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Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Covers: Encyclopedia Britannica Cambridge University Press Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Covers: Encyclopedia Britannica Cambridge University Press Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Enhancement Training for Aplus Power Pack Covers: Encyclopedia Britannica Cambridge University Press Learning Objects National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Graphing Calculator A+ University Access Supplied by Greenbush VPL program

2 Encyclopedia Britannica online School Edition Encyclopedia Britannica online School Edition 2,100 direct links from A+LS courseware lessons to Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition content workspaces that contain articles, learning materials, videos, and much more Access for up to 900 students per site Complete unlimited access to the Encyclopedia Britannica website via A+LS courseware lessons Britannica content workspaces accessed from A+LS lesson links contain information that serves to enhance and grow student learning interest. Research resource for both students and teachers Elementary, middle, and high school content available

3 EB online access is embedded into individual lessons and can be located using the curriculum authoring manuals available

4 To review the EB online articles access through the Curriculum Authoring Window

5 Scroll down to the Subject Click on the key to open Scroll down to the ALS lesson Right click (ctrl-click for Mac users) on Launch Playback as Student

6 Select Study as the mode of playback Select Adult or Thin Client as the interface

7 Click on the EB button along the top outlined here, make sure the have internet access.

8 Students can click on articles or other media from here or search using the Search Bar across the top.

9 Cambridge University Press Learning Objects 12 science and two elective titles are enriched with a total of 638 learning objects. Learning objects can be used for whole class or individual learning. Learning objects are a self-contained visual application used to teach students a specific concept covered in the A+LS lessons. Learning objects consist of animations and interactive activities that enhance the curriculum concepts presented within the A+LS lessons.

10 CUP activities are embedded into individual lessons and can be located using the curriculum authoring manuals available

11 Scroll down to the Subject Click on the key to open Scroll down to the ALS lesson Right click (ctrl-click for Mac users) on Launch Playback as Student

12 Select Study as the mode of playback Select Adult or Thin Client as the interface

13 Click on the CUP button along the top outlined here.

14 These are guided studies with tests to check understanding.

15 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives 14 math titles are enriched with 255 learning objects developed by the NLVM with the support of the National Science Foundation. The learning objects are virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials for mathematics instruction that help students visualize relationships and applications. The NLVM learning objects are a self-contained visual application used to teach students a specific concept covered in the A+LS lessons

16 NLVM activities are embedded into individual lessons and can be located using the curriculum authoring manuals available here. here

17 Scroll down to the Subject Click on the key to open Scroll down to the ALS lesson Right click (ctrl-click for Mac users) on Launch Playback as Student

18 Select Study as the mode of playback Select Adult or Thin Client as the interface

19 An icon like this will launch the activity. Once it begins make sure and click on the question mark instruction button which will tell how the manipulative works.

20 Graphing Calculator Many of the advanced math lessons include graphing calculator activities designed to expand the students understanding of functional relationships and data representation. Enriched interactive features include animations, off-line investigations, drag and drop, layered sequence activities, and other processes that allow the student to respond to the material in a variety of ways.

21 Each time the calculator is available there is an instruction sheet with several pages of how to use the calculator.

22 A+® University Convenient – Receive training on demand, 24 hours a day, seven days a week Accessible – Available at school, at home, or on the road Fast – Self-paced activities meet the immediate need of the educator. Easy to Use – Clearly defined lessons and an easy-to-use navigation system Cost Effective – Save money by effectively utilizing training dollars to reinforce formal training or to quickly get new or transferred teachers familiar with the A+LS courseware.

23 Enter into an internet

24 Enter your first name here. Enter your last name here. Enter your email address here. Enter VPL code here. Enter VPL password here. The VPL code and the VPL password login can be given to you by either the VPL helpdesk or a VPL coordinator. They will also give you the Function name and lesson number.

25 Each lesson will walk you through the process in Aplus, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

26 Contact Information Director: Dave Walters 417.439.0096 Office: Barb Gibson 785.242.3795 fax 785.242.0147 Northern Coordinator: Carol Mortimer 620.875.2527 Southern Coordinator: Kelly Krumsick 620.249.0978 Western Coordinator: Lori Carselowey 620.669.9756 Technical Support/Help Desk: Kim Eddings 866.464.3669 or 620.724.2059 Technology Coordinator: Casey Speers 785.565.8914

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