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2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Subject Interoperability Breakout Session Facilitator: Paul Child 7. December 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Subject Interoperability Breakout Session Facilitator: Paul Child 7. December 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Subject Interoperability Breakout Session Facilitator: Paul Child 7. December 2002

2 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Starting Questions Is it necessary to have interoperability between different subjects? Is it possible to have interoperability between different subjects? At what level? How much of it?

3 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Subject interoperability issues Granularity – between Data - Service Provider (Enhancements?) Language is a serious barrier to interoperability – international classification schemas are more difficult for some disciplines than for others Disambiguation between subject areas Metadata quality Self archiving (How to control self archivers

4 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Possible Elements of Solution Automatic, semi-automatic classification Cross Walks, Mapping Just as DC is the lowest common denominator for metadata description, OAI needs a multilingual lowest common denominator for subjects – can this be used for harvesting sets? – the SP may then enhance the subject description

5 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Discussion Points Need a community at a managable size either geographically or disciplinary in order to agree on a schemas A subject approach is necessary to reveal hidden resources

6 2nd OAF Workshop: 6./7. December 2002 Lisbon Action Points OI! Plans to compile guidelines for best practise Discuss further in OAF info-Mailing list Collect examples and links at the OAF webpage

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