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Published byJames Hewitt Modified over 11 years ago
Millennium Development Goals Background Information
147 heads of State and Government – and 191 nations in total – adopted the Millennium Declaration. MDGs help focus national and international priority setting as goals and targets are limited in number, stable over time, and being communicate easily to a broad audience Goal 1: Halving extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieving universal primary education Goal 3: Promoting gender equality Goal 4: Reducing under-five mortality by two-third Goal 5: Reducing maternal mortality by three-quarters Goal 6: Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB Goal 7: Ensuring environmental sustainability Goal 8: Developing a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, trade, debt relief The Millennium Development Goals encapsulate the development goals agreed at international conferences and world summits during the 1990s. At the end of the decade, world leaders distilled the key goals and targets into the 'Millennium Declaration' (September 2000) adopted by 147 Heads of State and Government and 191 nations. Based on the declaration, UNDP has worked with other UN departments, funds and programmes, the World Bank, IMF and OECD on a concise set of goals, numerical targets and quantifiable indicators to assess progress. The ‘Millennium Development Goals’, include 8 goals which are few in numbers, stable over time, easy to communicate, it has 18 targets and over 40 indicators . The eight goals consist of: They also include the goal of developing a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, trade and debt relief. Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Global political consensus Focus on outcomes Linkages – peace, security, development Cross-cutting themes Partnerships Substance for UN reform at various levels Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
WHAT ARE THE MDGs MDGs help focus national and international priority setting goals and targets are limited in number, stable over time, being communicated easily to a broad audience Millennium Declaration set 8 mutually reinforcing time-bound development goals and related targets for progressively eradicating poverty MDGs and targets now at forefront of development agenda: agreed by developing countries and development partners – capture multidimensionality of poverty Baseline for MDGs 1990: target for realisation 2015 The MDGs, which incorporate the IDGs, synthesise the goals and targets for monitoring human development. The MDGs are to be achieved between 1990 and 2015 Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDG Core Strategy MDG Reports Where do we stand? Millennium Project What will it take? How to raise profile and awareness? Millennium Campaign What can we do about them? Operational support Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Linking Development Priorities through the MDGs
Global: Millennium Declaration Local: MDG RDS formulated and approved by local governments National: Signed the Millennium Declaration, Parliament has passed a Resolution on the MDGs, NSSED incorporates MDGS Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Support for UN Reform at the Country Level
RC&Selection Appraisal Team Building Learning Policy Collaboration DevLink Learning Network Theme Groups Better RCs & UNCTs Increased Knowledge Networking MDGs National Priorities and National Development Planning Process CCA/UNDAP CCA/UNDAF Wider Linkages & Partnerships cost-effectiveness Institutional Humanitarian Normative Rights IFIs Simplification Harmonisation UN House Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
The role of UN & UNCT Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Challenges for UN Country Teams
Identify where country stands in relation to the MDGs Support country in defining national goals and targets Contribute to analysis of alternative strategies to achieve national goals Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
UN Reform - New Developments
2nd term for the Secretary-General 2nd Wave of UN Reforms Millennium Declaration Lessons Learned Triennial Review Good Practice from 105 CCAs & 58 UNDAFs New Guidance MDG, PRSP, CCA UNDAF The Secretary General has requested that the UNDP Administrator, in his capacity as Chair of the UN Development Group, act as 'scorekeeper' and 'campaign manager' for the promotion of the MDGs. All UN organizations, particularly the UN Development Group, have the responsibility to promote the MDGs and to support countries and partners in working towards their achievement. The importance of the MDGs has been emphasized at different fora and acknowledged by all development partners in the Government, Civil Society, Donors, and other stakeholders. Hence, the MDGs prove vital, not only for development effectiveness and monitoring progress (or regression) of national socio-economic circumstances, but also for the UN mandate and their partners in Government and Civil Society. Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
National Priorities (including PRSP) and Individual agency Programmes
Relations Advocacy with civil society etc CCA - including MDGs National Priorities (including PRSP) and Plans/Budgets UNDAF Individual agency Programmes Other Programmes MDG Reports/monitoring Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDGs as an Advocacy Tool
9 clear and simple goals that are easily understood by everyone, thus encouraging participation. Coherent and consistent messages for the UN system and other stakeholders. Numerous examples in Albania including: - MDG Advocacy tour to all Regions “bringing the message to the local level;” - Television Information Spots; - Poster and leaflet campaign; - MDG Documentary is being produced; - Radio broadcasts, wesbsites, etc. Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Purpose of MDGR Public advocacy – constituency Customise targets Concise assessment, jargon-free, not prescriptive Based on existing data & analyses Involving main partners Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDGs and Human Rights Focus on goals and targets consistent with rights-based approach to development can help create awareness of rights and mobilise resources for meeting obligations and entitlements - Generally poor and excluded whose rights are ignored and who lack access to information and services - Time-bound goals and targets can accelerate progress if they help build alliances and trigger complementary actions MDGs need prioritising in relation to country setting and combined with national poverty goals and targets Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDGs provide a core and common development focus for CCAs/UNDAFs Indicators used for tracking MDGs a sub-set of those in 2002 revised CCA Indicator Framework in 2004 MDGs can be used as entry point for UN engagement in PRSPs and enhance social sector focus Use of MDGs in CCAs/UNDAFs and PRSPs helps give momentum to ensuring provision of basic social services targeted towards poorest Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Low levels of knowledge about the MDGs Some targets and indicators irrelevant to Albania No effective reporting system in place Low level of disaggregated data No single source of information Urgent need to reflect and integrate the MGDs in strategic and policy documents. Low levels of participation in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring 1. ALBANIAN RESPONSE TO THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Millennium Development Goals
Recommendations of the MDGs Report Integration of MDGs into national Development Strategies Improved Data Collection and Analysis Strengthen the capacity of the Government to follow-up and report on MDGs and other UN Conventions include MDGs in governmental policy planning strengthen capacity of Focal Points in each Ministry Raise awareness on MDGs among the Albanian population Partnership with the Non-Governmental Sector Adopting a Sub-regional Approach Coordination of Intervention Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDG SUBSTANTIVE PROGRAMMES MDG ENABLING ENVIRONMENT ADVOCACY & PARTNERSHIP EXAMPLES AS PER THE INDICATIVE PROJECT/PROGRAMME OF THE MDG REGIONAL REPORTS: Area Based Development for Kukes region Support to Local Governance/Community Mobilization Support to operationalization of the National HIV AIDS strategy Micro-credit for Poor and Women Capacity Development /Civil Service training at central and local level Schools/Hospitals Rehabilitation Support to development sectors like education, health, environment etc CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MDGs ICT FOR THE MDGs DATA PUBLIC ADMINISTARTION REFORM Support to reporting on UN Human Rights treaties & conventions & maintaining a Rights Based Aproach to development LINKING THE GLOBAL MDG CAMPAIGN TO THE LOCAl MDG CAMPAIGN FUND RAISING FOR THE MDGs Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Grounds of our work The second Common Country Assessment Report (CCA) for Albania was launched in October 2004 and the first United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) was produced at the beginning of 2005. The overarching goal of the UNDAF is to promote Albania’s integration into the European Union, using the localized MDGs (national and sub-national) as the common UN objectives. The National Strategy for Socio-Economic Development (NSSED) is guiding Albania towards European Union integration by establishing long-term objectives aimed at reducing poverty, increasing economic growth, raising education enrollment and reducing child mortality. The UN works in cooperation / partnership with central and local government including Parliament, as well as civil society and donors The second Common Country Assessment Report (CCA) for Albania was launched in October 2004 and the first United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) was produced at the beginning of 2005. The overarching goal of the UNDAF is to promote Albania’s integration into the European Union, using the localized MDGs (national and sub-national) as the common UN objectives. It will consolidate the exercise of bringing the goals into the policies, plans and budgets of the Albanian government and provide substantive programmes towards the realization of the first 7 goals. The National Strategy for Socio-Economic Development (NSSED) is guiding Albania towards European Union integration by establishing long-term objectives aimed at reducing poverty, increasing economic growth, raising education enrollment and reducing child mortality. Human rights issues are high on the government"s agenda as the country moves forward, and broad-based task forces on government, civil society and donors are working together to combat a variety of problems. The United Nations Country Team is contributing to all of these processes. The UN works in collaboration with central and local government including Parliament, as well as civil society and donors Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Common Country Programming Process Albania 2004-2006
CCA – Common Country Assessment UNDAF – United Nations development Assistance Framework M7E – Monitoring & Evaluation JSM – Joint Strategic Meeting Exb – Executive Board CPD – Country programme Document CPAP – Country Programme Action Plan AWP – Annual Workplans Common Country Programming Process Albania Strategic Planning Implementation, and M and E June -Dec. 2005 October 2004 15 Dec 2004 23 Feb 2005 Feb - Mar 2005 June 2005 Nov- 2005 By 31 Dec 2005 JSM CPDs & UNDAF to Bureaus & Ex B ExB feedback on CPDs JSM UNDAF ( zero draft sent to readers group CPAPs drafted CCA ExBs approve CPDs UNDAF Evaluation CCA 2 UNDAF 2 M&E plan April UNDAF signed with Govt CPAPs signed AWPs Results Matrix AWPs Annual Review RC Annual Report Joint Programming AWPs Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
UNDAF Outcomes 1 2 3 4 A transparent and accountable government, developing and implementing effective national policies An enabling environment is in place to ensure people’s participation in policy formulation and the national decision making process Increased use of quality public services delivered in an efficient, transparent, accountable and equitable manner. Regional and local development strategies implemented with full participation of communities Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Grounds of our work contd…Millennium Development Goals & Albanian Context Cross Cutting Issues Human Rights / Youth MDGs at National Level Monitoring / Analysis / Advocay MDGs at Sub-National Level Monitoring / Analysis / Advocay MDGs Costing & Needs Assessment MDGs Campaigning Using the Media to Advocate for MDGs, Involvement of Civil Society in Monitoring the MDGs and National Policies ; bringing MDGs to national stakeholders as well as to local communities; Regional Advocacy Tour covering 11 regions ; MDG Good Will Ambassadors; UN open forum MDG Documents: MDG Photo Gallery : Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Annual Year Priorities
2005 main objectives for the UN Country Team include having Albania included in the list of MDG Fast Track Countries and to showcasing Albania at the 2005 Millennium Declaration +5 Summit. Specific activities to support the achievement of these objectives are planned such as: The setting up of an independent panel to review a series of Quick Win actions, The reviewing of the MDG needs assessment carried out in 2003 in the light of Professor Sachs’ Needs Assessment methodology and To set up a strategy leading to the inclusion of Albania in the list of MDG Fast Track Countries. Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Specific Objectives include:
Improved support to national efforts to achieve the MDGs Broad dissemination of MDG promotional materials designed for school children & youth to create generic ownership of the MDGs and to make sure that MDGs are comprehensible for children & youth Provide a forum to strengthen youth efforts, enhance youth involvement in the country’s efforts to achieve the MDGs Establish more effective and efficient channels of communications and modes of cooperation between and among youth and youth-serving organizations and the youth-related organizations and agencies of the United Nations System and other youth-related intergovernmental organizations promoting the MDGs. Increased commitment of the media to report on UN programmes & activities like MDG & Human Rights related, etc. MDGs localized at regional level and MDG Regional Reports prepared Support to Integrated Planning Systems: Operational support to the achievement of specific MD Goals Support to national policy processes Enhanced UN cooperation through networking and knowledge and information exchange Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDG Resources Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDG Net Resource Corner, contains:
Draft items for discussion on MDG Net Archives of the MDG Net Digests & Discussions Short List of consultants recommended by colleagues for assistance with MDGRs MDG Report Status Table MDG Tools, Research, and Experiences, including MDG Presentation Tool kit Visit at - 'Implementing the Millennium Declaration’/ 'MDG Net’ Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDG Net Resource Corner, contains:
Draft items for discussion on MDG Net Archives of the MDG Net Digests & Discussions Short List of consultants recommended by colleagues for assistance with MDGRs MDG Report Status Table MDG Tools, Research, and Experiences, including MDG Presentation Tool kit Visit at - 'Implementing the Millennium Declaration’/ 'MDG Net’ Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
TO JOIN MDG NET: Write request to facilitator Sarah Renner at include your address, duty station, position & employer. Don’t have enough time to discuss all of the important component of MDG strategy at your Workshop? Continue your discussions on MDG Net! Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
MDGNet The Millennium Development Goals Network (MDGNet) supports UN Country Teams as well as Government and Civil Society practitioners in their efforts to produce high-quality national MDG Reports (MDGRs) as well as in their efforts to support country’s achievemnt of MDGs. To subscribe to MDGNet, send an to Indicate your name, address, agency, position and duty station. We encourage UN staff as well as Government and Civil Society development partners to join MDGNet. To subscribe to Albania UN MDG net Send an to or Through the network, participants are invited to exchange creative approaches to MDG advocacy, share good practices and lessons learned, circulate knowledge of MDG related events, and identify expertise to help with the preparation of the MDGRs. MDGNet is managed by UNDP on behalf of the UNDG. Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
web resources on MDGs UN website UN Albania web site UNDP website UNDG website UN Statistics Division with the Millennium Indicators Database World Bank website Eldisa LLoshi , UN Coordination Analyst, UNRC Office
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