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NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) March 14, 2006 Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel Karen Riepenkroger, Sprint Nextel Natalie McNamer,

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Presentation on theme: "NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) March 14, 2006 Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel Karen Riepenkroger, Sprint Nextel Natalie McNamer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) March 14, 2006 Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel Karen Riepenkroger, Sprint Nextel Natalie McNamer, T-Mobile

2 3/14/2006NOWG NANC Report2 Contents NeuStar 5% or greater shareholder certification/NOWG Response NANPA/PA 2005 Performance Evaluation Survey Status NANPA/PA 2005 Survey Proposed Timeline March 2006 Meeting Schedule

3 3/14/2006NOWG NANC Report3 NeuStar 5% or greater Shareholder Certification/NOWG Response On February 22, 2006, NeuStar notified the Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal Communications Commission via Letter, regarding a shareholder, Alliance Capital Management LP (Alliance), a Delaware limited partnership, of owning five percent or more of NeuStar equity. The Commission requires any entity owning five percent or more of NeuStar equity to certify to NeuStar that it is not a Telecommunication Service Provider (TSP) or TSP affiliate. The certification was attached. Chairman Atkinson directed the Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) to consider this notification on behalf of the NANC the same day. The NOWG was tasked with providing feedback to the NANC during the March, 2006 NANC meeting of any issues or concerns regarding the contents of this notification. The NOWG has discussed this notice and has no known issues or concerns regarding the neutrality of the shareholder change. This decision is premised on the assumption that the other investments held in Alliance Capitals portfolios are in keeping with FCC neutrality policies..

4 3/14/2006NOWG NANC Report4 Status NANPA and PA 2005 Performance Evaluation Surveys The survey process was initiated on schedule, January 3, 2006. The surveys have been sent to the NANC distro, the PA and NANPA have sent exploder e-mail notifications, and the surveys have been posted to the NANPA/PA and NANC Chair websites. Survey due date response was February 28 th, and the date has been extended to March 17 th.

5 3/14/2006NOWG NANC Report5 NANPA/PA Performance Evaluation Proposed Schedule

6 3/14/2006NOWG NANC Report6 NOWG March 2006 Meeting Schedule Contact any Chair for complete meeting or conference call details (Other meetings for the NOWG may be scheduled as needed beyond what has been identified in this list) NOWG meeting notes and documents are posted at MonthActivity March 15-16NANPA Operational Review – Sterling, VA March 28NANPA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG – Conference Call 2pm, 1 hr March 30PA Standing Agenda Call with NOWG - Conference Call 2pm Eastern, 1 hr

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