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DPKO Planning Tools & the Integrated Mission Planning Process (IMPP)

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1 DPKO Planning Tools & the Integrated Mission Planning Process (IMPP)
13 November 2008 Kristina Koch-Avan, DPKO IMPP Officer

UNAMID Darfur UNMIS Sudan UNFICYP Cyprus UNMIK Kosovo UNOMIG Georgia UNMOGIP India, Pakistan MINURSO Western Sahara UNAMA Afghanistan MINURCAT Central Africa UNIFIL Lebanon UNDOF Syria MINUSTAH Haiti UNMIT Timor-Leste UNMIL Liberia UNTSO Israel UNOCI Côte d’Ivoire BINUB Burundi MONUC D.R. Congo INTEGRATED MISSION Build-up Elections Restructuring

3 Brahimi Report “There is currently no integrated planning or support cell in the Secretariat that brings together those responsible for political analysis, military operations, civilian police, electoral assistance, human rights, development, humanitarian assistance, refugees and displaced persons, public information, logistics, finance and recruitment.”

4 Background – Policy Framework
SG’s Note of Guidance (2000): RC/HCs ‘brought into the mission’ as DSRSGs to link between Mission and the UNCT (structural integration) 2006 IMPP Guidelines endorsed by the Secretary-General: ‘the authoritative basis for the planning of all new integrated missions, as well as the revision of existing integration mission plans for all UN departments, offices, agencies, funds, and programmes’ Key Elements IMPP as per 2006 Guidelines: Standing Fora: Integrated Mission Task Force (HQ) Integrated Mission Planning Team (Field) Planning Tools: TAM Mission Plan RBB

5 Policy Committee Decision ‘08
Key elements: Joint analytical capacity (DOCO and DPKO Planners) Integrated Strategic Framework Integration Steering Group

6 DPKO Planning Tools Current: Security Council Resolutions/Mandates
Reports of the Secretary-General – Quarterly ConOps – Military, Police, Support - Mission start-up and as required Mandate Implementation Plan - various implementation periods, uneven approach Results-Based Budget – annual, July-June Future: Integrated Strategic Framework (ISF), under development

7 Mandate Implementation Plan (MIP)

8 DPKO & UNCT Planning Tools

9 Results-Based Budgeting (RBB)
Objective Component Expected Accomplishments Indicators of achievement Outputs: External Factors Objective: an overall desired achievement involving a process of change and aimed at meeting certain needs of identified end-users, within a given period of time. Expected Accomplishment: a desired outcome involving benefits to end-users, expressed as a quantitative or qualitative standard, value or rate. Indicators of Achievement: used to measure to what extent the objectives and/or expected accomplishments have been achieved. Indicators correspond either directly or indirectly to the objective or the expected accomplishments and are used to measure performance. Outputs: final products or services delivered by a programme or subprogram to end-users, such as reports, publications, training, servicing of meetings, or advisory, editorial, translation of security services, which an activity is expected to produce in order to achieve its objectives. External factors: events and/or conditions that are beyond the control of those responsible for an activity but that have an influence on the success or failure of the activity. They may be anticipated in the form of assumptions or they may be unanticipated. Component Approach: Provide focus on how mission contributes to the objective by grouping expected accomplishments and related outputs Not necessarily components in terms of organisational chart e.g. civil affairs Outputs are reflected under those components that contain the accomplishments to which they contribute E.g. Civilian Police output for elections “Ballot boxes security” could be reflected under Substantive Civilian component accomplishment “Achievement of free and fair elections” Support component of particular interest to ACABQ

10 RBB Mission Components
RBB framework components are aligned to Security Council Resolution / SG Report Examples - Budget 2005/06 Component Source SG Report SC Resolution Mission MONUC UNMIL UNOCI Components 1.Peace & Security 2. Transitional Process 3. Humanitarian Assistance & Human Rights Ceasefire Peace Process Humanitarian & Human Rights Security Reform DDRRR Humanitarian & Human rights Law & Order All missions have a: support component (standardised RBB framework used) executive direction and management (no RBB framework is required) RBB framework components are aligned to Security Council Resolution / SG Report

11 RBB - Scale RBB 2006/07 # 12 46 87 273 1121 86 Missions Objectives
Components 46 Expected Accomplishments 87 Indicators of Achievement 273 Outputs 1121 External Factors 86 For 2006/2007 peacekeeping mission budgets of approx. $5b, we presented to member states the following RBB elements: Note: * 2006/2007 includes UNDOF, UNIFIL, MINURSO, UNOMIG, UNMEE, UNFICYP, UNMIL, UNMIK, ONUCI, MINUSTAH, MONUC, UNMIS. Excludes revised budgets: UNMEE, UNOCI & budget not yet published: ONUB.

12 Controllers Budget Instructions 2009/10 Example
UN CT Annex to RBB Controllers Budget Instructions 2009/10 Example No standardised format submitted yet!

13 Guidance ~ Plans Create an IMPP implementation toolkit based on the 2006 IMPP Guidelines and inclusive of requirements from 2008 Policy Committee decision Strategic Assessment – December ’08 Role of the Headquarters – Jan ’09 Role of the Field – Feb/March ‘09

14 Headquarters Support to IMPP

15 Field Mission Requirements IMPP

16 Training ~ Plans Principle: Joint training for UNCT and DPKO planners
DPKO sponsored events in ’09 Annual IMPP Workshop for Mission Planners IMPP Training of Trainers (HQ-based) Field-Level Implementation of the IMPP (funds requested)

17 Knowledge Sharing Strategic Planning Community of Practice to be re-launched in January ’09 with a new “Share Point” platform External access for non-DPKO staff will be possible Dedicated facilitator hired

18 Discussion Points DPKO Planners Roles and Responsibilities
Working Together: DPKO and UNCT Planners Support Needs Community of Practice

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