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ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR) At the NuPECC meeting in München on 22-23 June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR) At the NuPECC meeting in München on 22-23 June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR) At the NuPECC meeting in München on 22-23 June 2007 Alex Mueller informed NuPECC that many LoIs have been submitted, much more than can be accommodated in an I3 application 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research Activities 23 LoI for Network Activities Advisory Group was established: Brian Fulton, Graziano Fortuna, Paul-Henri Heenen, Victor Zamfir and Alex Mueller

2 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Towards a new I3 proposal of the European nuclear structure community Organisation Committee of Joint EURONS-EURISOL meeting asked the community and funding agencies to suggest names of the Chairperson/Coordinator and members of Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of new I3 ENSAR (European Nuclear Science and Applications Research) Helsinki Town Meeting: 17-20 September Compromise between efficiency and representation: Angela Bracco, Peter Butler, Jacek Dobaczewski, Muhsin Harakeh (Coordinator), Rauno Julin, Wolfram Korten, Marek Lewitowicz, Christoph Scheidenberger, Victor Zamfir

3 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Helsinki PCC-2/GA-2 PCC-2 – what will it be? TNA-1JRA-1NA-1 TNA-2JRA-2NA-2......... TNA-n JRA-5 or 6NA-m -------------------------------- ~7...9~8...10~6...8 S ~ 25 activities PCC-2 ~ 25 activity coordinators + 1 project-coordinator + 1(2?) deputy-coordinator ( ~ 17 JRA and NA coordinators) GA-2 ~ 30...40 institutes Helsinki proposals: 33 JRA and NA activities suggested and presented in Helsinki

4 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Helsinki PCC-2/GA-2 Step 1: selection 33 proposals in Helsinki ~ 10 JRAs and 7 NAs who: Scientific Steering Committee (SSC; 8+1 persons) Step 2: writing a) 15 individual proposals for JRAs, NAs (and of course TNAs) - goals - participants - budget calculation who: activity leaders when: by 30 November b) combine and "integrate" individual proposals, add "glue", global budget negotiations who: Activity coordinators + liaison SSC members) when: mid of December Step 3 : harmonising, streamlining, formal aspects a)numbering schemes, tables, participant short names, gender issues, legal information, etc. b)registration at EC, fill A2 forms, upload via EPSS (el. prop. subm. service) who: coordinator + team FISCO when: mid December – end January Step 4 : Submission to EC, ~ 25 February 2008 Scientific Steering Committee Scientific Coordinating Committee Activity leaders Templates + guidelines! Co-ordinator and MANET-2 Co-ordinator

5 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid SSC – Scientific Steering Committee Select activities suitable for the next European nuclear structure Integrating Activity proposal in FP7 Shape structure and scope of the class of activities Follow NuPECC recommendation: SSC should use as their criteria for selecting JRAs the following: (1) clear focus on improving performance or adding new capabilities to the TNA facilities (2) benefit a number of the facilities (3) have fairly wide support, capitalising on the expertise of a number of groups. Start: as soon as possible End

6 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Time table towards FP7 30 November 2007Individual activity proposals ready (with the Integrating Activity Coordinator) 30 NovemberCall published 13 NovemberAmsterdam, Selection process (activities selected, activity coordinators, requested budgets adjusted still 18.8 M ) 7 NovemberMeeting with DAF representatives at GSI 25 OctoberLiaisons assigned to JRAs & NAs 22 OctoberLetter to community suggesting cuts and asking for priorities (11 JRAs & 7 NAs (+ Management), 7 TNAs) 11 OctoberMeeting of SSC at Schiphol; first selection 3 OctoberMeeting with EC representatives in Brussels 17-20 SeptemberHelsinki town meeting Scientific Steering Committee, Writing Group, PCC-2, GA-2,.....

7 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Time table towards FP7 29 February 2008Deadline for submission (13:00 last version) Last week FebruarySeveral submissions FebruaryA few iterations by phone and e-mail 30 January 2008I3 proposal more or less ready for submission 28+29 JanuaryMeetings in Darmstadt 21 January meeting in Frankfurt 3 January 2008Mini SSC phone meeting over TNAs 17 December 2007SSC phone meeting 12 December Meeting of SSC with coordinators in Frankfurt

8 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Meeting in Brussels on 3 rd October: Call on 30 November 2007; submission on 29 February 2008 Call on 30 November 2007; submission on 29 February 2008 Tough competition; budget 3- 10 M; large community 15 M No recommendation on budget sharing TNA, JRA, NA DAF difficult as TNA. Try JRA or NA DAF difficult as TNA. Try JRA or NA Interdisciplinary activities work positively ICT facilities as TNA in ENSA I3 are not advantageous

9 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Meeting at Schiphol on 11 th October 2007: Project is 4 years; budget must most probably be less than that of LoIs that emerged on 11 October. Tough competition; budget 3- 10 M; large community 15 M TNA 6-6.5 M 6.27 M JRA ~ 7 M JRA ~ 7 M 5.93 M NA ~ 1-2 M 1.78 M After many meetings (On site or via telephone) 7 TNAs, 9 JRAs, 7 NAs (Total Budget = 13,968 M) # of participants = 40

10 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Network Activities in ENSA (23 7) NA01 FISCO (Financial & Scientific Coordination) NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) NA03 EUR-ISOL (EURopean ISOL network) NA04 ATHENA (Advanced Theory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) NA05 NEMO (Network on experimental techniques for Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments) NA06 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) NA07 ETHEN (Nuclear THeory networking for Exotic Nuclei)

11 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Joint Research Activities in ENSA (Generic titles) (38 9) JRA01 ASTRIS (Advanced STable and Radioactive Ion Sources) JRA02 ISOMATT (ISOL Mesoporous Actinide Targets) JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, Manipulation & Spectroscopy) JRA04 INDESYS (Innovative solutions for nuclear physics detectors: From basic R&D to applications for the society) JRA05 EXID (EXotic nuclei Identification) JRA06 FREEDAC (Front End Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control) JRA07 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) JRA08 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) JRA09 THEXO (Theoretical tools in support of Infrastructures)

12 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid Transnational Access Facilities in I3 ENSA (13 7) TNA1 (Access to GSI) TNA2 (Access to GANIL) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL) TNA5 (Access to KVI) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE) TNA7 (Access to ALTO)

13 ENSARNuPECC Meeting 7-8 March 2008, Madrid

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