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NUCLEAR PHYSICS in the CZECH REPUBLIC. Czech Republic population 10,5 milion in research & development & innovation 51 thousands employees from these.

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2 Czech Republic population 10,5 milion in research & development & innovation 51 thousands employees from these 29 thousands researchers in public sector 25 thousands employees from these 18 thousands researchers

3 Czech Republic sources in research & development & innovation 2 400 mil EUR 1, 63% GDP from the state budget 1 000 mil EUR 0,60 % GDP

4 Czech Republic in the state budget research & development & innovation supported from 22 chapters the most important providers Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports390 mil EUR Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 235 mil EUR Czech Science Foundation 75 mil EUR Ministry of Industry and Trade 150 mil EUR

5 Nuclear Physics in the Czech Republic people physicists 75 PhD students 20 budget6,5 mil EUR 4 institutions

6 ~ 9 scientists nuclear theory photon strength functions, neutron resonances participation at n-tof collaboration (CERN)

7 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering ~ 9 scientists, active in nuclear physics experiments

8 Czech Technical University in Prague Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics ~ 18 scientists, activities both in particle and nuclear physics

9 Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR major Czech institution in nuclear physics field ~ 220 employees ~ 90 scientists mission basic research in nuclear physics and related disciplines use of nuclear physics methods in interdisciplinary scientific and research areas

10 Řež


12 Nuclear Physics in the Czech Republic basic research interdisciplinary and applied research impacts conditional on quality of the basic research credibility of fundamental science inferred from the benefits for society participation in large-scale international projects employment of home facilities and equipment


14 Van de Graaff Laboratory TypePositive ions electrostatic Van de Graaff accelerator HV 2500AN ProducerHigh Voltage Engineering, Amersfoort, NL Max. voltage3.0 MV Ions acceleratedprotons, deuterons, alphas Beam current(0.5 - 1000) microamps Commissioned1986

15 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic ~ 50 institutes (science, humanities) ~ 7000 employees

16 Nuclear Physics Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Řež

17 Nuclear Physics Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Řež

18 Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR major Czech institution in nuclear physics field ~ 250 employees ~ 80 scientists ~ 30 PhD students (195 FTE) (66 FTE) mission basic research in nuclear physics and related disciplines use of nuclear physics methods in interdisciplinary scientific and research areas

19 Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Financing scheme - 2009

20 Phases of Nuclear Matter Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC @ A Large Ion Collider Experiment @ Compressed Baryonic Matter @ High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer @ NPI involvement

21 reactor LVR 15, NRI Řež, plc. reactor power 10 MW thermal flux in the core 1.5 10 18 ns -1 m -2 beam tube 1 10 13 ns -1 m -2 tank type light water moderated and cooled NPI Neutron Physics Laboratory

22 Tandetron 4130MC Laboratory Electrostatic accelerator - terminal voltage 200 kV-3MV H-Au ions - energies ~100 keV - ~10 MeV material characterization and modification by nuclear methods RBS, PIXE, PIGE, ERDA implantation channeling microprobe Nuclear Analytical Methods material research mikro- and nano-structures for electronics, optics, opto-electronics, polymers for medicine enviromental research, geology,biology Co pigment distibution in cobalt blue glaze, global and detail in left 50x50µm scan

23 cyclotron U-120M isochronous machine with K=40 + ions E/E ~ 5.10 -4

24 Low Energy Experimental Nuclear Physics Nuclear Astrophysics nuclear reactions important for the evolution of stellar environment indirect methods ANC method Trojan Horse Method cooperation - Texas A&M University, LNS Catania, … 15 N(p 15 N( 3 He,d)

25 Radiopharmaceuticals Production of radionuclides: Excitation functions measurement, target systems development and testing using cyclotron U-120M Labelling PET and SPECT tracers (FDOPA, FESP, FECH, puromycine etc.) therapeutics - nimotuzumab and trastuzumab labelled with 177 Lu, possibly 86 Y or 124 I for imaging; bioerodable thermoresponsive polymers for possible radiotherapeutic applications Biological testing testing of the studied tracers on cell cultures and animal models in hired out labs; building of a new cell culture lab routine production transferred into daugther company Radiomedic since 2009 18F fluordeoxyglucose (FDG), [ 18 F] FLT –fluorthymidin, for positron emision tomography (PET), 81Rb/81Kr generator for lungs ventilation diagnostic, 123 I

26 Nuclear Physics for Energy EURATOM fusion program fast neutron generators employing cyclotron beam σ n (IFMIF-like white spectrum) 36 MeV D2O target station 10 11 n/cm 2 /s nuclear data relevant to the fusion technologies the only facility within EU labs - simulates the neutron spectrum of IFMIF member of SPIRAL-2 Neutrons for Science ATLAS-HEC (CERN) radiation-damage studies - SCT

27 Nuclear Physics for Energy neutron cross-section data for next-generation fission reactors (ADT systems) lead-uranium assembly irradiated by relativistic beams benchmark tests of codes (MCNPX) for ADT systems studies @ JINR Dubna & TSL Uppsala


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