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Status of the FAIR Project Boris Sharkov FAIR Scientific Director (des.) NuPECC Madrid 31.06.2010 AustriaIndiaChina Finland FranceGermanyGreeceU KItalyPolandSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenRomaniaRussia.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the FAIR Project Boris Sharkov FAIR Scientific Director (des.) NuPECC Madrid 31.06.2010 AustriaIndiaChina Finland FranceGermanyGreeceU KItalyPolandSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenRomaniaRussia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the FAIR Project Boris Sharkov FAIR Scientific Director (des.) NuPECC Madrid 31.06.2010 AustriaIndiaChina Finland FranceGermanyGreeceU KItalyPolandSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenRomaniaRussia Saudi Arabia

2 B. Sharkov2 Research Communities at FAIR 100 m Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics with rare isotope beams, x10 000 and excellent cooling High EM Field (HI) _ Fundamental Studies (HI & p) Applications (HI) Plasma Physics: x600 higher target energy density 600kJ/g Nuclear Matter Physics with 35-45 GeV/u HI beams, x1000 Hadron Physics with antiprotons of 0 - 15 GeV Special Features: 50ns Bunched beams Electron cooling of secondary beams SC magnets fast ramping Parallel operation SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CBM HADES FLAIR CR- RESR Rare Isotope Production Target Antiproton Production Target

3 B. Sharkov3 Development of Project Staging 2003Recommendation by WissenschaftsRat – FAIR Realisation in three stages 2005 Entire Facility Baseline Technical Report 2007 Phase A Phase B SIS300 2009 Module 0 SIS100 Module 1 expt areas CBM/HADES and APPA Module 2 Super-FRS fixed target area NuSTAR Module 3 pbar facility, incl. CR for PANDA, options for NuSTAR Module 4 LEB for NuSTAR, NESR for NuSTAR and APPA, FLAIR for APPA Module 5 RESR nominal intensity for PANDA & parallel operation with NuSTAR and APPA SIS18 Proton Beamline Module 6 SIS300 HESR Cooler ER Modularized Start Version

4 B. Sharkov4 Rationale for new Modularized Start Version (WP) in 2009 a detailed cost estimate for CC presented by architects a new cost estimate in 2009 for the accelerator complex Detailed list of site related construction costs was worked out firm commitments of FAIR Member States + 110 M ! Germany and State of Hesse announced to cover "site-dependent" construction costs outside FAIR project budget + 110 M !

5 Basic Criteria : Outstanding research opportunities should be offered to all four scientific pillars of FAIR by the Modularized Start Version B. Sharkov5

6 6 Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel.

7 B. Sharkov7 Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel.

8 B. Sharkov8 Module 2: Super-FRS Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel.

9 B. Sharkov9 Module 3: High-energy antiprotons (p-linac, pbar-target, CR, HESR) Module 2: Super-FRS Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel.

10 B. Sharkov10 Module 3: High-energy antiprotons (p-linac, pbar-target, CR, HESR) Module 2: Super-FRS Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel. Module 4: low energy RIB and low energy antiprotons

11 B. Sharkov11 Module 3: High-energy antiprotons (p-linac, pbar-target, CR, HESR) Module 2: Super-FRS Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel. Module 4: low energy RIB and low energy antiprotons Module 5: RESR storage ring P+ beamline ABM Hall

12 B. Sharkov12 Module 3: High-energy antiprotons (p-linac, pbar-target, CR, HESR) Module 2: Super-FRS Module 1: Experimental areas Module 0: SIS100 and connection to existing GSI accel. Module 4: low energy RIB and low energy antiprotons Module 5: RESR storage ring P+ beamline ABM building Modularized Start Version

13 B. Sharkov13 PANDA Science with the Modularized Start Version CBM/HADES NuSTAR APPA

14 B. Sharkov14 Cost Estimate Modules 0-3 (Price Basis 2005) Total accelerator and personnel Modules 0 - 3502 Total civil construction Modules 0 - 3400 Experiment funding78 FAIR GmbH personnel and running costs47 Grand Total Modules 0 - 31027 all values in M

15 B. Sharkov15 Firm Commitments FAIR CountriesTotal declared Contribution (k) Austria 5.000 China 12.000 Finland 5.000 France 27.000 Germany 705.000 Great Britain 8.000 Greece 4.000 India 36.000 Italy 42.000 Poland 23.740 Romania 11.870 Russia 178.050 Slovenia 12.000 Slovakia 6.000 Spain 19.000 Sweden 10.000 Total 1.104.660 Firm Commitments 1.038.660 not firm for the first batch Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia signed the Declaration to contribute at least 1 % Primeminister Putin signed. Officially publicized last week.

16 Dear Colleagues, We are happy to inform you that the Decree of the Russian Government on Russian participation in FAIR project was issued and published. Its number is 245-p of February 27, 2010. By this decision Russian Government approved the project of FAIR Convention with Russian contribution to FAIR construction in the amount of 178,05 MEuro (prices of January 2005) and authorized the State Corporation Rosatom to be Russian Shareholder of FAIR Company. Sincerely, O.Patarakin, P.Bogdanov. Sincerely, O.Patarakin, P.Bogdanov.

17 B. Sharkov17 Finance Summary Cost of Modularized Start Version = 1027 M Firm funding commitments of FAIR Partners = 1039 M Modularized Start Version secures a swift start within the current funding commitments

18 B. Sharkov18 Evaluation Board 16 October 2009 1.The Modularized Start Version is the right way to proceed. 2.The project is more focussed and is in even better shape. 3.We should now start as soon as possible! The Green Paper outlines the path to achieve this goal

19 B. Sharkov19 FAIR accelerator Work Packages

20 International Partner 1 WP 1 International Partner 3 WP 3 International Partner 2 WP 2 International Partner n WP n Consortium (represented by Consortium Leader) form FAIR GmbH

21 Preparatory Phase R&D by GSI & Partner Institutes B. Sharkov21 IHEP Protvino SIS300 magnets Variable Frequency Cavities BINP Novosibirsk SIS100 rapidly cycling sc magnets CEA / CNRS NESR Electron Cooling

22 SIS18upgrade Program h=2 acceleration cavity for faster ramping Scrapers and NEG coating for pressure stabilization Injection system for low charged state heavy ions Charge separator for higher intensity and high quality beams The SIS18upgrade program: Booster operation with low charge state heavy ions Power grid connection

23 Acceleration of Intermediate Charge State Heavy Ions Significant progress with Ta 24+ and U 27+ ions due to the upgrade program in comparison with 2001 Maximum beam energy about 200 MeV/u

24 B. Sharkov24 Roadmap +1 year Start of construction activities 2010/11 +1 year Schedule is driven by civil construction Aim for earliest commissioning of accelerators and respective experiments +1 year

25 Road Map FAIR Site & Buildings 2009 2012201120102013 201620152014 1234 5 6 Handing in of preplanning documents to hbm Clarification of user requirements Modularized Start Version (MSV) Start revised preplanning for MSV Expected approval of revised planning for MSV Preparation of documents for building permit Expected approval for (partial) building permit Start site preparation (clearing trees) Award contracts on civil construction work lot 1 … 4 Completion of civil construction work lot 1 … 4 Start installation of accelerators and detectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 8 10 9 8 2017

26 B. Sharkov26 FAIR will open a new era in hadronic, nuclear and atomic research as well as in applied science. The Green Paper outlines the path to achieve this goal. The Modularized Start Version provides an outstanding and world-leading research program for all scientific FAIR communities.

27 B. Sharkov27 Building the FAIR GmbH Recruitment of key personnel: Research Director In-Kind Coordinator Head of Sites and Buildings Legal and accounting staff Staff for the coordination of accelerators and experiments (Currently only contracts for 2010 possible (via GSI))

28 B. Sharkov28 Roadmap to foundation the FAIR company 010203040506070809101112 20102011 123456 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 KW1: Fertigstellung der Rechtsdokumente KW8: Dokumente von Auswärtiges Amt an andere Außenministerien versandt KW13: Alle Übersetzungen zurück beim Auswärtigen Amt KW19: Alle offenen Fragen der Übersetzungen bilateral gelöst KW22: Alle Rechtsdokumente in den fünf Vertragssprachen verfügbar KW32: Formale Zustimmung aller Partnerländer Translation conference KW33: Übersetzerkonferenz – Translation conference KW37: Formelle Unterzeichnung der Konvention KW38: Gründung der FAIR GmbH

29 B. Sharkov29 Conclusions Based on recent cost estimates and firm commitments of FAIR Member States the Modularized Start Version is elaborated Modules 0-3 ensure a physics programme that is unique, competitive with great discovery potential Modules 0-3 ensure a physics programme that is unique, competitive with great discovery potential All FAIR science communities can perform excellent physics from early on The facility can be smoothly upgraded towards the full version of FAIR (modules 4,5,6) The facility can be smoothly upgraded towards the full version of FAIR (modules 4,5,6) Setup of the international FAIR company proceeds in parallel FAIR is gathering MOMENTUM !

30 B. Sharkov30 Mittelfristige Zeitplanung Q1 Q4Q3Q2Q1 Q4Q3Q2 2010 2011 123456 Vorplanung Module 0 - 3 Beginn Genehmigungsplanung Einreichung Bauantrag (Erforderlich: Deckungszusage BMBF, Hessen, nicht-deutsche Partner!) Teilbaugenehmigung erwartet ( Termin-Rücksprache mit Behörden unverbindlich ) Beginn Ausschreibungen Baulose 1 – 4 Baubeginn (Bezugsfähigkeit der Gebäude in 2016) Beschreibung der Arbeitspakete für die Beschleuniger abgeschlossen Verträge über Vorserienfertigung zentraler Beschleunigerkomponenten Memoranda of Understanding der Experimente 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 1 1

31 Board of FAIR Collaborations founded APPA, CBM, NuSTAR, PANDA: two representatives each APPA, CBM, NuSTAR, PANDA: two representatives each discuss common issues (e.g. research and funding) discuss common issues (e.g. research and funding) initiate joint activities initiate joint activities Contact your funding agencies! Raise more money for your experiment ! Raise more money for your experiment !

32 B. Sharkov32

33 B. Sharkov33 FAIR facility BTR 2005

34 34 Experimental equipment (FAIR Modules 0,1) Cave with HADES and a CBM start version e+e- measurement (HADES-RICH) Hadron/Multistrange states CBM magnet +STS μ+μ-: Muon chambers Cave with CBM full version Open charm: MVD Dilepton study: MuCh/RICH Hadrons: STS/TOF Centrality selection: PSD HADES: existing setup at SIS18 CBM: New instrument with ultra radiation-hard and high-rate detectors, free-streaming electronics, online event selection

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