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Particulates Air Pollution. Particulates –Particulates play important role in atmospheric chemistry. –Act as catalyst to produce ozone as secondary pollutant/

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1 Particulates Air Pollution

2 Particulates –Particulates play important role in atmospheric chemistry. –Act as catalyst to produce ozone as secondary pollutant/ health hazard

3 Aerosols small particles in our atmosphere. are not gases. usually solids, or tiny droplets of liquid. sufficiently small and light do not quickly fall out of the air under the influence of gravity; some aerosols remain aloft for a few hours, while others can stay airborne for years.

4 Aerosol

5 Particulates: Sources Smoke and soot produced from combustion of coal, wood, petroleum Dust from mechanical break-up of solid Metallic particles such as Be, Hg, As, Pb Asbestos from industrial plants –Fibrous material of silicate crystals –Demolition of buildings with asbestos releases particles ( causes scarring of lung tissue)

6 Metallic particles : Be, Hg, As, Pb BeO :used in spark plugs; –lining in high temp. furnace b/c of high mp. And high electrical conductivity(?)

7 Metallic particles Hg, As, Pb Hg present in fly ash –Used in manufacture of fungicide, pulp and paper –Fly ash: when coal is burnt, most of the ash is carried away in the exhaust gases as finely divided powder –Contains un-burnt carbon, oxides of many metals/ Fe, Mg, Ca as well as sulfates –Typical plant produces 1000 tons fly ash/day

8 dust blown aloft by winds

9 soot from fires,.

10 ash from volcanic eruptions

11 Aerosol Anthropogenic (human produced) aerosols make up about 10 percent of the amount of aerosols in our atmosphere. Coal-burning power plants Internal combustion engines in cars, trucks, and construction vehicles Humans activities also increase the amount of mineral dust aerosol generation. Desertification, the removal of plants that help prevent wind erosion of soil,..

12 Health Effects: irritates mucus membrane/lungs Asbestosis: particles with very small diameter can be trapped in the lungs and effect could be seen after ~ 30 yrs. It scars the lung tissue and thickens the lining of the lung –Leads to shortness of breath –Cancer of lower part of the lung if the individual has the smoking habit

13 Health Effects: irritates mucus membrane/lungs Berryllium: Berylliosis –Inflammation of the respiratory system followed by pneumonia like symptoms –Scars the tissue –Shortness of breath and coughing

14 Health Effects: irritates mucus membrane/lungs Lead poisoning: inhibit some enzyme action –Acute lead poisoning produces abdominal pain, –nausea, –numbness of hands and feet –Muscle cramps –Brain damage

15 Health Effects: irritates mucus membrane/lungs Mercury poisoning: metabolic poison –Inhibit the enzyme system –Minamata disease produces nerve damage –Can lead to death

16 Control of Particulates

17 Removing SO2


19 Electrostatic precipitators can remove more than 99% of particulates from the gas. The system works by creating an electrical field to create a charge on particles which are then attracted by collection plates. Other removal methods include fabric filters and wet particulate scrubbers G G + + e

20 Electrostatic precipitators Very voltage is applied between the discharge wire and collector plates Ionizes the gas molecules. Electron produced collect on the particulates These negatively charged particulates get attracted towards positively charged collector plates Collector plates are periodically shaken to remove the particulates

21 Gravity Settling chambers relies upon gravity settling to remove particles from the gas stream. used only for very large particles in the upper end of the super-coarse size range (approximately 75 micrometers and larger). a sharp decline in the use of this type of collector.

22 Cyclone separator ontrol.htm ontrol.htm

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