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WELCOME We believe that going to camp creates a sense of community. Participants find themselves interacting with each other in different ways, and in.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME We believe that going to camp creates a sense of community. Participants find themselves interacting with each other in different ways, and in."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME We believe that going to camp creates a sense of community. Participants find themselves interacting with each other in different ways, and in turn developing relationships in new and different ways. Participants find themselves interacting with each other in different ways, and in turn developing relationships in new and different ways.

2 What?  The Outdoor Education program is an extension to our academic classes, team building activities, and recreational options.  The curriculum, which is tied to both Kyrene and AZ State standards, is taught by Prescott Pines staff.  The teachers and chaperones will participate in the classes with the students.

3 When? 6A- October 16 th - 18 th 6B- November 18 th -20 th 6C- November 20 th -22 nd

4 Drop Off and Pick Up Back Lot  Be at Aprende at 6:40 a.m.  Boarding at 6:45 a.m.  Buses will leave PROMPTLY at 7:00 a.m.  Bring breakfast for the ride up. Nothing with NUTS!!  Pick up your child around 3:00 p.m. on the final day of camp. (Phone calls will be made if we are late due to traffic) Start a phone tree with their friends!

5 Sample Classes Survival Class with Cooking Low Ropes Challenge Course Archery Hike Zip Line

6 Activities Smores at the campfire sing along Human Foosball Hayride Night Hike Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

7 Where?  Prescott Pines  More than 10 different schools from districts all over the Phoenix metro area use this level 3 program which is unique to Prescott Pines Camp.  Camp -  Weather forecast - AZ0178?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared AZ0178?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared AZ0178?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared

8 Behavior: Aprende handbook guidelines will be in place. Behavior at all times needs to be school appropriate. Anyone who breaks rules or becomes a disciplinary problem may be required to leave camp.

9 BEHAVIOR CONTRACT  1 st strike – WARNING  2 nd strike - call home and loss of activities  3 rd strike – parent will be required to pick up student student

10 Sleeping Arrangements Chaperones in a Separate Room (at each end of hallway) Dorm style 4-6 in a room Boys cabin Girls cabin

11 Medication  All necessary medications must be in the original bottle/container.  If you intend to use the medicine your student has at school, you must call Judy at 541-6220 in the nurses office to let her know.  Please include only the amount needed for the duration of the trip and fill out the medical paperwork that explains the prescription.  After the trip YOU must come and get the medicine from the administrator.

12  Please bring the medicine to the school -3 days prior to trip with all paperwork filled out in a marked ziplock.  At camp, medications will be distributed by a staff member.  If your child has an inhaler, please send it with them. They can carry it themselves.

13 What to Bring  Students can bring breakfast food to eat on the bus. No Coolers. All food will be thrown away once we arrive at camp.  There is limited space so please follow the packing list.  Water bottle and camera labeled with name on it.  All the meals are provided by the cafeteria camp.  Label all personal items and have the sleeping bag and pillow in a garbage bag clearly labeled.  If your child would like to bring their cell phone, they will be collected when they board the bus. The phones will be returned on the bus ride home. (Students will NOT have access to their phone during camp.)

14 What NOT to Bring  Do not pack food, it will be confiscated.  Absolutely no Ipods/electronics are allowed.  We are not responsible for theft of personal items.

15 Cost  $175 per student  $150 per chaperone  You can pay:  By check to your student’s academic lab teacher  On line  Payment plans are available  -about $43.75 per week for the next 4 weeks  Cost=$0 if you use a tax credit!

16 Why?  BECAUSE WE BELIEVE that staying at camp fosters a unique phenomenon called “temporary community”.  Participants find themselves interacting with each other in different ways.  We are CRAZY!

17 Questions?


19 Chaperone details: Can drive separate or ride the bus (Sign up sheet/carpool with other parents) Can drive separate or ride the bus (Sign up sheet/carpool with other parents) Meet at Aprende 6:40 a.m. to help load busses Meet at Aprende 6:40 a.m. to help load busses That morning we will designate one bus for the boys luggage and the other for the girls luggage. Help load the busses. That morning we will designate one bus for the boys luggage and the other for the girls luggage. Help load the busses. Refer to packing list for what to bring. Refer to packing list for what to bring.

20 At Camp: During Camp Orientation you will find out who is in your group and your rotation schedule During Camp Orientation you will find out who is in your group and your rotation schedule Your child will be in your group Your child will be in your group There are 6-8 kids in your group with one Colored T-shirt There are 6-8 kids in your group with one Colored T-shirt Chaperones will share a room Chaperones will share a room

21 Chaperone Backpack  Chapstick – Blistex works best  Lotion – small container  Sunscreen  Hard candy  Band-Aids  Kleenex  Pencil or Pen  Wintergreen Lifesavers  Flashlight

22  No nuts of any kind ever at camp.  Camp requests that we do not bring snacks because of varmints. They will provide snacks. Extra Information:

23 Want Ads/Job Openings  Guitarist – no experience needed! We are looking for a few brave souls to run the sing-a-long at the campfire. We will make up song books, there is electricity if someone would like to bring background music on their iPod and speakers. Any help or suggestions are appreciated!!

24 Lots of Different Styles  Chaperones, teachers and students all have different techniques. Let’s work together.  Behavior at all times should reflect that which is appropriate in a school environment (zero tolerance for smoking or other chemical substances, foul language, fighting, etc.). A student or parent who breaks rules or becomes a disciplinary problem may be required to leave camp.

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