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HIGH SCHOOL REDESIGN ASSESSMENTS Implementation Dr. Tom Dauphinee Interim Supervisor, Assessment and Accountability Dr. Catherine Cross Maple Deputy Secretary,

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Presentation on theme: "HIGH SCHOOL REDESIGN ASSESSMENTS Implementation Dr. Tom Dauphinee Interim Supervisor, Assessment and Accountability Dr. Catherine Cross Maple Deputy Secretary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIGH SCHOOL REDESIGN ASSESSMENTS Implementation Dr. Tom Dauphinee Interim Supervisor, Assessment and Accountability Dr. Catherine Cross Maple Deputy Secretary, Learning and Accountability PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT November 4, 2009

2 High School Redesign Assessments Statute §22-2C-4.1 says grade 11 students choose one or more of the following in fall 2009: –College Readiness Assessment –Workforce Readiness Assessment –Alternative Demonstration of Competency (Standards Based Indicators) –Participate at No Cost to Student

3 College Readiness Assessment Contract for ACT Test Finalized Districts Notified of Implementation CANCELLED Fall 2009 Due to Insufficient School District Funding

4 Workforce Readiness Assessment Contract for WorkKeys Finalized Districts Notified of Implementation CANCELLED Fall 2009 Due to Insufficient School District Funding

5 When Will College and Workforce Readiness Assessments Be Added? School Districts May Administer –If Sufficiently Funded –Arrange with ACT Directly –Might Be Tied to Race To The Top Funds

6 What Is Still In Place? Short Cycle Assessments –3 times in grade 9 –3 times in grade 10

7 What Is Still In Place? Alternate Demonstration of Competency of High School Exit Requirements (NMAC

8 Alternate Demonstration of Competency Portfolio of Standards-Based Indicators May Include, But Not Limited to: Results from post-secondary nationally normed assessments (e.g. ACT / SAT) Results from Workforce Readiness Assessments Results from End-of-Course Assessments

9 Alternate Demonstration of Competency Continued List: School-Based Projects (e.g. papers, theses, research projects) Performances of Art Work (recorded in electronic format) Community-Based Projects (e.g. internships, service learning, after school job performance

10 Alternate Demonstration of Competency Do Not Include Projects Not Students Independent Work Projects Involving Vertebrate Animal Subjects Collaborations Where Individual Work Not Discernable Course Grades, Teacher/Employer Recommendations or Testimonials

11 Alternate Demonstration of Competency Do Not Include Continued List: Artifacts Not Related to Academic Content Standards Inflammatory, Derogatory, or Humiliating Material Projects Involving Human Subject, Microorganisms, Biological Agents Must Follow International Rules

12 Alternate Demonstration of Competency – Other Requirements Student Participated in Grade 9 or 10 Short Cycle Assessments Students Participated in College or Workforce Readiness Assessments May Create a Portfolio of Artifacts as Further Evidence of Competency to Submit to Post-Secondary Institutions or Employers

13 Alternate Demonstration of Competency & High School Graduation Students May Provide Alternate Demonstrations of Competency within 5 Years of Exiting to Receive a NM Diploma of Excellence

14 Carve Your Path/Electronic Student Management System Platform for Student Management of Test Scores, Next Step Plans, Coursework, Artifacts of Standards-Based Portfolios, etc.

15 Carve Your Path/Electronic Student Management System Platform for Student Management of Test Scores, Next Step Plans, Coursework, Artifacts of Standards-Based Portfolios, etc.

16 What is Still In Place? NEW MEXICO HIGH SCHOOL COMPETENCY EXAM Last 10 th Graders in Spring 2009 Retest Until Students Exited from High School 5 Years (2016)

17 What is Coming? GRADE 11 STANDARDS BASED ASSESSMENT / HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION ASSESSMENT First Administration in Spring 2011 Scored for AYP in Reading, Math, and Science Different Set of Scores for Graduation

18 Information About Assessments PED Assessment & Evaluation Website: ccountability/AssessmentEvaluation/index.html Statutes on Assessments §22-2C-4 & 4.1

19 Information About Assessments Statutes on Graduation Requirements §22- 13-1.1

20 Whom Can I Call? Assessments Robert Romero (505) 827-6524 or Charles Trujillo (505) 827-6536 or

21 Whom Can I Call? High School Redesign esign/ Dr. Anya Dozier Enos (505) 827-8058 or

22 Questions?

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