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1 INC Report to the NANC September 24, 2002 David Bench - INC Moderator Dana Smith - INC Assistant Moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INC Report to the NANC September 24, 2002 David Bench - INC Moderator Dana Smith - INC Assistant Moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INC Report to the NANC September 24, 2002 David Bench - INC Moderator Dana Smith - INC Assistant Moderator

2 2 INC MEETINGS September 9-13, 2002: Providence, RI November 4-8, 2002: Washington, DC January 7-10, 2003: Washington, DC All meeting information can be found at:

3 LNPA Workshop At the request of the LNPA WG, INC updated guidelines to accommodate wireless Type 1 to Type 2 block transfers To accommodate wireless pooling, INC updated guidelines that alters the block activation interval. PAS will have to be modified and INC supports such modification...depending on the price tag

4 LNPA Workshop Block Forecasting There is a disconnect between the intent of the INC guidelines and the design of PAS PAS was built to reject a block application if the blocks requested exceed the forecast for that month…even if only by one block –The guidelines allow SPs to be assigned incremental blocks if available in the pool, but PAS does not allow the assignment of incremental blocks unless the SP modifies its forecast on the spot SPs believe that PAS should have been built with flexibility to accommodate forecast estimates within a fluid six-month window

5 Forecasting Example & Recommendation SP six-month forecast equals total of 10 blocks over six months Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6 TOTAL Forecast 22130210 Request 01302410 PAS Result N/AAssignedDeniedN/ADenied Recommendation: INC requests that the NANC recommend to the FCC that the PAS be modified to accommodate forecast estimates within a fluid six-month window

6 CO/NXX Workshop To address the concerns expressed by state PUCs, INC revised its guideline text on deadlines for code assignment prior to pool start dates. Special appreciation to Christine Sealock Kelly (New York) for her thoughtful input and participation on behalf of the states.

7 Committee Issue Summary CICCO/NXXDMMLNPANANP Expansion NPA Active041310 Initial Closure 400301 *Resolved11635758151 *Tabled000000 *Withdrawn6151013010 *TOTAL WS Issues 21826877262 Total Active Issues as of September 24, 2002: 9 New Issues Since Last NANC Meeting: 10 Total Issues in Initial Closure as of September 24, 2002: 8 *Total Issues Resolved: 282 Issues With No National Agreements = 0 *Since INC Inception

8 RELEVANT INC WEB SITES INC Homepage: INC Calendar: INC Issues: INC Meeting Records: INC Published Documents:

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