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ISAF/NATO Unclassified ISAF/NATO Unclassified
Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP) OMLT and POMLT Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) Pre Deployment Training (PDT) – Kandak Level ISAF/NATO Unclassified Intent of this presentation is to give you a brief introduction to the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Program known as ‘APRP’, or ‘The Peace Process’ or sometimes just simple ‘Reintegration’. Brief will take about 40 mins You will receive some refresher on arrival in theatre and JNCO (+) will be issued the ‘Soldiers Card Aide Memoire’. If it is not issued pass a request up your chain of command to the RC Reintegration Cell at either TF, Bde, or RC level. ISAF/NATO Unclassified (Ver 3 Dated Oct 2011)
Brief Will Cover: Terminology APRP Broad Characteristics
Current Situation How it works Relevance to Deployed Task Forces (TF) and RCA role The ISAF Reintegration Soldiers Card (Commanders Aide Memoire) Takeaways Questions / Discussion RCA = Religious and Cultural Affairs Officers – see later slide. The Vehicle for Reintegration is the Afghanistan Peace & Reintegration Program (APRP)
Critical Take Away From This Brief:
That OMLT and POMLT understand the APRP and can brief ANSF partnered units on APRP within 2 weeks of deployment and mentor them in the implementation of the ‘INFORM’, ‘FIND’ and ‘PROTECT’ effects. English, Dari and Pashto briefs are on the UNCLASS website listed at the end of the brief. Reintegration Inside Afghanistan Continues as Normal In spite of The Assassination of the Head of the High Peace Council, Prof Rabbani. Reintegration is ‘Front and Center’ of Comd ISAF plan to defeat the Insurgency - Note the requirement to brief Command group and RCA officer within 2 weeks. - Note that all briefs are provided on an UNCLASS website (normal internet) in Eng, Dari and Pashto. - Rabani Assassination will not impact on R2 efforts in Afghanistan – make sure that ANSF understand the President of GIRoA direction. The change is that GIRoA will now only talk to the Senior Taliban Leadership through The Government of Pakistan. The Vehicle for Reintegration is the Afghanistan Peace & Reintegration Program (APRP)
APRP is an Afghan Government Led Program. Terminology:
Reintegration: Is the Term Given to Taking the Fighter out of the Fight, with them Opting out of the Insurgency and Peacefully Rejoining their Communities. Reconciliation: The Process in Which an Insurgent Movement as a Whole Reaches a Political Accommodation with The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) to Bring their Part of the Insurgency to an End. Note: Tedious, but very quickly cover the difference between ‘Reintegration and Reconciliation’. Key point is that ‘Reintegration’ happens in the Unit Battle Space and in the TF AO’s whereas ‘Reconciliation’ is a Political arrangement between HiG or TBN etc This is shown as the slide builds. Reintegration: The process by which insurgents (both fighters and groups of fighters) opt out of the insurgency and peacefully rejoin their communities. Effort focuses on local peace processes with the foot soldiers, small groups, and local leaders who form the bulk of the insurgency. Key is that it will likely happen in your battle space. Reconciliation: Political solution involving Governments and senior leadership of entire Insurgent groups or movements. This will be worked at level of GIRoA, COMISAF, Capitals etc The Vehicle for Reintegration is the Afghanistan Peace & Reintegration Program (APRP)
APRP Broad Characteristics
Afghan Led Program that peacefully returns fighters to their communities. Supports COIN Whilst Being Enabled by COIN—Offensive Tool Can Cut the Traditional Afghan Cycle of Violence Absolutely No Dilution of the Kinetic or Offensive ‘Strike’ Operations – It is Very Important That ISAF and ANSF Understand This Point Utilizes Traditional Cultural Methods - Elders, Shuras etc. Acknowledges Honor, Dignity and the Local Grievances that Drove Many Fighters into the Insurgency. Provides for Community Recovery / Benefits to Communities. Starts at District or Provincial with a ‘Vetting List’ of Potential Reintergrees that is Passed up to the Joint Secretariat (JS) in Kabul Each Reintegration Approach and Event Will be Unique. Key to stress that it is ‘Offensive’ in nature in that APRP takes fighters out of the fight. Traditional AFG culture can see relatives joining the insurgency following death of a family member on the battlefield. Taking fighters off the battlefield without killing them can cut the cycle that feeds the insurgency. Offensive strike and kinetic operations have created the conditions that sees many Insurgent groups, at mid and lower level, interested in joining the APRP – Kinetic Strike has been the enabler and continues to ‘encourage’. Most fighters are driven buy localized grievances not Fundamentalist Islamic Ideology. Honor and dignity are critical if Insurgents are to join the process-‘Pashtuwhaili’ / culture etc (never use words such as ‘surrender’). All this is reiterated in the Comd Card that you will see at the end of the brief. Community recovery and development offers insurgents an alternative, offers communities incentives and the community ‘recovery’ process must be protected from revenge attack. Accelerated peace process means less fighters planting IED and the ability to focus kinetic on those remaining in insurgency and ideologically motivated elements of the insurgency. End state: Insurgents peacefully leaving the fight and returning to their communities with honor— an accelerated peace process
Afghan Government Led Program to “Remove Fighters out of the Fight - Peacefully!”
Provincial Governors lead the Provincial level Peace Program (APRP) and are setting up the Provincial High Peace Councils (PHPC). District Administrators are doing the same at District Level. Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams (PJST) implement APRP from Provincial to District level. Provincial Governors and District Administrators have the lead at Prov level Remember it is Afghan Government and Provincial Governor Led… they understand the culture, the people and have good familial, tribal and cultural links into some of the lower levels of the Insurgency…. ISAF supports the process. It can sometimes seem frustratingly slow and inefficient to our Western Military eyes but Provincial Governors are key. ANSF must work with, establish a relationship with and support Provincial and District Governors in Protecting and Supporting APRP
Current Situation Force Reintegration Cell (F-RIC) Manned by ISAF and Comd by UK 2* Over 2,418 Insurgents in the ‘Formal’ Program as at Sep 2011. Between 2,000 and 4,000 in ‘Discussions’ and Considering ’Options’. APRP is Developing Across Afghanistan but Faster in Some Areas than Others. Whereas not the ‘Silver Bullet’ it has Potential to be a ‘Game Changer’. Slide is self explanatory -Formal program = signed the GIRoA “intent to reintegrate form and biometrics taken’. -About 2,400 INS have ‘Informally Reintegrated’ where they just return to the villages and are accepted back by communities as having left the Insurgency. -Informal Reintegration happens but hard to quantify. -2-4,000 in tentative and often covert discussion with Provincial Governors, GIRoA and ISAF - GIRoA lead -Following slides are dated but demonstrate the spread and footprint Many insurgents who are in ‘Dialogue’ are waiting to see how current reintegrees fare in the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) 7
UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization
Afghanistan Reintegration Sep 2011
UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan Reintegration Sep 2011 Reintegration Activity 18 Provinces with Events 06 Provinces with Opportunities JOWZJAN KUNDUZ BALKH BADAKHSHAN 10 Provinces with No Activity TAKHAR SAMANGAN FARYAB BAGHLAN SAR-E PUL PANJSHAYR NURISTAN BADGHIS BAMYAN PARWAN KAPSIA KUNAR LAGHMAN KABUL WARDAK HERAT GHOR NANGARHAR LOGAR DAYKUNDI PAKTIYA GHAZNI KHOST FARAH Events 41 Reintegrees 2497 Opportunities 23 URUZGAN PAKTIKA Definitions: Event – Insurgent or group of insurgents who begin the reintegration process in a single act and at a single location. A numbered case file is opened and maintained. Opportunity – A group or individual expression of intent or willingness to stop fighting and to be reintegrated into Afghan society. Enrolled – Insurgent in some step of (bun not having completed) the reintegration process which includes the minimum following steps: biometrics collected, intel and community vetting; weapons turned in or registered; reintegration card and oath. If applicable, the commitments made to the insurgent by the GIRoA are followed up to completion. Negotiating – Direct dialogue between government and anti-government representatives intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests, and most importantly to offer an alternative to violent conflict. Recidivist – Insurgent or group of insurgents that have completed the reintegration process and subsequently go back to the insurgency. Provincial Peace Councils – PPC partnered by IJC RCs through Security Committees and supported by PRTs. PPCs responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within Province. PPC pulls together Provincial representatives from GIRoA Ministries, religious and tribal elders. Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams – PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. There are members assigned to support outreach, demobilization, development, administration, and finance. ZABUL HELMAND KANDAHAR NIMROZ Provincial Established Emerging Council 32 2 JS Team 23 Kandahar is the one emerging PPC Reintegration Itself Forces the Pace
How APRP Works - Three Stages of APRP
UNCLASSIFIED How APRP Works - Three Stages of APRP Security & Grievance Resolution SOCIAL OUTREACH, CONFIDENCE BUILDING, NEGOTIATION CONSOLIDATION OF PEACE AND COMMUNITY RECOVERY DEMOBILIZATION Enrolled APRP Intent Survey Biometric Weapon Reg Transition Assistance (TA) Disengagement Training Y Declaration Form Signed Vetting N These are the stages of APRP: ISAF and ANSF deployed Units are focused on the first Stage ‘OUTREACH’ where they can assist delivering the INFORM and FIND Effects and for the DEMOB and DEVELPOMENT stages their role is to assist with the PROTECT and SUPPORT Effects – (Shown on Next Slide) Reach out to the insurgents, build their confidence in the program, take them in. Demobilize them, which includes vetting, biometrics, weapons management, and restriction from targeting Assist them in merging back into their community and assist their community with development projects to rebuild both the community and insurgent. Outreach is ongoing and initially focuses on ensuring distribution of GIRoA guidance. Over time, the combination of social outreach via Shuras etc, improvements in local security and increased partnering with GIRoA should build popular confidence in the government, as well as present an attractive alternative to fighting for members of the insurgency. In the field, an event begins with an insurgent making contact with GIRoA or coalition officials—either directly or via an intermediary. What ensues is a negotiation process whereby government officials at the community, district and province level, ICW ANSF and ISAF, discuss the nature of core grievances and desired outcomes. This discussion, which could require multiple meetings over a significant period of time, would result in each insurgent completing an intent to reintegrate form, where they declare in writing their intent to reintegrate, cease violence, and obey the orders of GIRoA officials throughout the process. Once signed (or thumb printed) by the insurgent, initial humanitarian needs can be addressed, and the demobilization and community assessment processes truly begin. During demobilization, PPC and DRC officials (assisted by JS mobile teams and ISAF if necessary) will gather biometrics, collect and register weapons, gather all necessary data, and take actions to place the insurgents on a restricted targeting list (if on JPEL). These steps form the inputs for official vetting, with the ultimate goal to determine eligibility for APRP. Reasons for ineligibility may be: Outstanding criminal record – Jail?; Not an Afghan citizen – Deportation?; Recidivism – Jail?; Ineligible (not an insurgent)? With an official determination made, the community must determine if they will accept the insurgent(s). This step is key as it is deigned to prevent recidivism, and to provide a sense of honor/benefit to the returning insurgents. MoI is responsible for facilitating a relocation if necessary, due to an inability to overcome grievances for example. Vetting complete, the insurgent and GIRoA enter into a written agreement, or Reintegration Declaration, wherein the insurgent declares he renounces violence, will respect the Afghan Constitution, will sever all ties to AQ and terrorism. With an agreement complete, PPCs (supported by JS, ANSF and ISAF) will execute immediate short term projects IAW the community assessment mentioned earlier. These projects are designed to bridge to longer term recovery efforts selectively applied from the “menu of recovery options.” Foundational requirement to provide security and address grievances to ensure a durable outcome. Not Enrolled APRP Social outreach and messaging Contact Establishing dialogue Negotiation Grievance resolution Registration Formal vetting/Assess Biometrics/ID card Weapons registration Community security Religious, literacy, and vocational education Community recovery Agriculture Conservation Corps Public Works Corps
Your Role In the Three Phases
Outreach - ‘FIND and TRACK’ You are to - Assist with Identifying and Report Opportunities Where you Come Across Them. OUTREACH Strategic communications Peace building capacity and development of government institutions Negotiation and grievance resolution Sub-national governance and outreach Demobilization & Consolidation / Development ‘PROTECT’ , ‘SUPPORT’ & ‘SUSTAIN’ You Are To - Protect and Support the Security of Reintegration Opportunities, Communities Engaged in Reintegration and Reintergrees. APRP has Worried the Taliban and it is Attacking Reintergrees as a Means of Dissuading More from Joining APRP. You Are To - Engage With and Encourage your Afghan Partners (ANSF) to Discuss APRP and Encourage its Acceptance Amongst the Local Population . DEMOBILISATION Biometrics, vetting, registration, assessment and immediate support Weapons management and community security Detainee release CONSOLIDATION Community recovery Literacy, religious and vocational education Agriculture conservation corps Public works corps Integration to the ANSF APRP has three Phases, they are: Outreach, Demobilization & Consolidation (Development) ANSF and ISAF Role is shown above as Effects as the Slide Builds. Commanders must be aware that there are specialist teams that deliver the Demob, Vetting and Development Effcets and that thier role dureing these stages is to assist with PROTECT and SUPPORT (Build )- (ellipse around ‘Outreach’) Outreach: Is all about persuading groups of insurgents to ‘step out of the fight’ and into APRP. Conducted by GIRoA, National Directorate of Security (NDS) (MI5/6 equivalent), Provincial Governors, ANA, ANP, ISAF etc. It involves dialogue with insurgents (usually through ‘go-between’) & can be a long process. Insurgents can be put on a ‘restricted targeting list’ if the RC and ISAF are convinced there is a genuine opportunity. Insurgents considering Reintegration are vulnerable to TBN revenge attacks if caught in dialogue & so they may continue a level of relationship /contact (chatter) with insurgent ‘buddies’. It can be complicated! (Build – Blue Box ‘FIND and TRACK) Think of Outreach as the ISTAR ‘FIND’ and ‘TRACK’ effects. ‘Outreach’ / discussion of APRP - included it in Patrol ‘Shuras’. Ensure that your interpreters are briefed on APRP and engage the locals. There are Dari and Pashtu ‘ANSF Commanders Reintegration Card’ available that are similar to ISAF version. ANSF Cards will help interpreters and ANSF patrol partners. You can request these versions from chain of comd. Also available on the UNCLASS CAAT Website and FRIC ISAF Secret portal (see last hidden slide). (Build to ellipse around Demobilisation & Consolidation) Demobilisation: Conducted by GIRoA & involves taking of biometrics, vetting, engagement with elders / communities insurgents want to reintegrate back into. Also includes removing of weapons BUT they are allowed to keep a rifle for protection once the rifle is officially registered. Includes provision of basic life support (food, shelter etc) for reintergree and family & can include relocation to an NDS ‘Safe House’. There will be no set template for Outreach and Demobilization, it will vary depending on the circumstances. Demob lasts about 90 days and at the end a former insurgent becomes a legal Citizen of Afghanistan and is able to join the ANSF if he so wishes. Consolidation. Consolidates and Sustains opportunities created by Outreach and Demob. Reintegration not just a series of short-term acts & must be consolidated and enduring (through Transition). The International Community (IC) and GIRoA have to create the conditions for a longer term solution through job creation, development etc. There is ample funding. Probably the hardest piece of the APRP for IC to deliver but key to lasting solution. Intent is to offer a genuine alternative, to keep insurgents employed & off the battlefield & to build infrastructure contributing to post-conflict reconstruction. Consolidation is community focused development and geared to benefit the wider community and communities & not just the insurgent, his family and his own community (this is important) i.e. if 5 reintegrating insurgents attend a plumbers course then 5 villagers will also be trained as electricians etc. If a insurgent linked village is offered development then so will surrounding non insurgent linked villages etc. (Build - Blue Box ‘PROTECT, SUPORT AND SUSTAIN’) Think of this as the PROTECT , SUPPORT and SUSTAIN effects. Most will be done by IC and GIRoA but you must be aware of it and be aware of communities that are engaged in Reintegration from a PROTECT point of view. Reintegration communities and events are targeted by TBN. Already several incidents of TBN attacking communities accepting back Reintegrees. In one 7 Reintegrees were killed but in another the Reintegrees fought off and killed TBN attackers. The TBN Senior Leadership has also directed that anyone involved with Reintegration should be attacked as a priority.
Why is APRP Relevant to Deployed ANSF
Every Conflict is Followed by Some form of ‘Reconciliation and Reintegration’. Key Difference In Afghanistan: It Occurs During the ‘Fight’ - ‘Offensive Tool’ Insurgents are Under Pressure and Increasingly Becoming Tired of Fighting Reintegration Takes Insurgents ‘Out of the Fight’ 85% of Insurgents are NOT Ideologically Driven and Fight Reasonably Close to their Homes – i.e. in Your Unit Battle Space The Insurgent Leadership Fears the Impact of APRP on their Fighting Strength. Reintegration is One of COMISAF and ANA CGS Priorities. ANA CGS (Gen Karimi) Cipher ( FRAGO) Number 265 dates (2 Feb 2011) ANP – Deputy Minister MoI Direction that ANP Train on, Support and Deliver APRP. It is a Leadership Function to Ensure Your Soldiers and Mentored Units Understand Why Reintegration is Important. Reintegrated or Reintegrating Insurgents do not (usually) lay IEDs! AND it cuts the cycle of violence that can feed relatives of KIA insurgents back into the fight. After every Insurgency / conflict there has always been a period of ‘Reconciliation and Reintegration’. It is part of COIN – NI, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Malaya, Balkans, ‘Mau Mau’ in Kenya etc. In AFG Reintegration is taking place before any Peace Agreement & whilst the ‘kinetic’ is on going. It is aimed at ‘taking the legs away’ from the Insurgency and is therefore an Offensive Tool (Stress) Vast majority of Insurgents are not driven by Fundamentalist Ideology but are involved due to a local or national grievance that is being exploited by those who are Ideologically driven – APRP looks to separate the two and draw them off the battlefield – your part of the battlefield! It is localized and so for many reconnecting and reintegrating with their communities is an increasingly attractive option. If reintegration occurs in communities in your AO then the chances are that it takes insurgents out of YOUR fight. Increasing success of kinetic operations and the spreading footprint of ANSF and ISAF has increased pressure to point where many are now thinking of other options. Some groups coming into dialogue have lost 2 commanders to kinetic strike in last 8 months. COMISAF priority and, if momentum develops , it has been identified as a potential ‘Game Changer’ Some Soldiers may resent the concept of ‘Reintegrating’ Insurgents who may have been planting IED’s during a previous ‘Tour’ (Military Deployment) of Afghanistan. Commanders must ensure that soldiers under command understand, that whilst not a ‘sliver bullet’, Reintegration could be an important factor in contributing to a reduction in casualties within their AO Successful kinetic ops and a developing ANSF / ISAF footprint has encouraged many non ideologically driven insurgents to reassess 12
ANA Religious and Cultural Affaires (RCA) Officer and ANSF Mullahs (SNCO).
RCA officers and Mullahs belong to a 1* ANA HQ based in Kabul and are deployed down to Corps, Brigade and Kandak locations. Understand the role of the ANA Religious and Cultural Affaires (RCA) officer and the ANSF Mullahs (SNCO). Include RCA and Mullahs in the briefings with your Kandak Command Group where possible. Make sure that they understand that they are expected to lead APRP education and awareness and support Reintegration ‘outreach’ into the local community. There is an RCA School in Kabul where RCA officers and Mullahs are taught about APRP – some have attended. There is an RCA Conferences in Kabul every 6 months; APRP knowledge will be refreshed and discussed at each Conference. - RCA Officers fills a combines roles that in our armies would fall to Battalion Chaplains, the Welfare Officer, the Education Officer. - He will speak to the troops prior to operations explaining why the ‘attack’ must happen offering both a Religious and a patriotic context. RCA branch also look after family welfare and repatriation of the dead. RCA officers are influential and have been tasked the ANA lead for Reintegration It is CRITICAL that they do not see APRP as a dilution of ANA fighting Spirit - There is a less matured verion developing in the ANP RCA Officers and the Mullahs attached to Kandaks are respected and influential members of the ANSF 13
Summary of Tasks (‘Effects’)
‘INFORM’ - inform the population about the Peace Program. ‘FIND’ help identify opportunities where insurgent groups who are tired of fighting may wish to enter the Peace Program (APRP). ‘PROTECT’ protect reintegration events and communities involved in the Peace Program from Taliban revenge attacks. ‘SUPPORT’ - support the Peace Program (APRP) and those tasked to implement it. INFORM: When on patrols or when conditioning any duties you should take the opportunity to talk to and inform the local population about the Peace Program. Also discuss it with Elders and at any Shuras or meetings that you may be involved in. Use the ISAF Commanders Card. FIND: If you think that local communities have contact with Insurgents groups in the area you must encourage them to pass on details of the Peace Program and APRP to the Insurgent groups. Encourage discussion of the opportunities that the Peace Program offers. PROTECT: You must help protect communities that accept reintegration of their ‘Afghan brothers’ back into a peaceful life. The Extremists and Foreign Fighters are scared of losing fighters to Reintegration and will seek to attack these communities. We must Protect these communities and Reintergrees so that more Insurgents are encouraged to join the Peace Process. You must also protect Reintegration events and meetings for the same reasons. SUPPORT: Support all aspects of APRP and all those who are making it happen.
ISAF Reintegration Soldiers Card:
To Help You there is the ISAF Reintegration Soldiers Card: An ‘Aide memoire’ for ISAF patrol commanders Issued by RC Reintegration Cells, by unit or on arrival into theatre (RSOI). Distributed across all Regional Commands (RC). An ANSF version (different to the ISAF version) distributed down ANSF in Dari and Pashtu. So you don’t have to remember all details of this brief there is a Soldiers Card / Aide Memoire Will guide you when deployed i.e. when you are conducting that Shura and an Elder says that his ‘cousin’ in the hills wants to ‘Join the Peace Process’! Or when your interpreter / you are approached by someone on patrol with similar request. Covers what APRP is, Actions on Initial Contact / Meeting, Follow Up Actions, some ‘Do Not's’ & some Key Point refreshers. It can be used as a training tool for the rest of your Coy, Pl, Section, Fire Team or patrol etc.
Offers Guidance to ISAF personnel -
Purpose: Offers Guidance to ISAF personnel - ‘INFORM’ the local Afghan population. Enable ISAF to assist with the ‘FIND’ and identify of opportunities should they encounter Afghan insurgents (or go-betweens) wanting to enter the formal Reintegration (APRP) process As per the red wording
General. The Commanders Card Offers a broad outline of APRP and
stresses that: APRP is primarily a GIRoA led programme. Provincial Governors and Provincial High Peace Councils (PHPC) are the key players at the Provincial level. As per the red wording
Initial Meeting (Contact): Contact
could be direct or through a ‘go-between’. Actions to be taken: Notify the Chain of Comd: Name & contact details. Why he wants to reintegrate? Is this the first contact with ISAF/ANSF? If the subject is a ‘go-between’, what is their relationship with Insurgents? If a comd then how many fighters are under his comd? On the completion of meeting: How can ISAF make contact again? Inform him that final acceptance into the formal process is a GIRoA decision. Do not go through all but just point out there is an Action On Initial Contact. Stress that this a ‘Meeting’ and not a ‘Contact’ in the kinetic sense, PDT focuses on our kinetic ‘contact drills’ make sure that the soldiers do not see this as such. (note: The card is aimed at many Nationalities so whereas from UK perspective the word ‘Contact ‘ is not ideal the phrase ‘Initial Contact’ has been chosen for translation purposes) The contacts details and method are critical Name and details must be gathered as thoroughly as possible Grievances are of interest as may steer follow up negotiations One of the ‘immediate assistance’ requests may be ‘security’ from other Insurgent groups (NDS Safe House etc) STRESS THAT COMD MUST ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PATROL AND ENVIROMENT FIRST AND FORMOST (USUAL DRILLS AND TTPS) BEFORE CARRYING OUT THESE ACTIONS – THE ‘COME ON’ etc
Reported IMMEDIATLY as an ‘Incident’ to your Ops Room.
Follow Up Action. Reported IMMEDIATLY as an ‘Incident’ to your Ops Room. Your HQ or TF will coordinate the next steps. Important that it is reported as an ‘INCIDENT’ to the Ops Room.
Do Not: Do Not offer an ISAF guarantee of amnesty or immunity from GIRoA prosecution. Do Not tell insurgent /go-between whether the insurgent is on an ISAF or GIRoA Targeting List. Do Not offer money or development aid directly to insurgents to stop fighting. Do not discuss JPEL or targeting lists. Restricted targeting is a decision made at RC and IJC level.
Key Points: (Important):
APRP acknowledges ‘Honour & Dignity’ and is NEVER profiled as ‘Surrender’. Reintegrating fighters can keep a personal weapon for self defence. Only GIRoA can offer Amnesty. APRP benefits peaceful communities not just the communities of reintegrating insurgents. Often a lengthy period of ‘negotiation’. APRP removes Insurgents from the battlefield. Insurgents who chose not to join their ‘Afghan brothers’ in the Peace Programme (APRP) will continue to be targeted. It is Important that ISAF and AFG Partners Clearly Understand that Kinetic Strike Continues Unabated Alongside Reintegration. IMPORTANT takeaways! Benefits to peaceful communities – patrols may be questioned on the perception that benefits accrue only to insurgents and ‘insurgent communities’. This is absolutely NOT the case and great effort is made to ensure that peaceful communities and villagers also benefit etc. This may come up at Shuras in ‘un involved’ communities who perceive an ‘injustice’ etc. Make sure that they understand that benefit and developments is also aimed at them.
Summary of Tasks ‘INFORM’ - inform correctly - use the Commanders Card. ‘FIND’ identify opportunities. ‘PROTECT’ protect reintegration from Taliban revenge attacks. ‘SUPPORT’ - support and facilitate the Peace Program (APRP) AND Brief Your Mentored ANSF Unit Command Group, Religious and Cultural Affairs Officers (RCA) and ANSF Mullahs Using the Briefs (English, Dari and Pashto) on the UNCLASS Website Within 2 Weeks of Your Deployment. INFORM: When on patrols or when conditioning any duties you should take the opertunity to talk to and inform the local population about the Peace Program. Also discuss it with Elders and at any Shuras or meetings that you may be involved in. Use the ISAF Commanders Card. FIND: If you think that local communities have contact with Insurgents groups in the area you must encourage them to pass on details of the Peace Program and APRP to the Insurgent groups. Encourage discussion of the opportunities that the Peace Program offers. PROTECT: You must help protect communities that accept reintegration of their ‘Afghan brothers’ back into a peaceful life. The Extremists and Foreign Fighters are scared of losing fighters to Reintegration and will seek to attack these communities. We must Protect these communities and Reintergrees so that more Insurgents are encouraged to join the Peace Process. You must also protect Reintegration events and meetings for the same reasons. SUPPORT: Support all aspects of APRP and all those who are making it happen.
We Want To See More Former fighters Joining the Peace Process (APRP).
Remember that Reintegrating Insurgents Can Keep a Personal Weapon (rifle) Once it is Registered with ANP / MoI for Self Protection – the Reintegree Must ‘Survive the Process’.
Useful Links and / Websites
The Following can be found at : ISAF Secret main ISAF page - FRIC Portal ISAF APRP Commanders Cards, ANA & ANP APRP Commanders Cards (Eng Dari & Pashtu) and ISAF Reintegration Handbook (Eng &Dari) ISAF CARD (version 6) ANSF CARD and translations (version 6) (English, Pashtu and Dari) ANSF CARD and translations (version 6) (Pashtu and Dari) pfd ISAF Reintegration Handbook (Coy Comd / Bn Staff +) (printable in booklet form when print option selected) Reintegration Handbook (Coy Comd / Bn Staff +) – (in Dari Pashtu Sep 11) ANSF training briefs (Eng, Dari Pashtu) (ISAF partners can deliver to partnered ANSF units ISAF training briefs
Takeaways: You are to brief your ANSF units (Command Group) on arrival in Afghanistan about APRP and their role in its implementation. Understand the leading role of the ANA Religious and Cultural Affairs (RCA) and Mullahs and include them in Briefings, Training and mentoring.. Know where the briefs are found on the UNCLASS website and copy to disc before your deploy. Ensure that your unit has Commands Cards which are obtainable through RC Reintegration Cell Stress the nature of the APRP as an ‘Offensive Tool’ to defeat the Insurgency – it is NOT a dilution of strike and must not compromise ANSF ‘fighting sprit’. It is extremely important that all ranks of ANSF understand that Insurgents who choose not to Reintegrate will be pursued, tracked and destroyed. Brief Unit End state: Insurgents peacefully leaving the fight and returning to their communities with honor— an accelerated peace process
Questions / Discussion
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join the APRP? The APRP is a nation-wide program for all Afghan fighters who agree to renounce violence and ties to terrorist groups and to live peacefully with in the laws of Afghanistan. Those who fled to hill for criminal acts are still accountable for crimes committed. Foreign Fighters are not eligible. GIRoA is working on Amnesty rules but it could exclude Insurgents guilty of massacres, ‘controlling and deploying suicide bombers etc. How will the APRP benefit peaceful and law-abiding Afghans? Under the APRP, everyone benefits because APRP recovery packages are for the entire community. For those Afghans living in communities where reintegration is not occurring, the benefits will come from living in a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Other development programs will support these peaceful communities. What happens to fighters who want to reintegrate but cannot return to their communities? Communities will decide whom they have back through the PPRC. If a community refuses to accept a former fighter, or the fighter does not want to return, the Joint Secretariat will find alternatives. This may involve temporary or permanent relocation or other options. 27
Can reintegrees join ANSF and ALP?
Once reintegrated former fighters have completed the program, they are citizens of Afghanistan, and may in some cases join the ANSF or ALP. But to do so, former fighters must be selected by their community and must pass through the same screening procedures as any other ANSF or ALP candidate. There is no guaranteed place in the ANSF or ALP for reintegrees. As a temporary security structure, ALP aligns with the principles of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration ALP is not a primary tool for reintegration of former insurgents although it complements reintegration by supporting the provision of security for communities and individuals who reintegrate. Reintegration efforts may be enabled at locations where ALP is implemented, however, reintegration efforts do not dictate the location of ALP sites After successful reintegration, individuals are eligible for consideration by their communities for participation in ALP, undergoing the standard vetting process for accession and selection.
UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization Registration : PJSTs will arrange for registration to be conducted. This includes completing the “Intent to Reintegrate” form and “Individual Survey”. [See survey training brief] Biometrics: MOI is the lead agency for collecting biometric information. Demobilization: Is managed by the PJST with assistance from the JS mobile teams travelling to the location where reintegration opportunities arise. Weapons Management: In contrast to DIAG, the APRP allows reintegrees to keep their personal weapons, however, these must be registered. MOI is responsible to register weapons. MOD will store heavy weapons (e.g. machine guns, RPGs, Etc). Security: MoI (assisted by NDS & MoD) will provide security. ANSF and ISAF will work closely to determine the security risks in each reintegration case and determine a course of action to mitigate these risks.
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Vetting of ex-combatants is done to determine motivations and eligibility for reintegration Vetting will be done at the community, district, provincial and national levels APRP eligibility criteria: Ex-combatants must be verified insurgents Ex-combatants must not be wanted for criminal offenses Must not be foreign fighters
Joint Secretariat will:
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Joint Secretariat will: Guide and direct a standardized vetting process Appoint a designated vetting manager, responsible for: Managing vetting actions with provincial staff Managing vetting actions with the security representatives to the JS Maintain paper and electronic files of vetting documentation After initial vetting, approve and assist provincial formal enrollment as required
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Chief of Police (CoP), provincial NDS Chief, and ANA Security Shura rep will: Confirm based on organizational data that ex-combatants are APRP eligible per the eligibility criteria Document ex-combatant eligibility by signing vetting list prior to PG signature Chairman of the PPC will: Ensure community vetting is done to verify ex-combatant eligibility Verify the community is willing to accept the ex-combatants back into the community Security Representatives (MoI, NDS and MoD to the JS will: Ensure provincial CoPs, NDS Chiefs, and ANA follow the vetting responsibilities Vet provincial lists based on national level data within 3 days of receiving; after 3 days concurrence is assumed
Provincial Governors (PG) and their staffs (i.e. PJST) will:
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Governors (PG) and their staffs (i.e. PJST) will: Confirm in writing that ex-combatants are eligible based on community and provincial vetting. Send vetted list of ex-combatants to the JS. The list will be signed by the PG and counter-signed by the Chairman of the PPC, CoP, NDS Chief and ANA Provincial Security Shura representative. This signed list will verify that those individuals are eligible for the peace program. Oversee the conduct of community vetting Shura to ensure fairness. Keep paper and electronic files of provincial vetting documentation in the PJST.
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