began March 08) 2,849 West3,9303,097 East6,9037,515 South3,7144,831 All Regions:17,19622,820

9 Conduct the Outreach Houston ISD outreached to 32,440 children –2,926 children received direct assistance applying, renewing or resolving barriers to the programs. –nearly 8,500 did not qualify for coverage but were linked to alternative health resources. Edinburg CISD went from having a 40% uninsured rate in 2005 to 22.3% in 2008. The District currently has a 98% attendance rate. 15 school districts in the Rio Grande Valley assist an average of 1,400 children to apply every month.

10 Business Partnerships 1300 children assisted in one day in Southeast TX 18 city-wide enrollment drives, assisting 23,000 children 100 statewide bilingual billboards

11 Outreach Challenges Smaller districts vs. larger districts Adding the health insurance question Student mobility Urban myths Unforeseen incidents

12 Childrens Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) Outreach and Enrollment Grant Outreach grant awarded to the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) to implement the 100% Campaign into 8 target school districts: Corpus Christi ISD Hidalgo ISD Houston ISD McAllen ISD Pharr San Juan ISD San Antonio ISD Valley View ISD Harlingen CISD

13 CHIPRA Goals Identify and assist 25% of FRL student population Emphasize and assist families with renewal and troubleshooting processes Track and report data on outreach Sustain the initiative within each District by the end of Year 2

14 How is the project funded? Houston: local hospitals and HISD Alief: local health plan Rio Grande Valley Districts (16): Title I Corpus Christi: CHIPRA and Stimulus San Antonio: United Way and local health plan

15 Endorsements

16 Questions Kelli King-Jackson Texas Director of Outreach 4500 Bissonnet, Suite 260 Bellaire, Texas 77401 T: 713-664-4080 F: 713-664-1975 Childrens Defense Fund – Texas

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