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Committee on Korean Materials Report on the Korean Collections Consortium of North America Yunah Sung March 22, 2007.

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1 Committee on Korean Materials Report on the Korean Collections Consortium of North America Yunah Sung March 22, 2007


3 Members

4 This years development The Third Five year program (2006-2011) begins Two new members (Stanford University and University of British Columbia) joined the Consortium Annual Funding increased to US$30,000 from US$20,000 Assigned subjects were modified

5 UC Berkeley Columbia U Harvard U U of Hawaii USC U of Washington UBC

6 UC Berkeley Columbia U Harvard U U of Hawaii USC U of Washington U of Chicago U of Toronto U of Michigan Stanford U UBC UCLA

7 UC Berkeley U of Hawaii U of Washington U of Chicago UCLA U of Michigan Stanford U

8 Summer Institute on Korean Studies Librarianship (One week intensive workshop in August 2007) Organizing institutions (KCCNA, CKM, UW) Representatives (Yunah Sung, Joy Kim, Mikyung Kang, Hyokyoung Yi) Proposal was submitted to the Foundation in July 2007 4 Representatives visited the Foundation in August 2007 Revised proposal was submitted to the Foundation in September 2007 Proposal was not approved by the Foundation in December 2007

9 Looking Forward! Chair, 2007-2008: Joy Kim (USC) Secretary, 2007-2008: Hyokyoung Yi (UW) THANK YOU FOR YOUR STRONG SUPPORT!!!

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