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Implementing Telephone Numbers for VoIP Tony Rutkowski Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs Tom Kershaw Vice-President of.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Telephone Numbers for VoIP Tony Rutkowski Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs Tom Kershaw Vice-President of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Telephone Numbers for VoIP Tony Rutkowski Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs Tom Kershaw Vice-President of VoIP Services presentation to North American Numbering Council 15 March 2005 Washington DC USA

2 2 The Relevant Immediate Requirements + we require [VoIP E.164 number users] to comply with – the Commissions other numbering utilization and optimization requirements – numbering authority delegated to the states, and – industry guidelines and practices (See 47 C.F.R. Part 52) including filing the Numbering Resource Utilization and Forecast Report (NRUF) to file any requests for numbers with the Commission and the relevant state commission at least thirty days prior to requesting numbers from the NANPA or the PA --FCC SBCIP Order, 1 Feb 2005 + Numbering Administration. 47 USC § 251(e)

3 3 Part 52 - Numbering

4 4 Numbering Dependencies: regulatory and operational + National Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection priority access during or after disasters (NS/EP) public safety emergency and law enforcement assistance (CALEA) network attack mitigation (NS/EP) + Consumer Requirements consumer emergency calls (E112/E911) consumer protection and privacy (Do Not Call; CANSPAM) authenticated caller or sender identification disability assistance (TRS) universal service + Competition and Settlements Requirements number portability (1996 Act) service interoperability (Computer III) intercarrier compensation (ICF) + Operations Requirements service provider coordination fraud detection and management default service and routing options transaction accounting

5 5 NGN IP-Enabled InternetPSTN/CMRS SS7 Internet Architecting viable solutions for numbering systems LERG Resolution Services Number Resolution Number Directories G/W 800 NPAC LIDB IRIS- EREG Others G/W Includes border gateway resolvers, ENUM resolvers, DA Resolution Services

6 6 Needed Numbering Related Capabilities + In the SS7 signalling infrastructure Ability to discover, resolve, and use VoIP telephone numbers – Need: identify the number as VoIP and propagate the gateway information Ability to discover and access VoIP number directories – Need: identify the number as VoIP and propagate the directory information + In the IP-Enabled signalling infrastructure Ability to discover, resolve, and use VoIP telephone numbers – Need: accommodate multiple platforms and implementations Ability to discover and access VoIP number directories – Need: generic capability. IRIS-EREG does this, but needs North American specific regulatory and operational extensions plus explicit discovery mechanism – Need: gateway arrangements between IRIS and SS7 based directory systems

7 7 Needed Steps + ATIS Industry Numbering Committee (INC) and potentially other ATIS standards bodies to develop definitive operational requirements ATIS Working Groups to develop needed standards Most urgent standards have a high priority + NANC review of any policy issues with INC platform, provides advice to the Commission + Commission adopts needed requirements in 99-200 and 04-36 proceedings

8 8 Numbering Developments Worldwide + Meta Large-scale focus on Next Generation IP-Enabled Network (NGN) frameworks, capability sets, architectures, operational requirements, and standards – Includes ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP, Parlay, ATIS, TIA, Cable Labs, IETF, OASIS, etc… + Global – ITU-T Study Group 2 – E.164 implementations Not much ENUM takeup, no apparent interest in public ENUM Continuing domain, security and control issues Significant Asia-Pacific region ENUM experiments appear to be all VPN-based, emulating existing SS7 Intelligent Network infrastructure – Possible other number bases, e.g., E.212, could be used for communication – Number portability recommendation stalled – E.FIND directory service work approved as correspondence group (see annex) Study Groups 4 and 17 – M.1400 unique global provider identifier initiative (ICC [OCC in U.S.]) – expansion to include all providers and considering rapid resolution capabilities + Key emerging global issue: geographic relationship of numbers In a nomadic as well as VoIP world, substantial geographic portability is unavoidable Jurisdictions (countries and locals) need to consider how to accommodate and manage the use effectively

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