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Published byCordelia Russell Modified over 9 years ago
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 1 1 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Water Systems Water Systems –Upstream LCW for Extraction and Pre-Target Magnets & P.S. –Downstream LCW for cooling the MINOS Near Detector Coil, Power supply and Electronics Racks. –Downstream RAW for cooling the Absorber. –Decay Pipe Cooling for cooling the decay pipe. –Horn RAW (RadioActive Water), for cooling the Horns. –Target RAW for cooling the target, horn protection baffles. Vacuum Systems –Extraction and Primary Beam, Hadron Decay Pipe Gas Systems –Primary Beam Instrumentation –Secondary Beam Instrumentation WILL HAVE A SEPARATE REVIEW OF THE RAW SYSTEMS ON 8/1/01
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 2 2 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Upstream LCW (MI-62) System U.S. LCW System has LCW pumps, Heat Exchanger located in MI-62. Heat Exchanger sized for 1200 kW, actual heat load is approximately 750kW. HX is a shell and tube unit and is already in MI-62. Strand needs to be built, stands drawings underway. 550 gpm pump, 440 feet TDH, 100 HP. Pump spec’d not purchased. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Provides LCW to all magnets in extraction and pre-target areas, Power supplies in MI-62, TSB, Underground Mechanical Space (horn P.S.) ~ 4630 gallons of LCW in the piping, more in exp. tank. Heat rejected to MI pond G via pumps in PV-9. Existing pumps are not perfectly fit to our application (too much head with two pump operation/too little flow for one pump operation).
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 3 3 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Upstream LCW (MI-62) System Status of the Upstream LCW System: –Piping already installed in MI up to the shield wall. –Piping will need to be extended in MI after the shield wall is removed. –MI-62 piping laid out as far as possible w/o pump and strainer selections finalized. –Piping Installation in the carrier tunnel, pre-target, shaft, underground mechanical area, and NuMI Target Service Building (MI-65?) to be in the Outfitting and Service Building Contract –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. Will use one PID loop to control temperature Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 4 4 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Downstream LCW (MINOS) System D.S. LCW System has LCW pumps, Heat Exchanger located in the MINOS Near Detector Hall. Heat Exchanger sized for 200 kW, actual heat load is approximately 110kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX. 160 gpm pump, 35 feet TDH, 3 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Will have a booster pump for the power supply just like the one at NMS currently. Provides LCW to the near detector magnet coil, power supply, and 27 water cooled electronics racks. ~ 150 gallons of LCW in the piping, more in expansion tank, rack, magnet coil. Heat rejected to MINOS chilled water (same water used for de- humidification in the underground spaces).
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 5 5 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Downstream LCW (MINOS) System Status of Downstream LCW (MINOS) System: –Piping layout drawings completed. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design not started. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. Will use one PID loop to control temperature Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 6 6 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Absorber Cooling RAW System Absorber RAW System has pumps, heat exchanger located in the absorber access tunnel. Intermediate loop has the pumps, heat exchangers and filters located in the MINOS service building. Heat Exchangers sized for 200 kW, actual heat load is approximately 130kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX between RAW and intermediate loop, a S&T between intermediate loop and the pond water. Both RAW and Intermediate loop pumps are 60 gpm pumps, 65 feet TDH, 3 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit for both RAW and Intermediate loop pumps. Provides cooling to remove the beam energy deposited in the absorber along the vacuum decay pipe. ~ 90 gallons of water in the absorber and piping, more in expansion tank, heat exchangers and manifolds. Heat rejected to MINOS pond water. Activation of water not yet quantified.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 7 7 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Absorber Cooling RAW System Status of the Absorber Cooling RAW System: –Piping layout drawings have not been started. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design not started for either the RAW or the Intermediate loop skid. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. Will use one PID loop to control temperature for the intermediate loop, no direct temperature control on the RAW loop. Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 8 8 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Decay Pipe Cooling RAW System Decay Pipe RAW System has pumps, heat exchanger located in the absorber access tunnel @ d.s. end and heat exchanger, filter, DI bottle in the underground mechanical support room at u.s. end. Heat Exchanger sized for 200 kW, actual heat load is approximately 150kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX. 50 gpm pump, 325 feet TDH, 7.5 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Provides cooling to remove the beam energy deposited in the shielding along the vacuum decay pipe. ~ 1250 gallons of water in the piping, more in expansion tank, heat exchangers. Heat rejected to MINOS chilled water (same water used for de- humidification in the underground spaces) at downstream end and to the intermediate loop of CUB water at the upstream end (also used for de- humidification in the underground spaces). Activation of water is not severe. Should not have to change this water during the life of the experiment.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 9 9 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Decay Pipe Cooling RAW System Status of the Decay Pipe Cooling System: –Piping layout drawings started in PPD. Have begun to change the layout to move the connections between individual tubes and the manifold to an accessible area. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design not started. –Equipment Purchase Requisitions and specifications not prepared. –Changing from 1” nominal copper lines to ¾” nominal polyethylene coated copper lines to prevent galvanic corrosion between the copper and the low carbon steel decay pipe. The decay pipe is less noble, therefore it would corrode, possibly causing a vacuum leak. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. No temperature control Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 10 10 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Horn 1 Cooling RAW System Horn 1 RAW System has pumps, heat exchanger, filter, DI bottle in the underground mechanical support room at u.s. end. Heat Exchanger sized for 150 kW, actual heat load is approximately 30kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX. 115 gpm pump, 61 feet TDH, 5 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Provides cooling to remove the beam energy and I 2 R deposited in horn 1. ~150 gallons of water in the piping, more in expansion tank, heat exchangers. Heat rejected to the intermediate loop of CUB water at the upstream end (also used for de-humidification in the underground spaces). Activation of water is severe. Will change annually but will also exceed the recommended concentrations.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 11 11 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Horn 1 Cooling RAW System Status of Horn 1 Cooling Raw System: –Piping layout drawings 90% completed. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design has just been started. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. No temperature control is used Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 12 12 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Horn 2 Cooling RAW System Horn 2 RAW System has pumps, heat exchanger, filter, DI bottle in the underground mechanical support room at u.s. end. Heat Exchanger sized for 50 kW, actual heat load is approximately 10kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX. 115 gpm pump, 61 feet TDH, 5 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Provides cooling to remove the beam energy and I 2 R deposited in horn 2. ~100 gallons of water in the piping, more in expansion tank, heat exchangers. Heat rejected to the intermediate loop of CUB water at the upstream end (also used for de-humidification in the underground spaces). Activation of water is severe. Will change annually but will also exceed the recommended concentrations.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 13 13 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Horn 2 Cooling RAW System Status of Horn 2 Cooling RAW System: –Piping layout drawings 90%completed. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design has just been started. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. No temperature control is used Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 14 14 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Target Cooling RAW System Target RAW System has pumps, heat exchanger, filter, DI bottle in the underground mechanical support room at u.s. end. Heat Exchanger sized for 20 kW, actual heat load is approximately 10kW. Will use a welded plate and frame HX. 15 gpm pump, 58 feet TDH, 1 HP. Pump not spec not yet written. Will include a hot stand-by unit. Provides cooling to remove the beam energy and I 2 R deposited in the target and baffle. ~50 gallons of water in the piping, more in expansion tank, heat exchangers. Heat rejected to the U.S. LCW system. Activation of water is unknown as it has not yet been calculated.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 15 15 Infrastructure Review - W.B.S. 1.1.7 Target Cooling RAW System Status of the Target and Baffle RAW System: –Piping layout drawings 90%completed. –Piping to be installed in the Service Building and Outfitting Contract. –Skid Design has not started. –There remains some difference of opinion as to if the beam baffle is, or is not, water cooled. This has a negligible affect on the cost. –Instrumentation List Complete Best scheme to read in to/out of ACNET not yet settled. No temperature control is used Will have a few pump interlocks
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 16 16 Vacuum Vacuum in the Primary Beam: –Designing for a 1 x 10 -6 torr level in the instrumentation region of the primary beam transport pipe. P&ID prepared. –Generated Instrument Lists for extraction. –Pre-Target Instrument List not completed –Parts for Vacuum Instrumentation being purchased. Custom building of controller chassis for Ion pumps and instrumentation. Decay Pipe Vacuum : –Decay system P&ID prepared. 24 hour pump down calculated 48 liters of water is the maximum volume of water in the air in the decay pipe assuming 100% relative humidity at the beginning of the pump down. –Skid drawings not yet started nor equipment specified.
NUMI NuMI Review of the Infrastructure – W, G & V 20 July 2001 WBS 1.1.7 Page 17 17 Gas Systems Gas Systems for: –Loss monitors for primary beam area (Ar-CO 2 ) –Secondary beam Monitoring (He-2%H 2 ) Status: –Both system designs remain on hold pending instrumentation development. –Significant chance that the secondary beam monitoring may choose a technology which does not require gas.
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