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Goal 1: acquire a mutual and better understanding of the Funding systems of nuclear physics infrastructures and associated equipments in Europe that is.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 1: acquire a mutual and better understanding of the Funding systems of nuclear physics infrastructures and associated equipments in Europe that is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal 1: acquire a mutual and better understanding of the Funding systems of nuclear physics infrastructures and associated equipments in Europe that is needed for future collaborations. The communication between administrators in Europe needs to be intensified in order to effectively develop infrastructures of a fully European scope. a set of joint trans-national activities Goal 2: Propose a set of joint trans-national activities (based on the science priorities set in the Long range Plan of NuPECC) that can be launched by Funding Agencies thanks to the NuPNET coordination Goal 3: Launch one or more of those proposed joint trans-national activities in the field of nuclear physics Infrastructures Goal 4: Provide Europe with a sustainable scheme beyond the project duration. ERANET FP7: NuPNET

2 Sydney GALES (CNRS/IN2P3) Task leaders (CNRS/IN2P3 I. Reinhart GSI/BMBF AB INFN J. Benlliure (MEC) NuPECC Kick-off meeting (Paris, March 27 2008) The Governing Council (18 institutions) representing the beneficiaries was present NuPECC : Brian Fulton, and Gabriele-Elisabeth Körner Maria Douka from the Directorate General of Research of European Commission Project Officer in Brussels, Bernard Salanon

3 Meeting of the coordination Committee (Frankfurt, on May 19, 2008) Coordinators of WP (Irene Reinhart, AB, J. Benlliure) + Nupnet Manager (S. Gales and Dorothée Peitzmann ) + S. Harissopulos, GSRT, Greece Ioan Ursu, IFIN-HH, Romania On the Agenda: Discussion on the preparation of the web-page Communication and electronic tools (by Ioan Ursu, IFIN-HH) Discussion on the preparation of the questonnaire necessary for the exchange of information To be noted : Definition and launching of joint transnational activities depends on the results of exchange of information

4 The Work plan of NuPNET follows the general ERANET scheme, and applies a three step approach. It involves a grant of 1.3 million. Dorothée Peitzmann is the co-ordination manager of NuPNET The Work plan of NuPNET follows the general ERANET scheme, and applies a three step approach. It involves a grant of 1.3 million. Dorothée Peitzmann is the co-ordination manager of NuPNET WP1 : Management and transfer activity (+ communication and support tools) WP2 : Exchange of information WP3 : Definition of Joint transnational activities WP4 : Launching of Joint transnational activities Sydney GALES NuPNET EC coordinator

5 Questionnaire It will take into account the work/questionnaires done by other ERA- NETs, such as Astronet and Aspera, to elaborate a proper one for NuPNET. Some members of NuPNET also adhere to or are in touch with these ERA-NETs which will prove helpful. CC members + IFIN-HH + GSRT to test it. in June 2008. Deliverable D2.1 "Census of existing funding programmes": m12 (Feb. 2009) Concerning the definition of Nuclear Physics: The definition indicated in NuPECC's Long-Range Plan will be used

6 Actions for documents and Finances : The assembly (Governing Council) decided that the NuPNET management should propose a draft Consortium Agreement in April 2008. The EC confirmed to send a draft Grant Agreement to CNRS/IN2P3 June 2008: - Signature of the Grant Agreement by CNRS/IN2P3. - Signature of the Grant Agreement by CNRS/IN2P3 - Transmission of the signed originals to the EC and a copy to the beneficiaries. - Signature of the Grant Agreement by the EC. - Transmission of the Form A by CNRS/IN2P3 to the 17 beneficiaries. - Form A signed by each NuPNET beneficiary to be received by CNRS/IN2P3. July/August 2008: The pre-financing is expected to be perceived at CNRS/IN2P3. August 2008: Planned distribution of the pre-financing amount by CNRS/IN2P3 to those NuPNET beneficiaries who have signed and returned the Form A.

7 DATES of Next meetings 1st meeting of the Governing Council: Date of the meeting: 13 October 2008. Place: Madrid. Draft agenda: To be sent in July/August. The next meeting of the CC will take place in Germany, on October 31st, 2008.


9 Kick-Off Meeting (Paris) march 27-2008 Maria Douka (MD) highlighted the role of the EC as a facilitator to develop a European vision of research infrastructure rather than being the main stakeholder. ERA-NETs is a political wish of funding agencies of the countries involved to coordinate their actions and policies on specific topics Research Infrastructures are part of the Capacities programme under the FP7. They have a budget of 1715 million whereas the total FP7 budget is about 50521 million. The budget for RI is decided by the Council of Ministers.

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