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Kaiser Family Foundation December 7, 2007 Views about the Quality of Long-Term Care Services in the United States.

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1 Kaiser Family Foundation December 7, 2007 Views about the Quality of Long-Term Care Services in the United States

2 Experience with Long-Term Care Chart 1 Source: KFF Update on the Publics Views of Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Services (conducted October 1 – October 10, 2007) Percent who said that at any time during the past 3 years, a member of their immediate family or someone they know well was…

3 Nursing homes provide high-quality services for people who need them Nursing homes are a decent place to stay Impressions of Nursing Home Care Percent who agree/disagree with the following statements… Somewhat agree Strongly agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Dont know/ Refused Chart 2 Source: KFF Update on the Publics Views of Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Services (conducted October 1 – October 10, 2007) Staff at nursing homes are often poorly trained Nursing homes dont have enough staff

4 Concerns About the Quality of Long Term Care Nursing home care available in this country today Chart 3 Somewhat concerned Very concerned Not too concerned Not at all concerned Dont know How concerned are you if at all, about the quality of … Source: KFF Update on the Publics Views of Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Services (conducted October 1 – October 10, 2007) Care provided to seniors and people with disabilities living at home who need help taking care of themselves

5 Government Regulation of Nursing Homes Percent who say there is not enough government regulation of the quality of nursing homes… Strongly agree Chart 4 Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Dont know/ Refused Source: KFF Update on the Publics Views of Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Services (conducted October 1 – October 10, 2007)

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