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The 3 initiatives blend so well that I had to stop and think what programs/changes came from which initiative. PBS Transition Cadre LRE.

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Presentation on theme: "The 3 initiatives blend so well that I had to stop and think what programs/changes came from which initiative. PBS Transition Cadre LRE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 3 initiatives blend so well that I had to stop and think what programs/changes came from which initiative. PBS Transition Cadre LRE

2 With the information we learned at PBS, we: Created ABC to assist teachers with supporting all students in the least restrictive environment. Developed a positively stated student handbook, which helped reduce the number of students removed from class for disciplinary actions

3 With the information we learned at PBS, we: Created a Bear PRIDE motto with 5 positively stated behavioral expectancies Created a Bear PRIDE matrix for teaching expected behaviors throughout the school Developed a reward system for students who are meeting Bear PRIDE expectations

4 With the information we learned at PBS, we: Created a mentoring program that connects every student with a staff member who acts as his/her mentor throughout high school which we hope will keep kids on track for graduation. The information we are gain from the transition cadre is being integrated into our mentoring groups-benefiting all our students.

5 With the information we learned at the LRE Conference, we: Developed a whole-class curriculum adaptation matrix (broken down by subject) to assist teachers with curriculum adaptations. Are collaborating with outside agencies to develop curriculums that prepare students for vocational/trade programs.

6 With the information we learned at the LRE Conference, we: Developed alternate curriculum expectations to allow participation of all students in all classes. Are in the process of organizing an organizational fair to inform all students about organizations, clubs, sports, and activities available through the school.

7 With the information we learned at the Transition Cadre/Institute, we: Are developing a system to integrate the ChoiceMaker Curriculum into the general education classrooms. Have a better understanding of how to develop and implement effective transition plans. The information weve gained through the transition cadre has helped us meet the needs of all our students.

8 With the information we learned through the Transition Cadre/Institute, we: Developed a class in which we implement the self-directed IEP and teach organizational and self-advocacy skills. Have a better understanding of the services outside agencies can provide and how to put students and families in touch with them.

9 Academic Behavior Cadre The ABC is a team of staff members that teachers can connect with over student or classroom concerns or for information to assist them in the classroom.

10 –The team is made up of two general education teachers, a special education teacher, the principal, the counselor, the school nurse, and any teachers who would like to participate in the meetings –ABC meets weekly on a set schedule. Any teacher can attend. –A pre-meeting form is available in the office for teachers to fill out in advance to provide the team time to do research

11 –ABC attempts to provide teachers with suggestions and assistance –ABC is not intended for special education referral. It is to provide assistance to teachers with any classroom question, concerning any student.





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