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1 R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals. 2 Submitted by Southern Company In response to Order 764s 15 minute scheduling intervals Establish default scheduling.

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Presentation on theme: "1 R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals. 2 Submitted by Southern Company In response to Order 764s 15 minute scheduling intervals Establish default scheduling."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals

2 2 Submitted by Southern Company In response to Order 764s 15 minute scheduling intervals Establish default scheduling intervals if intervals have not been defined in a Balancing Authoritys or Transmission Service Providers Governing Documents. Governing Documents are defined in WEQ-000 as documents that determine the interactions between a System Operator and other parties, including but not limited to, applicable law, regulatory documents (e.g. tariffs, rules, regulations), contractual agreements, operational manuals, and other relevant models and operational procedures.

3 3 Voted out of JESS on March 6, 2013 Posted for 30-day formal comment on March 7, 2013 Received 3 comments JESS met April 23, 2013, developed responses presented to the WEQ Executive Committee April 30, 2013, Carmel, IN as late comments R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals

4 4 NAESB WEQ Standard Review Subcommittee – The subcommittee recommends adoption of all SRS comments. The Southern Company – The subcommittee recommends adoption of all comments by Southern Company except for the last suggested phrase …where xx represents the intervals within the current hour being represented.. Instead, the JESS recommends …where xx represents the hour in which the intervals occur. ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, MISO, New York ISO, and SPP – The subcommittee does not recommend the inclusion of Reliability requests may be requested for any minute of the hour. because it is more appropriate for a reliability standard, the term reliability requests is undefined, and the capability already exists. R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals

5 5 RECOMMENDED STANDARDS: WEQ Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards – WEQ-004 Default Scheduling Intervals 004-xxUnless otherwise stated in applicable Governing Documents, each BA and Transmission Service Provider shall support default transaction start and transaction stop times as follows: xx:00, xx:15, xx:30, and xx:45, where xx represents the hour in which the intervals occur. R12010 Default Scheduling Intervals

6 6 Questions?

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