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Introduction to EXPReS - SURFnet and JIVE GigaPort seminar for astronomers T. Charles Yun Program Manager EXPReS Project, JIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to EXPReS - SURFnet and JIVE GigaPort seminar for astronomers T. Charles Yun Program Manager EXPReS Project, JIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to EXPReS - SURFnet and JIVE GigaPort seminar for astronomers T. Charles Yun Program Manager EXPReS Project, JIVE

2 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 2 Presentation Overview Introduction to VLBI Introduction to EXPReS Segue into the detailed astronomy and research of EXPReS

3 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 3 GigaPort and SURFnet 6 Without the efforts of SURFnet, e-VLBI would not be possible in the Netherlands or in Europe Connectivity between Amsterdam and Dwingeloo Dwingeloo and Groningen Leadership Dedicated light paths as the foundation for SURFnet 6 SURFnet continues to be a leader in the network world

4 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 4 A one slide VLBI primer A radio telescope looks at an object in the sky and collects data to create an image of the source Multiple telescopes can view the same object. The distance between the telescopes is the baseline. The baseline can be compared to building a single telescope with the diameter of this distance (sort of). Correlation is the process by which data from multiple telescopes is collected and processed to create a more accurate image. The correlator a super computer (interferometry) The resolution of the image increases with the data collection rate. Higher data rates are better; higher resolution is better. Introduction to VLBI

5 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 5 Once upon a time... Telescopes collected data on tapes. Tapes were heavy and bulky. Someone had to stand next to the recorders and change tapes. The boxes had to be boxed and labeled. They were then sent via postal mail to the correlator facility. Once all the tapes arrived from all the locations, you could begin data analysis. Sometimes tapes were lost/damaged. Sometimes data was not recorded properly onto the tapes. It was not unusual for the time between experiment to the beginning of correlation to be multiple weeks. Hard drive arrays improved the situation... but only temporarily. Today, you can transport the data over the network: e-VLBI - electronic VLBI Introduction to VLBI

6 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 6 Why transport data over the network? Using the network to transport data improves science Eliminate the need to move physical objects Real time analysis Ability to identify minor problems in data collection Hybrid observations Responsiveness to transient events Automated observation (hands-off observing) Once the data is on the network, there is flexibility to investigate different options (move the correlator, multiple correlators, etc.) Introduction to VLBI

7 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 7 Optical networks, Radio astronomy Advanced optical networks provide radio astronomy a solution to the data transport problem. Networks can address VLBIs inherently geographically distributed nature Assumption: SURFnet will have shown Dutch, European and international network maps Network data rates are improving and provide a flexibility not available with physical media VLBI also happens to be loss tolerant, which is a useful characteristic when dealing with high-speed networks Layer 2 networking introduces a level of control that allows VLBI to pursue different ways of moving data, thus different ways of obtainin the data for correlations Introduction to VLBI

8 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 8 What is EXPReS? EXPReS = Express Production Real-time e-VLBI Service The overall objective of EXPReS is to create a production- level, real-time, electronic VLBI (e-VLBI) service, in which the radio telescopes are reliably connected to the central supercomputer at JIVE in the Netherlands, via a high-speed optical-fibre communication network... - or - Make e-VLBI routine, reliable and realistic for astronomers Introduction to EXPReS

9 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 9 EXPReS Details EXPReS is made possible by the European Commission (DG- INFSO), Sixth Framework Programme, Contract #026642 Project Details Three year, started March 2006 International collaboration Funded at 3.9 million EUR by the Means: high-speed communication networks operating in real-time and connecting some of the largest and most sensitive radio telescopes on the planet Introduction to EXPReS

10 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 10 EXPReS Partners Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (coordinator), the Netherlands AARNET Pty Ltd., Australia ASTRON, the Netherlands Centro Nacional de Informacion Geografica, Spain Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola Aktiebolag, Sweden Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia Cornell University, USA Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Ltd. (DANTE), UK Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN, Poland Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften e.V., Germany National Research Foundation, South Africa Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China SURFNet b.v., The Netherlands Teknillinen Korkeakoulu, Finland The University of Manchester, UK Universidad de Concepcion, Chile Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, Poland Ventspils Augstskola, Latvia Introduction to EXPReS

11 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 11 Participating telescope sites Image courtesy of Dr. Francisco Colomer, Introduction to EXPReS

12 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 12 Heavy Users In her introduction, Sandra mentioned heavy users of the network. Used to be code for physicists at CERN Only moving files between two locations HEP community can be unfairly summarized as FTP One source, multiple destinations They are not yet running e-VLBI is real-time data transport from multiple locations to the correlator (think: supercomputer), with the ability to capture data at rates that will saturate the backbone of any network We are doing things today We want more tomorrow...a quick aside...

13 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 13 Activities in EXPReS Networking Activities NA1: Management of I3 NA2: EVN-NREN Forum NA3: e-VLBI Science Forum NA4: e-VLBI Outreach, Dissemination & Communications Specific Service Activities SA1: Production e-VLBI Service SA2: Network Provision for a Global e-VLBI Array Joint Research Activities JRA1: Future Arrays of Broadband Radio Telescopes on Internet Computing Introduction to EXPReS

14 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 14 The Real work Today you will hear about from two activities in the EXPReS Project JRA1 FABRIC SA1 Production Services Each of these activities address different aspects of the effort to take advantage of advanced network technologies in support of e-VLBI Segue to Astronomy

15 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 15 Questions/Answers Contact information T. Charles Yun Project Manager EXPReS (JIVE) tcyun \at\ jive dot nl Additional Information[note: only one s] EXPReS is made possible through the support of the European Commission (DG-INFSO), Sixth Framework Programme, Contract #026642 Conclusion

16 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 16 Do we really need networks? Fully loaded carrying capacity of a 747 cargo carrying Blu-Ray DVDs 37 Tbps However Latency: buy 1,488,800 DVDs (), burn each (2 years @ 1 second burn/DVD), hand label (lots of Sharpie pens), box DVDs, transport to airport, load, fly () time, unload (), sort boxes, read each DVD... Pack Loss: rare, but fairly devastating when you lose one packet Every transport is unique, no re-use of media. Source: Extra Interesting Bits

17 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 17 How much data does e-VLBI create? 19 Telescope sites 1 Gbps data rates Correlator is currently located in Dwingeloo fiber cross-section is into the correlator is non-trivial e-VLBI science runs can last for arbitrarily long periods of time, but 3 weeks runs are not unusual 19 sites x 1 day x 512 Mbps =19 sites x 86400 seconds x 512 Mbps = 840,499,200 Mbits =~105 TeraBytes per day Conclusion

18 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 18 Networking activities NA1: Management of I3 Provides resources to effectively manage the EXPReS I3 project. The objective is to efficiently manage EXPRES and monitor the overall progress of the project goals, in particular the realisation of a production-level e-VLBI infrastructure. Responsible for the overall financial management of the project and the generation of annual and final reports via input from the chairs of the NA, SA and JRAs. NA2: EVN-NREN Forum Partially supports a forum in which representatives of the networking and radio astronomy technical community will meet and interact with each other, including day-to-day communication via the on-line EVN-NREN email forum. The objective is to ensure that both communities are effectively engaged and that together they agree and move forward on the solutions, objectives and development priorities within EXPReS. NA3: e-VLBI Science Forum Partially support the activities of the e-VLBI Science Advisory Group (eVSAG). The objectives of this activity will be to ensure that e-VLBI end-users are well informed and organised about EXPReS developments and can provide critical review of the projects evolution. This group will also help promote & develop the full potential of the e-VLBI technique as an astronomical application. NA4: e-VLBI Outreach, Dissemination & Communications Partially supports outreach and communication aspects of the EXPReS I3. Objectives include: creation of the EXPReS web-site (addressing public outreach, project management and end-user communication requirements), general promotion of EXPReS to the broad scientific and networking communities via a programme of PR activities. General Notes and Information

19 2006 November 02 TuesdaySURFnet/JIVE- Gigaport Astronomy SeminarSlide #: 19 Specific Service & Research Activities SA1: Production e-VLBI Service A programme of integration and development that will provide astronomers (and other end-users) with a production level e-VLBI infrastructure service, capable of servicing and robustly processing e-VLBI data streams of up to 16 Gbps (net) at the EVN data processor at JIVE. The objectives will be to realise a distributed scientific instrument with unique capabilities - an e-VLBI infrastructure operating in real-time - a service that will be expandable to include input from up to 16 telescopes located across the planet (including individual telescopes of the UK e-MERLIN array). SA2: Network Provision for a Global e-VLBI Array A programme of network communication provision that will permit radio telescopes across Europe and the rest of the world to obtain last mile connections to high-speed communication networks that can be connected to national research networks and international communication networks, in particular GÉANT. JRA1: Future Arrays of Broadband Radio Telescopes on Internet Computing A research project that looks towards the future hardware and software requirements that will enable the development of an e-VLBI facility in which data flows of ~ 10-30 Gbps per telescope can be reliably sustained and processed. The main objectives are to design and prototype an e-VLBI data acquisition platform (based on COTS hardware), investigate transport mechanisms and identify protocols that are optimal for e-VLBI, develop a software correlator (e-VLBI data processor) that can run on standard workstations and take advantage of distributed Grid computing resources. General Notes and Information

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