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Standards Review Subcommittee Update 2008 Review November 4, 2008 DRAFT.

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1 Standards Review Subcommittee Update 2008 Review November 4, 2008 DRAFT

2 2 Free Template from 2 Standards Review Subcommittee 2008 Objectives In December 2007, the 2008 Annual Plan had the following items assigned to the SRS. –Review the need to develop business practice standards to support Operate Within Limits (R03017) –Make incremental enhancements to OASIS as an outgrowth of the NAESB March 29, 2005 conference on the future of OASIS (R05026) The SRS was also directed to review the NAESB Reliability Standards Development Plan

3 3 Free Template from 3 Annual Plan Accomplishments DescriptionDueComp.Comments Review the need to develop business practice standards to support Operate Within Limits (R03017) 2 nd Qtr1 st Qtr Make incremental enhancements to OASIS as an outgrowth of the NAESB March 29, 2005 conference on the future of OASIS (R05026) 20081 st QtrEC determined at February meeting that no additional work was required by the SRS. Review Market System Back-Up existing language and review of existing back-up language 3 rd QtrSRS requested this item be moved from provisional items list. Provide complementary business practice standards to support Coordinate Operations Standards Authorization Request assigned to NERC (R03014) 3 rd QtrAssigned to the SRS after the August EC Meeting Review and evaluate whether to cutoff or put a size limit on the entities for which the standards apply 3 rd QtrSRS requested this item be moved from provisional items list. Investigate and review possible modifications to the WGQ Intraday Nominations, Confirmation Scheduling, and Gas Day standards, including possible standards for coordination of wholesale electric and wholesale gas scheduling. (R03031, R03031 revised, Interim Report, Final Report) 3 rd QtrAssigned to the SRS after the August EC Meeting

4 4 Free Template from 4 Accomplishments Reviewed the NERC Reliability Standards Development Plan –Provided feedback to NERC on projects that should be coordinated with NAESB –Reviewed NERC Standards Development Plan and identified Annual Plan Item to be included in 2009 Annual Plan. Addressed requests from other Subcommittees to review NERC Standards Developed SRS Scope of Work Statement Created SRS Interactive List Serv Created the SRS NERC Activity Tracking Report

5 5 Free Template from 5 Submitted Comments on Recommendations WEQ-001 changes for Rebid of Partial Service, Preconfirmation Priority, and Group 2: Metrics; Redispatch Cost Posting ATC/TTC Narrative WEQ-001 changes for ATC Information Link on OASIS and TTC and ATC Methodologies and Values Ancillary Services Definitions Conditional Firm Existing Transmission Commitments Postbacks and Counterflows Time and Inadvertent Management Continuous Support of TLR Process

6 6 Free Template from 6 Questions/Feedback

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