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www.themegallery.comCompany Logo To support eligible universities to offset the user/subscription fees that are required to access online Korean Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "www.themegallery.comCompany Logo To support eligible universities to offset the user/subscription fees that are required to access online Korean Studies."— Presentation transcript:


2 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo To support eligible universities to offset the user/subscription fees that are required to access online Korean Studies e-resources for the benefit of Korea-related scholars and students Program Objective

3 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Eligible Applicants 4-year universities that maintain - Korean studies department - Korean studies or language program - East Asian program with a Korean component - Korea-related research projects or cultural programs

4 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Scope of Support 1. Up to 50% of the user/subscription fees (cost-sharing) 2. Limited to $5,000 3. Grant Period: 12 months 4. Applicable e-resources include online databases, e-journals, e-books, and other online resources offered by public institutions or private parties in Korea

5 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Selection Criteria 1.Number of Korean Studies scholars and students 2.Usage of Korean Studies e-resources in the previous year 3.Total subscription fee The Foundation decides the final amount of the grant, depending on available program funding.

6 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Procedure 1. Application deadline: 31 January 2. Notification of the result: 28 February 3. Submission of the annual report: 31 December Subscription fee negotiation with the DB venders should be finalized before the application.

7 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Recipient Institutions 200920102011 No. of Universities 293945 Total Support US$ 117,000US$ 138,000US$ 168,000

8 www.themegallery.comCompany Logo Q & A Thank you!

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