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UNCLASSIFIED ISAF Force Reintegration Cell F-RIC OPERATIONS OVERVIEW Introduce yourself with your rank and name Which position in FRIC you are in IT’S A GAME CHANGER
F-RIC Ops Cell Mission Statement
UNCLASSIFIED F-RIC Ops Cell Mission Statement Build APRP Joint Secretariat (JS) and sub-national operational capacity (people, tools, procedures, and training) in order to facilitate and enhance the conduct of outreach and demobilization operations to take fighters out of the fight
ISAF F-RIC Ops Organization
UNCLASSIFIED ISAF F-RIC Ops Organization Director of Ops Deputy Director of Ops Cultural Advisor, Interpreter and Translator Ops Rep to JS (Afghan Hand) Demob Staff Officers Reintegration Int O Reintegration Systems Data Manager Mentor Director of Operations Direct the current and future plans of operations (ops) Interface with JS Director of Operations Deputy Director of Operations Mission planning Field missions Weapons management Operations Representative to JS Missions Biometrics: fielding Regional capacity, CF data sharing, recidivism watch list, Liaison Officer (LNO) with Task Force (TF) 435 JS process and Battle Rhythm Vetting SOPs Managing Language resources Demobilization Staff Officers Disengagement training APRP Targeting LNO Ops rep to Detainee Working Group Training: APRP overview training and PJST positional training Coordinate Senior Security Shura information Track opportunities and exchange of information concerning reconciles Reintegration Intelligence Officer APRP current Intelligence (Intel) briefing and analysis APRP overview Weekly ops briefing and Intel fortnight meeting Lead at APRP Intel Community of Interest (COI) forum Reintegration Systems Data Management Mentor Afghanistan Reintegration Tracking System (ARTS) project and requirements manager APRP data manager Track Transition Assistance (TA) delivery Track reintegration processing data Process reintegration candidate survey forms Conduct statistical analysis of demobilization data Mentor and train JS data management team Cultural Advisor, Interpreter and Translator Translation of staff documents, survey data, etc Interpreter for meetings and missions 6 Nationalities
UNCLASSIFIED FRIC OPS CRITICAL TASKS Partner with JS Ops Assist with Demob Msns and Tasks (Phase 2) Maintain and Analyze Reintegree Data Assist with development of Demob processes Represent FRIC (Ops) at ISAF Forums Partner JS OPS JS Capacity Building (Dev JS OPS posns, roles & responsibilities) Participate in JS OPS Conferences Assist with JS input to Senior Security Shura (S3) PPC/PJST Capacity Building (APRP Training) Assist Demob Msns/Tasks (Phase 2) Partner/facilitate Demob Msns Facilitate ISAF (IJC/RC) support Monitor Reintegrees for JPEL (RTL) Staff HPC/JS requests for RTL action Maintain and analyze Reintegrees Data Ensure consistency between JS/ISAF data Produce/update maps/web data Translate/compile Survey data/statistics Assist JS with analysis of data Develop and implement ARTS Assist with development of Demob processes Registration Process - development and training Develop & implement DT, Biometrics, TA & Vetting SOPs Afghan Biometric decentralization implementation & ISAF Biometric Policy development Assist with reintegration related Detainee release process Development/implementation of Disengagement Training Coord transition to Phase 3 (Community Project/recovery) Represent FRIC (OPS) at ISAF Forums FRIC Updates Reintegration Intel Community of Interest IJC Reintegration Adobe Connect Joint Targeting Working Group (JTWG & EJTWG) Detainee Working Gp FRIC/IJC Intel sharing Shura APRP Donor Meeting Biometric Meetings Other forums as required
Three Stages of APRP Security & Grievance Resolution
UNCLASSIFIED Three Stages of APRP Security & Grievance Resolution SOCIAL OUTREACH, CONFIDENCE BUILDING, NEGOTIATION CONSOLIDATION OF PEACE AND COMMUNITY RECOVERY DEMOBILIZATION Enrolled APRP Intent Survey Biometric Weapon Reg Transition Assistance Disengagement Training Y Declaration Form Signed Vetting N These are the stages of APRP: Reach out to the insurgents, build their confidence in the program, take them in. Demobilize them, which includes vetting, biometrics, weapons management, and restriction from targeting Assist them in merging back into their community and assist their community with development projects to rebuild both the community and insurgent. Outreach is onogoing and initially focuses on ensuring distribution of GIRoA guidance. Over time, the combination of social outreach via Shuras etc, improvements in local security and increased partnering with GIRoA should build popular confidence in the government, as well as present an attractive alternative to fighting for members of the insurgency. In the field, an event begins with an insurgent making contact with GIRoA or coalition officials—either directly or via an intermediary. What ensues is a negotiation process whereby government officials at the community, district and province level, ICW ANSF and ISAF, discuss the nature of core grievances and desired outcomes. This discussion, which could require multiple meetings over a significant period of time, would result in each insurgent completing an intent to reintegrate form, where they declare in writing their intent to reintegrate, cease violence, and obey the orders of GIRoA officials throughout the process. Once signed (or thumb printed) by the insurgent, initial humanitarian needs can be addressed, and the demobilization and community assessment processes truly begin. During demobilization, PPC and DRC officials (assisted by JS mobile teams and ISAF if necessary) will gather biometrics, collect and register weapons, gather all necessary data, and take actions to place the insurgents on a restricted targeting list (if on JPEL). These steps form the inputs for official vetting, with the ultimate goal to determine eligibility for APRP. Reasons for ineligibility may be: Outstanding criminal record – Jail?; Not an Afghan citizen – Deportation?; Recidivism – Jail?; Ineligible (not an insurgent)? With an official determination made, the community must determine if they will accept the insurgent(s). This step is key as it is deigned to prevent recidivism, and to provide a sense of honor/benefit to the returning insurgents. MoI is responsible for facilitating a relocation if necessary, due to an inability to overcome grievances for example. Vetting complete, the insurgent and GIRoA enter into a written agreement, or Reintegration Declaration, wherein the insurgent declares he renounces violence, will respect the Afghan Constitution, will sever all ties to AQ and terrorism. With an agreement complete, PPCs (supported by JS, ANSF and ISAF) will execute immediate short term projects IAW the community assessment mentioned earlier. These projects are designed to bridge to longer term recovery efforts selectively applied from the “menu of recovery options.” Foundational requirement to provide security and address grievances to ensure a durable outcome. Not Enrolled APRP Social outreach and messaging Contact Establishing dialogue Negotiation Grievance resolution Registration Formal vetting/Assess Biometrics/ID card Weapons registration Community security Religious, literacy, and vocational education Community recovery Agriculture Conservation Corps Public Works Corps
Joint Secretariat Ops Cell Mission Statement
UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Ops Cell Mission Statement The JS Ops cell will ensure that negotiations with Insurgents stay within the APRP framework and that expectations are managed through PJST, and provincial and district MoI, MoD, and NDS staff
Joint Secretariat Ops Responsibilities
UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Ops Responsibilities Outreach, strategic communication, and identify reintegration opportunities Repository for all reintegration data Oversight of provincial and below activities Outreach and grievance resolution Demobilization Community recovery Facilitate info-sharing between MoI, NDS, MoD and ISAF Deploy mobile teams to support reintegration activities Oversight of provincial and below activities Outreach and grievance resolution Ensure alignment of communications with GIRoA line Keep track of outreach activities such as shuras and jirgas Monitor and facilitate grievance resolution activities Demobilization Registration, Processing, Disengagement Training of reintegrees Community recovery Approval of proposals from PPRC Coordination of line ministries in their service delivery
Partnered for Reintegration
UNCLASSIFIED Partnered for Reintegration PoA COMISAF, SCR KLE with PoA/HPC Security Ministries Partnered by NTM-A and HQ ISAF (DCOS Strategic Partnering) High Peace Council Policy Service Delivery Ministries partnered by HQ ISAF (DCOS Stab) Joint Secretariat partnered by HQ ISAF (F-RIC) Supported by IJC Joint Secretariat PG PPC Provincial Peace Committees PPCs are responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within the province. Sub-National APRP structure partnered by IJC (supported by PRTs) Execution Security Ministries include: Ministry of Defence (MoD); Ministry of Interior (MoI); National Directorate of Security (NDS) Service Delivery Ministries include: Ministry of Finance (MoF); Ministry of Education (MoEd); Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyred, and Disabled (MoLSAMD); Ministry of Public Works (MoPW); Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD); Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs (MoBTA); Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs (MoHRA); Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL); Government Media Information Centre (GMIC); Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) PPC: PPC partnered by IJC RCs through Security Committees and supported by PRTs. PPCs responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within the province. PPC pulls together Provincial representatives from GIRoA Ministries, religious, and tribal elders. PJST: PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. There are members assigned to support outreach, development, administration, and finance. Afghan Hand UNDP Regional Manager PJST PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. Provincial Joint Secretariat Team Afghan Hand Community 8 8
Afghanistan Reintegration August 2011
UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan Reintegration August 2011 Reintegration Activity 18 Provinces with Events 06 Provinces with Opportunities 10 Provinces with No Activity JOWZJAN KUNDUZ BALKH BADAKHSHAN TAKHAR SAMANGAN FARYAB BAGHLAN SAR-E PUL PANJSHAYR NURISTAN BADGHIS BAMYAN PARWAN KAPSIA KUNAR LAGHMAN KABUL WARDAK HERAT GHOR NANGARHAR August 2010 LOGAR DAYKUNDI PAKTIYA GHAZNI KHOST FARAH Events 42 Reintegrees 2357 Opportunities 25 Recidivists 3 URUZGAN PAKTIKA Definitions: Event – Insurgent or group of insurgents who begin the reintegration process in a single act and at a single location. A numbered case file is opened and maintained. Opportunity – A group or individual expression of intent or willingness to stop fighting and to be reintegrated into Afghan society. Enrolled – Insurgent in some step of (bun not having completed) the reintegration process which includes the minimum following steps: biometrics collected, intel and community vetting; weapons turned in or registered; reintegration card and oath. If applicable, the commitments made to the insurgent by the GIRoA are followed up to completion. Negotiating – Direct dialogue between government and anti-government representatives intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests, and most importantly to offer an alternative to violent conflict. Recidivist – Insurgent or group of insurgents that have completed the reintegration process and subsequently go back to the insurgency. Provincial Peace Councils – PPC partnered by IJC RCs through Security Committees and supported by PRTs. PPCs responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within Province. PPC pulls together Provincial representatives from GIRoA Ministries, religious and tribal elders. Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams – PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. There are members assigned to support outreach, demobilization, development, administration, and finance. ZABUL HELMAND KANDAHAR NIMROZ Provincial Established Emerging Council 32 2 JS Team 25 08 Aug 11 Kandahar is the one emerging PPC Reintegration Itself Forces the Pace
Joint Secretariat Demobilization Team Responsibilities
UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Demobilization Team Responsibilities Lead/manage demobilization registration, processing and disengagement actions Registration surveys, biometrics, and weapons management Processing – vetting, sharing biometrics, target list, and declaration Record and rapidly access reintegration data/records Registration Oversee/facilitate establishing required security protocols for reintegrees Oversee/track PPRC/DRC completion of intent to reintegrate & reintegration surveys Oversee/track collection of biometrics data at provincial level and below (MoI lead) Oversee/track weapons management process at provincial level (DIAG rep lead) Coordinate initial humanitarian assistance; issue reintegration ID cards Processing: Oversee/track vetting actions (community, district, provincial, JS, ANSF & ISAF levels) ID cases of abuse and recidivism Facilitate sharing of biometric data with ANSF, ISAF and CF partners Coordinate placement of reintegrees on the restricted targeting list w/ ISAF Ensure Reintegration Declaration completed and in case file
Afghanistan Reintegration Tracking System (ARTS)
UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan Reintegration Tracking System (ARTS) Stores reintegration data in order to share information between the GIRoA and ISAF Facilitates tracking and monitoring of reintegration opportunities and events
Reintegration Opportunity Report Flow
UNCLASSIFIED Reintegration Opportunity Report Flow Reintegration Opportunity identified Reported 1 Mobile Teams on the Field 3 2 File submitted in soft copy Reported Reintegration Opportunity Report and Individual Case File Report is created offline Reports that will be delivered in Savable PDFs to GIRoA are: Reintegration Opportunity Report, Reintegration Candidate Individual Case File. This issue is going to be done by following two ways: If the related PRST have an Internet connection, the reports are going to be filled out on-line, by using the web based version of INDURE-ARTS, If the related PRST have no Internet connection, the reports are going to be filled out off-line, by using the savable PDF files. Then the files are stored in a media (flash disk, CD/DVD etc.) and will be submitted to INDURE-ARTS by JS or PRSTs who has Internet connection. Savable PDFs will be uploaded to the database once the system is fully in place. Reintegration Candidate Registration & Survey Form Provincial Joint Secretariat Team Internet INDURE/ARTS Info Manager File Uploaded 4 1 Filled out by INS under the supervision of a Surveyor at Province level 12
UNCLASSIFIED REINTEGRATION EVENTS/OPPORTUNITIES 82 58 40 BADAKHSHAN TAKHAR KUNDUZ BALKH JOWZJAN SAR-E PUL SAMANGAN BAGHLAN FARYAB 21 257 52 60 47 Events 42 Reintegrees 2357 Opportunities 23 Candidates 1590 108 761 11 231 170 56 431 20 32 27 4 122 8 BADGHIS PANJSHAYR NURISTAN BAMYAN PARWAN KAPISA KUNAR LAGHMAN 83 28 HERAT KABUL GHOR WARDAK 22 13 486 NANGARHAR LOGAR PAKTIYA 16 KANDAHAR ZABUL DAYKUNDI URUZGAN GHAZNI KHOST 9 40 2 11 FARAH 40 9 This slide depicts the overview of reintegration in terms of numbers and provinces. NIMROZ HELMAND PAKTIKA (Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams) PJST Status Operational Recruiting None 2 455 Reintegrees/Candidates Status (per province) 19 65 75 7 # of reintegrees # of candidates (Opportunities *) # of candidates (Inactive opportunities**) *ROs will be moved to IROs after 60 days, unless agreed or stated otherwise by FRIC/JS (to be coord) **IROs will be moved to archive after 150 days, unless Updated 08 August 2011
UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization
UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization Registration : PJSTs will arrange for registration to be conducted. This includes completing the “Intent to Reintegrate” form and “Individual Survey”. [See survey training brief] Biometrics: MOI is the lead agency for collecting biometric information. Demobilization: Is managed by the PJST with assistance from the JS mobile teams travelling to the location where reintegration opportunities arise. Weapons Management: In contrast to DIAG, the APRP allows reintegrees to keep their personal weapons, however, these must be registered. MOI is responsible to register weapons. MOD will store heavy weapons (e.g. machine guns, RPGs, Etc). Security: MoI (assisted by NDS & MoD) will provide security. ANSF and ISAF will work closely to determine the security risks in each reintegration case and determine a course of action to mitigate these risks.
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Vetting of ex-combatants is done to determine motivations and eligibility for reintegration Vetting will be done at the community, district, provincial and national levels APRP eligibility criteria: Ex-combatants must be verified insurgents Ex-combatants must not be wanted for criminal offenses Must not be foreign fighters
Joint Secretariat will:
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Joint Secretariat will: Guide and direct a standardized vetting process Appoint a designated vetting manager, responsible for: Managing vetting actions with provincial staff Managing vetting actions with the security representatives to the JS Maintain paper and electronic files of vetting documentation After initial vetting, approve and assist provincial formal enrollment as required
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Chief of Police (CoP), provincial NDS Chief, and ANA Security Shura rep will: Confirm based on organizational data that ex-combatants are APRP eligible per the eligibility criteria Document ex-combatant eligibility by signing vetting list prior to PG signature Chairman of the PPC will: Ensure community vetting is done to verify ex-combatant eligibility Verify the community is willing to accept the ex-combatants back into the community Security Representatives (MoI, NDS and MoD to the JS will: Ensure provincial CoPs, NDS Chiefs, and ANA follow the vetting responsibilities Vet provincial lists based on national level data within 3 days of receiving; after 3 days concurrence is assumed
Provincial Governors (PG) and their staffs (i.e. PJST) will:
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Governors (PG) and their staffs (i.e. PJST) will: Confirm in writing that ex-combatants are eligible based on community and provincial vetting. Send vetted list of ex-combatants to the JS. The list will be signed by the PG and counter-signed by the Chairman of the PPC, CoP, NDS Chief and ANA Provincial Security Shura representative. This signed list will verify that those individuals are eligible for the peace program. Oversee the conduct of community vetting Shura to ensure fairness. Keep paper and electronic files of provincial vetting documentation in the PJST.
JS Operations Director MoI rep NDS rep MoD rep
UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Joint Secretariat will ensure the following representatives sign off the vetted list: JS Operations Director MoI rep NDS rep MoD rep
ISAF Force Reintegration Cell
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