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NANC Report of the NANPA Oversight Working Group September 24, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "NANC Report of the NANPA Oversight Working Group September 24, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 NANC Report of the NANPA Oversight Working Group September 24, 2002

2 9/24/20022 New Leadership Selected for NANC Confirmation The NANPA Oversight Working Group (NOWG) met on July 18th and selected two new Co-Chairs for NANCs review and confirmation. Karen Mulberry, WorldCom Jim Castagna, Verizon

3 9/24/20023 NOWG Report Summary Current responsibilities Proposal for scope of new group Summary of 2002 NANPA PIP Items Tracking Documents -Table of NANPA Complaints -Status Table of NOWG Activities/Projects -Posted meeting record and tracking documents Meeting Schedule

4 9/24/20024 NOWG Current Responsibilities Participating in the development of NANPA and PA Technical Requirements Documents, incorporating many of the duties and responsibilities necessary to meet the FCCs policy objectives. Conducting the annual NANPA Survey and Performance Evaluation with input from NANPA clients, industry subject matter experts and regulatory groups. Performing monthly progress reviews of the NANPAs Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) and internal NANPA Performance Metrics (PMs). Annual review of NANPAs operations in Concord, CA and Washington, D.C. Reviewing complaints and assisting in facilitating successful resolutions. Special Projects as assigned by the NANC. For additional details see Attachment 1

5 9/24/20025 Scope proposal for New Work Group Change Orders - Provide Summary to NANC Internal Performance Metrics - Review/ID Deficiencies Complaints - Review/ID Areas in Need of Improvement PIPs - Co-develop Plans, Monitor Progress & Closure Performance Review - Annual Performance Evaluation See Attachment 2 for further details

6 9/24/20026 Status NANPA 2002 Performance Improvement Plan PIP 1 - Code Administration System (CAS) CAS Survey Analysis; Usage, Data Discrepancies & Reconciliation with Lockheed Martin Proposal. PIP 2 - NANPA Web Site Search Engine and Navigational Assistance. PIP 3 - Code Administration Code Conflicts and CAS Assignment Capability for CIC, 500 and 555. PIP 4 - Relief Planning DDS Disclaimer, Relief Planning Standard Package, more comprehensive voice mail and email response measurement.

7 9/24/20027 Status NANPA 2002 Performance Improvement Plan PIP 5 - NRUF Frequent Exhaust Projection Updates, NRUF Job Aid Update and Posting, Update State Commissions with latest NRUF Data. PIP 6 - Measurements Review Current NANPA Metrics - Identify Areas in Need of Improvement. Track Performance Monthly PIP 7 - General Distribute and explain FCC Directives Take leadership role on numbering issues that affect administration.

8 9/24/20028 NOWG Tracking Documents Table of NANPA Complaints –6 Complaints filed via the NANPA web site –NOWG assessing need for NANPA process/procedures changes (See Attachment 3) Table of NOWG Activities/Projects –Tracks NOWG projects and timeline (See Attachment 4) Change Order Tracking Report (Included in Attach. 2) Posting of meeting record and tracking documents on NANC Chair web site

9 9/24/20029 Upcoming Meeting Schedule

10 9/24/200210 List of Attachments 1Current NOWG Responsibilities 2NOWG proposed responsibilities and scope for a new Number Administration Oversight Working Group (includes Standing Agenda and Change Order Tracking Report) 3Complaint Monitoring Report 4NOWG Project List

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