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Report from: the High Intensity Stable Beam Working Group HISB-WG Marie-Helene Moscatello (GANIL) Annamaria Porcellato (Legnaro) Uli Ratzinger (GSI) Faical.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from: the High Intensity Stable Beam Working Group HISB-WG Marie-Helene Moscatello (GANIL) Annamaria Porcellato (Legnaro) Uli Ratzinger (GSI) Faical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from: the High Intensity Stable Beam Working Group HISB-WG Marie-Helene Moscatello (GANIL) Annamaria Porcellato (Legnaro) Uli Ratzinger (GSI) Faical Azaiez (IPN-Orsay) Giacomo DeAngelis (Legnaro) Sigurd Hofmann (GSI) Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (Liverpool) Rauno Julin (JYFL) ECOS: European COnsortium of Stable (beams)

2 1st meeting june 2004 in Paris: Work distribution Beam intensity limitations and technical developments for various types of research lines! N=Z nuclei (in–beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : DeAngelis SHE search : Hofmann Super heavy nuclei (in-beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : Herzberg Neutron-deficient nuclei (in-beam spectroscopy and decay studies) : Julin Exotic shapes and decay modes in nuclei : Azaiez Neutron rich nuclei using DIC reactions : Azaiez & DeAngelis Status and future developments of existing facilities LEGNARO : Porcellato GANIL : Moscatello GSI : Hofmann&Ratzinger JYVASKYLA : Julin

3 2nd meeting Oct 2004 in Legnaro : Discussion of the work progress

4 Report on physics and Experiment issues: identified two categories of experiments: Categories 1: Studies at the target Beam intensity limitations due to electronics and data acquisition up to 100pnA Categories 2: Studies at the focal plan Beam intensity limitations due to target technology up to 10p A

5 Report on the status and future developments of existing facilities -JYVASKYLA : Julin - LEGNARO : Porcellato -GANIL : Moscatello -GSI : Hofmann&Ratzinger

6 JYFL-Jyväskylä K=130 AVF Cyclotron JYFL Ion Sources 6.4 GHz ECR 14 GHz ECR Multicusp H - source

7 A relatively new machine Mainly for nuclear structure physics JYFL-Jyväskylä

8 Beams - E > 5 MeV /nucleon Heavy and light ions available >1pμA p, He, B, C, N, O, Ar >100 pnA F, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, Ca, Fe, Cr, Ni,Cu, Zn, Kr >10 pnA Ti, Mn, Ge, Sr, Zr, Ru, Xe ECR developments for intensity upgrade: -Collaboration with ANL Argonne, EURONS – JRA- ISIBHI -New MIVOC compound for Titanium, Two-frequency ECR ion source -New magnetic multipole structure for better confinement of the ECR plasma

9 Tandem+ALPI and the PIAVE-Injector SC Booster ALPI XTU-Tandem Positive Ion Injector PIAVE ECRIS Alice 350kV platform Reliable Under Commissioning Upgraded EX. Halls 1 and 2 EX. Hall 3 LEGNARO

10 Present ALPI output energy –Tandem injector Tandem 15 MV; F,F 1998 : 11 Pb/Cu cryostats 2003: 13 Nb/Cu cryostats ALPI LEGNARO


12 Energy output PIAVE injection, 2004 ALPI ALPI - 12 low resonators operating at 4.4 MV/m - 44 medium resonators operating at 4.4 MV/m - 8 high resonators operating at 5.5 MV/m PIAVE: - 2 SRFQs at the design accelerating fields - 8 low resonators at 5 MV/m LEGNARO

13 Present authorization limits -For ions from Si to Pb: E < 20 MeV/u, I < -30 pnA on target -For ions from C to Al : E< 26 MeV/u, I<2 pnA on target LEGNARO Future: With ion sources delivering 5 mA for typical beams, the 100pnA Intensity will be achieved for most of the accelerated ions!

14 Towards experimental areas Available stable beams at Ganil CSS1 beams: from 12 C (4 to 13.5 A.MeV) to 238 U (4 to 8 A.MeV) intensities: several p A for light ions and 40 possibility of simultaneous beams in SME and HE experimental areas (using a stripper) CIME beams: from He to Xe a few pnA between 2 and 25 A.MeV depending on q/A **** with a direct beam line (DBL) from CIME to the G1 and G2 GANIL DBL

15 Ongoing R&D: Ion production methods: development of Ni, Ca, Ge… Needed R&D: If necessary, possibility of increasing the intensity of light ions, by adding a rebuncher at the entrance of the C01 injector cyclotron (the light ion intensity limitation is due to space charge effects near the cyclotron injection) GANIL

16 Spiral2 project Spiral2: q/A=1/3 ions 1mA (Ar) from 0.75 to 14.5 A.MeV able to accelerate 5mA D + beam up to 20 A.MeV lower intensities avalaible (Cr, Ni,…) 2 nd step: q/A=1/6 ions 1mA (Xe) from 0.75 to 6.5 MeV/A GANIL

17 Spiral2 project Associated R&D: The accelerator is based on almost known technology (normal conducting RFQ, quarter-wave SC cavities for the SC linac, the couplers have to be developed for 10 to 20 kW/cavity (under design). The challenge is mainly the high intensity to be accelerated, without any losses -during the construction phase, development of high intensity q/A=1/3 beams like Cr, Ni with the GTS source (ex. SBT/CEA source) at Ganil -during the APD and construction phase, development of a new source (APHOENIX) that will produce 1mA beams with A as high as possible GANIL

18 Ion Source Transport line Isotope Ion Source [pµA] Experiment [pµA] 40 Ca 7+ 3.60.5 48 Ca 7+ 2.00.5 54 Cr 7+ 1.70.9 58 Fe 8+ 1.10.5 70 Zn 10+ 1.60.6 Particle Current in the GSI-Unilac (routine operation) HLIAlvarez GSI

19 3 versions of the UNILAC-upgrade at GSI GSI(I) GSI(II) GSI(III) (recently submitted to an expert committee for evaluation)

20 New RFQ-structure: gain of the duty factor higher injection energy increased acceptance Additional 28 GHz-ion-source: intensity gain of factor two higher charge states for increased duty factor LEBT – Laminated magnets: redundance for ion sources preparation for future pulse to pulse operation with different ion-species 50% duty factor intensity-gain factor x2 GSI (I) New Front-end for the High Charge State Injector

21 U. Ratzinger: CW Linac – Room Temperature Part: HLI-RFQ HLI-IH Rebuilt of the HLI with small modifications : Improved mechanical design with respect to cooling, especially: Cooling of the IH drift tubes. Cooling of the RFQ mini vanes. Improvement of longitudinal beam dynamics. GSI (II)

22 dc beam 1 < A/q < 7 E beam : 4-7.5 MeV/u E beam < 3keV/u Intensity gain: Duty cycle 30%100%3.5 28 GHz ECR-source (sc)2-10(?) increased stability (65% 85)% 1.3 shorter shutdowns (107 d/y 47 d/y)1.2 Total gain11-55(?) normal conducting super conducting super conducting GSI (III) Project for a Superconducting CW-linac U. Ratzinger et al. University of Frankfurt

23 Next ECOS meeting will be held in Jyvaskyla on the 28 February and 1 of March 2005. Discussion of conclusions and recommendations A written report will be hopefully ready for the next NuPECC meeting ( March in Debrecen)!

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