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North American Numbering Council Billing & Collection Working Group Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Co-Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Jim Castagna, Verizon.

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Presentation on theme: "North American Numbering Council Billing & Collection Working Group Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Co-Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Jim Castagna, Verizon."— Presentation transcript:

1 North American Numbering Council Billing & Collection Working Group Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Co-Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Jim Castagna, Verizon

2 September Report Contents 1.B&C WG September NANC Action Item Status 2.2005 Action Item Update Completed/ Ongoing/Under Development 3.B&C Agent Deliverables October & November update (Attachment) 4.B&C WG Meeting Schedule Bi-monthly Meetings with B&C Agent B&C WG Meetings

3 NANC Action Item Status During the September 2005 NANC meeting, the NANC asked the B&C WG and the B&C Agent to work together to determine what the proper complaint submission process would be. The B&C WG and the B&C Agent held a conference call to discuss this. Consensus was reached to perform the following: 1.Add a FAQ section to the B&C Agent web site regarding the top 10 questions/concerns that have been raised so far this year. Include the web location on the invoice. 1.Add clarifying language to the B&C Agent Invoice delineating where calls can be made to voice questions/concerns.

4 2005 Action Item Update –Assigned Items Completed NANC Approval of Mission, Scope and List of Primary Activities Review/recommend Fund Size and Contribution Factor Co-develop Vendor Performance Metrics Tracking Matrix for B&C Collection Agent Deliverables –Assigned Items Ongoing Review monthly & bi-monthly Reporting –Assigned Item Under Development Establish Annual Performance Evaluation Work Plan

5 Organizational Document Summary Mission (Approved 1/19) Scope (Approved 1/19) Primary Activities (Approved 1/19) Tracking Matrix for B&C Collection Agent Deliverables (Approved 9/20)

6 BCWG Meeting Schedule All calls start at 11 AM ET for one hour: –January 16 th Pre-NANC call w/Welch* –February 15 B&C WG – Contribution Factor –February 22 B&C WG – Contribution Factor –March 8 th Pre-NANC call w/Welch* –April 11 th B&C WG - Review Draft FCC Filing –May 10 th Pre-NANC call w/Welch* * Purpose is to discuss B&C Agent Deliverables/Metrics and B&C Agents draft NANC Report.

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