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Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 1 The JRC Laboratory of Neutron Physics Peter Rullhusen.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 1 The JRC Laboratory of Neutron Physics Peter Rullhusen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 1 The JRC Laboratory of Neutron Physics Peter Rullhusen

2 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 2 Nuclear activities at IRMM Unit for Isotopic Measurements safeguards radionuclide metrology nuclear targets preparation Unit for Neutron Measurements neutron-induced reactions cross sections, resonance parameters fission fragments fission neutron multiplicities and spectra standard cross sections modelling of the fission process technical developments: data acquisition using fast signal digitisers Frisch-gridded ionisation chambers, time-projection chambers detector arrays for n, measurements

3 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 3 direct actions in FP7 - Euratom Basic Research in Nuclear Physics and Neutron Data Standards Standard cross-sections Theory / modelling Exploratory research, technical developments Neutron Data for Waste Transmutation and Safety of Different Reactor Systems transmutation of long-lived radioactive waste Accelerator-driven systems U-Pu and Th-U fuel cycles Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

4 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 4 IAEA-CRP F4.10.20 Evaluated Data for the Th-U Fuel Cycle Th-U fuel cycle: 232 Th(n, ) measurements in the Resolved Resonance Region:

5 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 5 n measurements with very high energy resolution using time-of-flight technique The Geel Linear Accelerator GELINA

6 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 6

7 7

8 8 neutron production target: depleted uranium, Hg cooled

9 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 9 GELINA - Main operating modes ELECTRON BEAMNEUTRON BEAM Pulse Length (ns) Repetition Rate (Hz) Peak Current (A) Mean Current ( A) Mean Energy (MeV) Mean Power (kW) Peak production rate during pulse (n/s) Mean production rate (n/s) Without compression 1080010851058.53.8 10 18 3.0 10 13 With compression < 1800> 100801058.03.5 10 19 2.8 10 13 < 150> 10051050.53.4 10 19 1.8 10 12

10 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 10 New detector arrays (n,n ) detector setup: 8 x HPGe @ 110° and 150° Digitized acquisition (n, ) detector setup: 10 x C 6 D 6 @ 60° and 120° = 0.8 Digitized acquisition

11 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 11 7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator Belt-charged CN Van de Graaff from High Voltage Engineering (installed 1978, new accelerator tube installed 1999) Radio frequency ion source. ECR ion source to be installed late 2007 Proton-, deuteron- and alpha beams DC and pulsed mode 10-50 A DC beam current dependent on ion and beam line Fast pulsing, fwhm 2.0 ns at 2.5 MHz, 1.25 MHz or 0.625 MHz, and 0.1 A average current Slow pulsing, minimum width of 10 s, continuously adjustable frequency up to 5 kHz. ~10 8 neutrons/s/cm 2, 1 cm from target (DC mode) 6 beam lines (on 2 levels) Operated 24 hours/day, 7 days/week in periods of 4 weeks

12 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 12

13 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 13 Neutron field production 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be E n : 0 - 5.3 MeV T(p,n) 3 He E n : 0 - 6.2 MeV D(d,n) 3 He E n : 1.8 - 10.1 MeV T(d,n) 4 He E n : 12.1 - 24.1 MeV 20 cm nuclear reaction, neutron emission angle, ion energy. 0 deg. 80 deg. 40 deg.

14 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 14 Neutron field characteristics Reaction E n IpIp TargetTarget thicknessNeutron fluence rate (at 10 cm distance) MeV A mg/cm 2 cm- 2 s- 1 Li(p,n)0.250.0752.04725LiF0.55.03E+05 Li(p,n)0.5650.0612.32120LiF0.52.00E+06 T(p,n) T(p,n)2.50.1373.35115TiT2.03.89E+06 D(d,n)5.00.3561.94325TiD2.02.82E+06 D(d,n)8.00.1714.84110TiD2.01.97E+06 T(d,n)*14.80.4280.96450TiT2.04.22E+06 T(d,n)16.21.0490.96650TiT2.04.62E+06 T(d,n)19.00.3382.67920TiT2.07.58E+05 *Neutron fluence in 74 deg. Angle.

15 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 15 Activation cross-sections shielding materials: activation structural materials: radiation damage charged-part. prod. modelling: adapt parameters

16 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 16 16 O(n, ) 13 C 30% uncertainty 100 pcm in k eff for UOX,MOX fuel accounts for 25% of total He production

17 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 17 NEPTUNE: New pulsed and tunable neutron source beam chopper at VdG for measurements in the s to ms range

18 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 18 VERDI: Velocity for direct particle identification fission fragment properties: Z, A, E kin identification of pre-cursors for delayed neutron emission 16 fission fragment detectors two-arm spectrometer n FP

19 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 19 NUDAME Transnational Access to IRMM neutron data facilities FP6 EURATOM programme 3000 supplementary data-taking hours for external users 18 experiments approved by PAC, April 1, 2005 – March 31, 2008

20 Workshop on European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities, Aghios Nikolaos, Crete 7-8 September 2007 20 positive evaluation contract negotiations 4 years (2008 – 2012) 5600 supplementary data-taking hours for external users start-up probably April 2008 EUFRAT: new TA proposal for Euratom FP7 programme if you are interested: check out our website

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