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Published byOlivia Hughes Modified over 11 years ago
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 the approved proposal of the nuclear- structure community to the EC for an EUROpean Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) in Nuclear Structure within very differently organized than the many proposals in FP5.....writing and preparation was initiated and started by FINUPHY in mid of 2002.....submission and evaluation took place in 2003
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Goals of an I3 Improvement of existing infrastructures* (Joint research activities, JRA) Increase access to existing infrastructures* (Transnational access, TNA) Foster networking and integrating activities (Networks) * Large-scale facilities, laboratories with unique instrumentation, collections and museums, data bases, communication networks, etc.
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS - Overview Project Coordinator: Alex C. Mueller (Orsay) (Assistant to the Coordinator: C.S.) Managing Institution: GSI Darmstadt 83 participating institutions from 27 countries The Project comprises: - 11 JRAs (Joint Research Activities) - 8 TNAs (TransNational Access) - 8 Networks (including MANET) Requested Budget: 34,1 M Duration of the contract: 5 years All information is available from the GSI docu-ment server -> Information -> EURONS
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS – Meeting of activity coordinators (31. March 2003 at GSI, Darmstadt) Management-Team: * A. C. Mueller/IN2P3-CNRS * C. Scheidenberger/GSI * K. D. Gross/GSI * I. Reinhard/GSI-PT * D. Müller/GSI-PT "Writing Committee": * R. Broda (Krakow, Poland) * G. Fortuna (Legnaro, Italy) * B. Fulton (York, UK) * D. Goutte (GANIL, France) * W. Henning (GSI, Germany) * J. Vervier (Louvain, Belgium) * M. Harakeh (KVI, NL, chairman of NuPECC)
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 May/June 2002: Information to the European nuclear structure community by FINUPHY (Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, EU funded project within FP5) FINUPHY Meeting at Trento (28 Oct.2002) First presentation of ideas for JRAs FINUPHY Meeting of the Writing Committee at Mainz (7 Dec.2002) Selection of JRAs, suggestion of fundings for JRAs, TNAs, and Networks FINUPHY Meeting of Writing Committee, Coordinator, and Managing Institution at the occasion of the NuPECC Town Meeting at Darmstadt (31 Jan.2003) Status and follow-ups of former decisions FINUPHY Meeting at Catania (27/28 Feb.2003) Presentation of status, assignment of individual and overall budgets 11-14 April: submission to the EC, handing in in person Concerted action by A. C. Mueller, C. Scheidenberger, and Jean Vervier (!) End of August 2003: Evaluation Summary Report EURONS - Milestones
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Evaluation Summary Report EURONS reached rank 25 (from 154 proposals handed in in total) EURONS received mark 4.5 (marks from 0 to 5, mark 5 being the best) Dedicated and clear recommendations Overall budget was reduced by ~ 45% (similar to other I3 proposals!) Only 24 proposals can be funded..... ("pole position on waiting list")
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004....and finally the good news:
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Budgets for Access, Networks, and JRAs Networking and integrating activities:1.456 k Access to infrastructures:6.590 k Joint research activities:6.010 k total:14.056 k
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Access facilities within EURONS Louvain Legnaro Darmstadt CERN Groningen GANIL Uppsala Jyväskylä Jülich Trento (ECT*) Catania
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS Access Activities
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS Access Activities e.g. GSI user support: For approved experiments: –experimental facilities including electronics, computing, etc. are provided free of charge. For all projects proposed by external users: –GSI contact person is nominated who gives and/or organises the scientific, technical and logistical support set-up/perform experiment. Support also includes: –office space and access to GSI computing facilities –training courses/ briefings, e. g. on the general safety regulations at GSI specific regulations at the experimental facilities to be used –access to the GSI detector and target laboratory as well as to the GSI mechanical workshops (to a certain extent) –logistic support (accommodation, travel and payments, guest office) GSI lodging facilities: –guest house with 28 bed/ office rooms for short-term visitors –for long-term visitors, two guesth. with 9 fully furnished appartments
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Subsistence: (750 person-days per year; allowance of 70 per day (750x4x70): 210,000 Travel: (Average duration 9 days per visit; 328 travels; average cost: 397,32 : 130,320 Users Selection Panel: (4 members, 2 meetings per year, 540 per member (4x2x540x4): 17,280 User Fees: 1,104 exp. days x 600 / exp. day 662,400 Total EC Contribution allotted: 1,020,000 EURONS Access Activities Cost breakdown of GSI access activity
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 A: Average annual direct costs to provide access 20,244,000 B: Average annual personnel costs to provide access 24,422,400 C: Overhead (20 % of A+B)8,933,280 D: Sum A+B+C53,599,680 E: Annual Access for users (in units of exp. days) 1364 exp. days F: Unit Cost (= D/E)39,295 / exp. day G: Unit cost charged to the proposal (= D/E x 1,53%) 600 EUR/ exp. day H: Total quantity of access offered for EURONS over the 4-years contract period 1104 exp. days I: User Fees (= H*G)662,400 further information: Cost breakdown of GSI access activity User Fee Estimate (Adapted to Available Funds)
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Networks - Overview
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS Networking Activities
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 JRAs - Overview
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Management structure General Assembly One representative of each laboratory Feedback from and to community, monitor progress Project Coordination Committee All project leaders and the managing team Support of Coordinator in all management issues, surveys the overall coherence of the activities -> elects an executive board (6 members) for rapid interaction with the Coordinator on pressing issues Administrative Project Controlling Administrative persons Keep track of financial situation, control cash flow Project Coordinator The sole contact person for the EC, responsible for all scientific and administrative coordination of the project Activity Coordinator One person of each activity Manages the activity and represents it in the PCC
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS – Financial share of countries
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Italian participation in EURONS Networks: N3: GAMMAPOOL Padova (Coordinator) Access: A5:LNL Legnaro A6: ECT* Trento JRAs: JRA2:AGATA LNL, Milano, Padova JRA5: EXL Milano JRA6: INTAG LNL JRA7: ISIBHI LNS(Coordinator), LNL JRA10:SAFERIBLNL, LNS
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 JRA AGATA AGATA will be * an instrument of major importance for nuclear structure studies at the very limits of stability * capable of measuring -radiation in a very large energy range (few 10keV up to > 10 MeV) * will have largest efficiency and * a very good spectral response. Coordinator: W. Korten
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 JRA AGATA Principal objectives: –Development, construction, commissioning and evaluation of the first modules –including dedicated digital front-end electronics and –a data acquisition system capable of handling the -ray tracking in real time Milestones and deliverables: –Final conceptual design of the full AGATA array (6 months) –Delivery of the AGATA prototype module (24 months) –Characterisation of the first AGATA module completed (36 months) –Commissioning and evaluation of all individual sub systems and delivery of the evaluation report (48 months) Organization: –the AGATA Steering Committee (ASC), representing the countries participating in the AGATA collaboration. –the AGATA Management Board (AMB), responsible for the execution of project –the AGATA working groups (AWGs), executing the tasks as defined by the AMB AGATA triple-cluster module 36-fold segmented Ge detector
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 JRA AGATA Tasks which will be pursuedParticipants working for tasks
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 JRA ISIBHI Objective: –improve the p erformances of ECR ion sources for heavy ions –enhance accelerator performances (beam variety, intensity, reliability, and quality) –develop R&D, build and test new prototypes Facilities: –CERN (ions for LHC: typically Pb27+, at 2.5 keV/u, 6 mA, 6 µs pulsed beams) –GSI (ions of (A/q) = 1....8.5, pulsed and dc mode, 1....6 emA, 2.5....5.0 keV/u) –GANIL (LINAG project, (q/A) = (1/3), 1emA; in a first step Ar, later Kr) –INFN-LNS (EXCYT: heavy ion beams up to U60+, 0.5....5 eµA, cw mode) –INFN-LNL (SPES upgrade, cw beams of (q/A)=(1/3) are necessary) –JYFL Jyväskylä (new superconducting ECRIS for cyclotron upgrade) –HMI (heavy ions up to U, (A/q) ~4.7, 100 pnA, enhance capacity of RFQ- injector) Solutions: MSECRIS A-Phoenix Coordinator: G. Ciavola
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 GSI – Participation in present EU-projects FP5:Running projects NUPEX, ION-CATCHER, HITRAP, NIPNET, ECRIS, Marie-Curie Fellowship, EuNITT, FINUPHY FP6: Recently started projects EGEE, CARE, Laserlab, I3-Hadronphysics Contract negotiations EUROTRANS, EURISOL-Design Study, Cellion NoE, EURATOM – Fellowship, EUROTEV, FAIR-Design Study (Coordinator), I3-EURONS (Managing Institution) Rejected proposals ENLIGHT, NUMADE, Lasernet, Marie Curie Fellowship
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Experience with EU projects, some statistics EURONS I3-HP FAIR-Design Proposal/request (M): 34,1 34,4 10 Months/pages: 6/570 7/510 6/20 Evaluation sum.rep. (M): 15 17,4 9 Contract negotiations (M): 14 17,4 9 Evaluation (months): 4 4 5 Some numbers for comparison: EU: 3 projects, 2300 pages for 10 M/a: 230 pages/M BMBF: 100 projects, 2000 pages for 12 M/a: 160 pages/M GSI: 50 projects, 300 pages for 5 M/a: 60 pages/M
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 Present and next steps Strict implementation of the recommendations Preparation of proposals in updated/revised form MANET meeting at June 16, 2004 Submission to the EC at June 23, 2004 Contract negotiations and preparation: July Preparation of consortium agreement Project start: ~ begin 2005
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004 EURONS Summary: EURONS is an I3 (Access + Networking + JRAs) (successor of FINUPHY) The "heart" of EURONS are its worldclass facilities Goals are: –focus on activities that are in general relevant to more than one facility –reach coherence in ongoing developments, pooling and efficient use of resources, –improve existing infrastructures –increase access to infrastructures –foster networking activities –ensure that the European Nuclear Structure Community concentrates on the most prominent Joint Research Activities –preserve and even extend the leading role of Europe in nuclear structure physics
Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6.-9. October 2004
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